participium deficit, uecessario uerbura intinito nomini siibstantiuo iunctum participii officio^ fungitur.
...'qui amaturV 09 (fyiXelrai, pro 6 <f)tXov/j,€vo<i^. Ex quo nunc ostenditur significatio participii*, quod tam norainis quam uerbi uim obtinet, quod et hoc pro illis et ilia pro hoc ponunturl Dicimus 5 enim 'legens est, qui legit' et 'qui legit, est legens*'...
...saepe et praesenti pro piaeterito et praeterito pro praesenti utuntur auctores necessitatis causa, cum deficiant et in 'or' desinentia praesenti et in o terniinantia praeterito". Praesentis tarnen^ par- ticipium, quod etiam praeteritum imperfectum significat, solet 10 coniungi uerbis praeteriti perfecti et plusquamperfecti et significa- tioneni" eorundem temporum complere, quomodo uerba** praesentis temporis, si adiungantur participiis praeteriti, praeteritum significant, 'ut caenatus sum, caenatus es, caenatus est' pro 'caenaui, caenasti, caenauit'... Itaque quod deest Latinitatis linguae naturaliter, 15. completur iuncturae ratione".
'Coniurato' Virgilius in II Georgicon :
- Aut coniurato' discendens Dacus ab Histro.
...uenit a 'facio' uerbo, quod uim actiuam possidet 'Ho' uerbi^...
Multa tamen ex huiuscemodi uerbis inueniuntur . , participia 20 praeteriti temporis tam actiuam quam passiuam significationem habentia, ut 'meditor' /xeXerw, 'meditatus^'
...transeunt in nominum uim^...
...'dedi datus' et 'steti status' quod participio" simile nomenest^..
Praeterea notanda sunt a 'saliui' uel 'salui' 'saltus' et 'salturus'... 25
2. .i. hiltic ranngahdla 3. acarthar 4. .i. iure prae-
dicto suidigthe aiimnie 7 ^rethre tarahesisi reliqua 5. engracci-
gidir cechtar nai alaUl 7 is cumme diiit legens est 7 qwi legit do
epirt 7 qwi l^git legens est 6. frisgair intesteniin se dondib
dligedib remepevthih • 7. .i. cenodjil anerchre 8. .i. sum 30
odballib 9. .i. accoriwl innambriathar 7 inna ranngabdl
1. enod cainti^ ocondsridJisin 2. gnim indi as Ho
1. ciall gnimo 7 chesto 2. .i. it anman awial sodain
1. oic bes nomeii 2. [in marg.] in aecunda, coniugatione diarneis 35
2. i.e. in place of a participle. 3. when he is loved. 4. i.e. continued from the aforesaid rule of setting a noun and a verb in place of it, etc. 5. each of them takes the place of the other, and it is the same for thee to say leyens est and qui legit, and qui lec/it, legens est. 6. this text answers to the two laws aforesaid. 7. i.e. though they (the present 40 participle from verbs in or and the past participle from verbs in o) are wanting. 8. i.e. sum with its parts. 9. i.e. the junction of the verbs and of the participles,
1. ... at that river. 2. the active oi Jio.
1. the meaning of action and passion. '1. i.e. they are nouns in 45 that case.
1. it may be a noun. 2, in the second conjugation behind us®.
a: MS. oc (})iAei- T<M<})IA AfeNOC
b: et significationem om. MS.
c: MS. in participio
d: or possibly erod cainti ; the word is obscure of. enudlia, eniod Laws, III 60, 62, enotlia H. 3. 18, p. 381
e: i.e. in the passage about verbs of the second conjugation, 159^ h 19 = Hertz, i. p. 571, 1. 8