Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/436

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II. Index of Persons.

Satan, i. 542, 551, 597
Sathel, I. 5; Sathiel, i. 5
Saturnus, ii. 312
Saul, I. 63, 64, 113; Saiil, i. 454
Saulus, afterwards Paulus, ii. xxii
Scandal, ii. 281
Scandlan, n. 287; S. mac Colmain, ii. 274
Scaton, II. 175
Scetha, ii. 284
Schepss, Dr, ii. 285
Scilla, II. 361
Scipio, II. 78, 83
Scoth noe, ii. 270
Scotta, II. 316
Sechnall, ii. 242
Sechnasach, ii. 286; Sechnassach, n. 270
Sectmaide, ii. 309
Secundinus, i. 563, 630, 662; n. 262
Sedrac, ii. 303
Sedulius, n. xxxiv
Seebohm, ii. xi
Segan, ii. 282
S6g6ne, II. 242, 270, 273
Segestus, ii. 313
Segine, ii. 272, 277
Sem filius Noe, ii, 302
Seman, ii. 262
Semblan, ii. 288
Semei, i. 193
Senach, ii. 262, 267
Seneaticus, ii. 262
Senmeda, ii. 267
Sen-Phatraic, ii. 320, 321
Servius, ii. xvii, xxv, 54, 139; glosses on, ii.
Sescene, ii. 262
Sescnan, ii. 262
S^th, I. 505
S^tne, n. 273, 364
Siggeus, II. 259, 262
Silnan, ii. 276, 277, 278
Silvestre-Madden, ii. ix, xxiv
Siluister, ii. 365
Simmach, gen. Simaich, i. 397 ; Simmaig, i. 285
Sinech, ii. 281, 284
Sinichiriph, i. 4; Sinchirib, 5; Sennachrib, 76,
77; Senachrib, 77, 78
Sinlan, ii. 282: (for Silnan?)
Slanan, ii. 364
Snedgus, ii. 286
Socrates, ii. 87
Sogen, gen. Sogin, ii. 277
Solman, gen., i. 300, 302, 338; Solmon, 303;
dat. Solmuin, Solmain, 302
Sommer, Prof. F., i. 89, 386, 543, 590, 631,
720, 722, 723
Son of God, I. 20, 21, 22; Godhead of, i. 45, 46;
generation of, i, 285; >see Crist
Sorbabel, i. 17
Statins, ii. 93
Stefanus, ii. 261; Stephanas, ii. 284, 301
Steinmeyer, n. 233
Stern, Prof. L. C, ii. xxiv, xxv, 235
Stevenson, H. junior, i. xiv
Stocklin, 11. XXX
Stokes, Miss Margaret, ii. xxxi
Stuart, Dr John, ii. xxx
Suadbar, ii. 235
Succat, Sucat, Succet, n. 308; Succetus, ii. 262,
Suibne, ii. 286; m. Golmain, ii. 325; m. Colum-
bain, n. 274
Suibne Geilt, ii. xxxiii, 294
Susthenes, i. 543
Swete, Dr, i. 659
Sybilla, ii. 235
Symmachus, see Simmach

Tailchan, ii. 272, 273, 280
Taircheltach, ii. 235
Talan, ii. 266
Tarain, ii. 278
Tassach, ii. 261, 319; see Asacus
Tawney, C. H., i. 656
Tea, II. 314
Tecan, ii. 241
Telamon, ii. 196
Tematbeus, ii. 248
Temoreris, ii. 262
Tenme, gen., ii. 281
Terminus, ii. 34
Ternohc m. Ceran Bic, ii. xxxii, 289
Tertius, i. 539, 542
Thara, ii. 302
Theodore of Mopsuestia, i. 659
Theodosius, ii. 313
Theodotio, i. 7
Thetis, II. 148
Thilo, II. xvii n.
Thompson, Sir E. M., i. xiv
Thorpe, i. 636
Thurneysen, Prof., i. xxiii, xxiv, xxv, 45, 51, 66,
74, 83, 90, 91, 96, 97, 98, 100, 105, 106, 107,
112, 121, 155, 230, 232, 237, 260, 319, 320,
323, 335, 341, 344, 866, 382, 390, 400, 402,
409, 410, 428, 448, 451, 455, 457, 459, 518,
522, 557, 562, 576, 582, 586, 593, 594, 639,
652, 654, 665, 715, 717, 725; ii. vii, xvii.