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Prosopanosia may be caused by injuries in the bottom of the brain.

It can be caused either by a damage to the nerves in the lower part of the brain (acquired prosopanosia) or by natal defects, carbon monoxide toxicity, encephalitis, Parkinson's Maladia, or Alzheimer's Morbo.

Medics can scrutinize their patients for pro -sopagnos for the use of a positive omission tomography and fMRI to test whether the brain reigns when a patient sees the faces.

XYZ Tests of Jehovah

The Testes de Jehovah (s) [teas of jeho -vá] is a religious group of millenaristic ideology of Christian -Adventist roots.

They were also known as Bible Students (Bible Students).

XYZ Exegese

The Tests of Jehovah began their modern history in 1875 with the founding of Charles Taze Russell, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, of the Treaty Society of the Tower of Guard (Watch Tower Treatise Society (Zion's), in 1884 and later in 1886 (Bible).

Today the Watchtower Society is known as the Watchtower Society of the Bible and Treaties, which is also known as the Bible and the Society.