Page:Corpora IA Wiki 4000 IA A5 pp 1 266.pdf/26

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FSLN is often in opposition to the Liberal Constitution Party, or PLC, which represents a similar (possibly a few larger) portion of the Nicaraguan population.

Despite the fact that FSLN is no longer the governing party in Nicaragua, its revolution affected many aspects of the Nicaraguan society and its inheritance has left a permanent impression in the land.

In the November 2006 election, Daniel Ortega of the FSLN has become the President of Nicaragua again.

XYZ Prosopagnosia

Prosopanosy, sometimes called face blindness, is a condition in which a person cannot recognize face.

Typically it is caused by a damage to the brain's temporary lobo or a childhood defect (appelled as a congenital prosopanosis).

Persons with the congenital type never develop the ability to recognize facts.

Persons with common prosopalogy use other physical characteristics to recognize other people, such as their way to ambulate or speak, the color of their cap, their heights and their bodies, etc.

Prosopanosia is not healable or treatable.

Persons with congenital diagnosis include Dr.

Oliver Sacks and Judith Malina.

XYZ Cause