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One of the largest and most difficult projects of engineering already undertaken, the direct path of the Panama Canal may have made it possible for ships to go between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in the previous time.

On the west coast of the United States and on nations in the first century, the Pacific Ocean allowed the places to become more integrated with the economy.

XYZ Sandinista Front of National Liberation

The Sandinista Front of National Libration (Spanish: _Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional_) is a political party in Nicaragua founded on generally socialist principles.

It has led to a popular revolution that subverted Somoza's political dynasty in 1979.

After their capture of the power, the Sandinistas reigned Nicaragua for about 12 years between 1979 and 1990, stable, among other comprehensive reform, democratic elections and a national constitution.

Their organization is generally referred to by FSLN initials and their members are called Sandinistas.

The opposition to the Somoza government was inspired by what they called as Augusto C Sandino's anti -imperialist struggle during the year of 1930, twelve years before the Nicaraguan Revolution.

Though the struggle of Sandino was against the United States, he was not a Marxist.

Today the FSLN remains one of the two main parties of Nicaragua, representing about 40% or more of the Nicaraguan electorate.