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Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/273

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Glosses on Priscian (Carlsruhe).

...'sospes^'... (i. p. 240)

...'tricuspis*'... (i. p. 251)

...'intercus intercutis*'.,. (i. p. 271)

...'solus soleris ■■"... Excipitur mus -ris*'... (I. p. 273)

...'Pean>'... (r. p. 283)

...'haec scobs^'... (i. p. 320) calibs»'... (I. p. 321)

...'Merops^'... ...'cinyps"'... ...Tax»'.., ...'lelex*'. (I. p. 322)

...'lucar lucarisV (i. p. 326)

'tiburim' 'burim»'... (i. p. 329)

...'nisi si dicaraus helenismo^ usum esse poetam. (i. p. 349)

...ut, si uelimus masculinum dicere ab eo quod est 'nupta, nuptus^'... (I. p. 370)

Terentius in iunucho: quern praestulare, Parmeno^ ? (l. p. 378)

...ut significet to 'Bokco^'... (i. p. 389)

...'anclor^'... Sunt tamen haec eadem uerba absoluta, cum non iunguntur casui accusatiuo, sed datiuo^..

Inplicat et miseros morsu depascitur» artus. (l. p. 391)

1. sldn f. 41a

1. .i. cidsp f. 42 b

1. .i. comalnae" 2. [marg. 1.] A. foil 3. .i. aithi^ [man. al.] usura f. 45a

1. .i. ilach f. 46a

1. astella ■ 6eda 2. .i. tinne f. 50 b

1. A. glanchosta isidorus" 2. .i. culennbocc^ 3. A. aithinne t. 51a, 4. .i. eperthith

1. .i. scaterc • heda [man. al.] tempi^s quando lux emanat® 2. .i. f. 5lb ingecht^

1. ongrecdacht de libro greco i6han7iis f. 54a

1. .i. ondi rondgab f- 56 b

1. .i. cinni sin ft-istiaiccai siu A. secwwda persona praestolaris t re f. 57b

1. gvec indi asuideor^ f- 58 b

1. A.forfiun^ 2. iscotarsna fris fesin snnt arisi^ absoliitum f. 59a verbum nad adilgnigedar ho thuislih seruit autem hoc uerbum frito- 6a7-thid" cid ar bad^ absolutuw ia7'um 3. .i. gelid A. osumit™ 35 ut uirgilianwm

1. i.e. purefooted. ^- ^la

1. (i.e. has made use) of the grecism. f- 54a

1. i.e. from that it is. ^- 56b

1. i.e. whom dost thou expect 1 f. 57 b

1. the Greek of uideor. *• 58 b

2. he is contrary to himself here, for that is absolutum uerbum which f- 59 a does not want cases. Seruit autem lioc uerbum with a dative : why then should it be absolutum 1 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]


  1. MS. comallnae with a panctnm delens over the second I; of. Sg. 110'*2
  2. of. Sg. Ill" 3
  3. Etym. lib. x. ed. Otto, p. 405. The glossator thought that meraps (/lipoil/) came from menis and pet, G.C.* 791
  4. cf. Sg. 125» 7
  5. cf. Sg. 126" 1
  6. for inncecht, of. Sg. 127" 1
  7. cf. Sg. 142" 2
  8. cf. Sg. 143*4
  9. MS. ariri. The fem. pronoun ia used as briathar (verbum) is fem.
  10. seruit is construed like the Irish fogni
  11. cf. Vol. I. p. 505, note •
  12. cf. Sg. 143'» 1
