Page:O Novo Guia da Conversação, em Portuguez e Inglez, em duas partes.djvu/35

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Rheubárbo. TheRhubarb. Thu ru'-beur-be.
Uma sangria. The bleeding. Thi bli'-din-gue.
Sanguisúgas. The Leeches Thi litxes.
Séne. The senna. Thi sen'-na.
Xarópe. The sirop, sirup. Thi tri'-cl
Triága. The treacle. Thi tri'-cl'.
Úm vomitório The vomitory. Thi vóm'-i-teur-i.
Pártes d'úma cidáde. Parties a town. Part'-ies e taune.
Ô arsenál. The arsenal. Thi ar'-sen-al.
 estalájem. The inn. Thi ine.
 barrêira. The barrier. Thi bar'-i-eur.
Ô açôugue. The Buchery. Thi Butx'-eur-i.
Âs lójas. The shops. Thi xops.
Úma tabérna. The public-house. Thi peub'-lik-hau-ce.
Úma encruzilhada. The cross-way. Thi kross-ué.
Ô quartél. The barrack. Thy bar'-ak.
 cathedrál ou sé. The cathedral. Thi ka-thi-dral.
Ô castélo. The castle. Thi kâz'-ué.
Âs calçádas. The cause-way. Thi kâz'-ué.
Ô côrpo-dâ-guárda. The guard-house. Thi gar-de-hau-ce.
Ôs couvêntos. The convents. Thi konn-venn'ts.
Úm bêco-sem-sahída ou chancúdo. the blind-alley. Thi blaind al'-li.
. . .
. . .


Rheubárbo. Uma sangria. Sanguisiigas. Séne. Sarópe. Triaga. Úsn vomitório. — 21 . The rhubarb. The blecding. The Iceches, The sciiQa. The sirop , sirup. The írcade. The vomitory. Partes d*úmaei«Iít<Ie< PaHios a towu. Ô arsenal A estala jem. Â barreira. Ô açougue. Âs lojas. Úma taberna. f ma encruzilhada. Ô quartel. Â calhedrál ou sé. Ô castéllo, Âs calçadas. Ô côrpo-dâ-guárda. Òs couvêntos. Úm bêco-sêm-sahída ou ^ chancildo. À igreja. Ô cano. Fontes. Âs fortificações. Fossos. Úma Jiodêga, baiílca, tasca. Hospi!ács. Â cása-dô-senádõ , â câ- ^ mara. ô mercado. Âs muralhas. ôs obeliscos. Ô observatório, Ôs ifâlácios. Â freguezía. The arsenal. The inu. The barrier. ■ The butchery, The shops. The public-house. The cross-vay. The l^arrack. The cathedral. The castle. The cause-way. The guard-house. The convcnts. The blind-allcy. The church. The sink. The fountains. The fortificalions. The ditchcs. The low eating house. The hospitais. The town , guild-hall. The market. The walls. The obelis-ks. Tile observatory. The king's palace. The parish. T/ti ru'-beur-be. Thi bW-din-gue. Thi litxes. Thi sen' -na. Thi seur'-eupe. Thi trV-cV. Thi vóm'-i-teur-i. Part'-les e taiiGie* Thi ar'-sen-al. Thi ine. Thi bar'-i-eur. Thi butx'-eur-i. Thi xops. Thi peub' -lik-hau-ce . Thi kross-ué. Thi bar'-ak. Thi ka-thi-dral. Thi kass-aV ' Thi kâz'-uê. Thi gar-de-hau-ce. Thi konn-venn'ts. Thi blaind al'-li. Thi txeur-txe. Thi sink. Thi faune-tines. Thi for-ti-fi-ké-xeunes. Thi ditxes. Thi lô i íin-gue hau-ce. Thi hos'-pi-tals. Thi taun, guild-hâle. Thi mar'-kett. Thi uals. Thi ob'-i-lisks. Thi ob-zer'-va-tew'-i. Thi kin'-gue pcWass. Thi par'-ixe.