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Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/418

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I. Index of Things.

Irische Texte, i. 485, 523, 557, 613, 655, 719;
11. xxxvii, xxxix, 105, 127, 167, 247
irony, i. 127, 365, 386

jaundice, n. 24
Jews, I. 527
journey of one day, i. 474; n. 15
jubilees, i. 625
Judgment of Doom, ii, 45, 322
judicium aquae calidae, ii. 246

King of angels, ii. 350
kingdom of Christ, i. 669
kitchen {cucenn) n. 258
kneeling, i. 392
Kuhn and Schleicher's Beitrage, i. 563; ii. xiii
Kuhn's Zeitschrift, i. xii, xxi, 2, 3, 74, 332,
520, 528, 532, 549, 553, 559, 562, 563, 593,
635, 641, 652, 673, 687, 694, 721, 722, 724; ii.
xiii, xxii, xxiii, xxvii, xxxiii, 78, 124, 196,
207, 209, 235, 248, 250, 294, 336, 346, 416

labourers {fognamthidi), i. 548
ladders, genealogical, ii. 295
laity, I. 676
lamb, II. 93
Lambeth Library, i. xxii; ii. 415
lamp, II. 73
land, buying, i. 691; selling, ii. 239
languages, speaking many, i. 576, 579, 580
Laud 610 cited, n. 235, 240
Law, I. 619, 622, 649, 679 ; see Old Testament
law of sin, law of the spirit, i. 515; of nature,
II. 252
laws, I. 89, 130, 234, 242, 252, 285, 501, 515,
589, 627, 658, 681, 700, 701, 706, 721; ii.
108, 116, 124, 150, 183, 186, 199, 236, 241,
246, 289, 292, 294, 298, 334, 342, 351, 418;
the four chief, ii. 306
leap-year, ii. 10
leaven of sin, i. 552
Lebar Brecc, (LB.) i. 282, 433, 485, 494, 636, 638,
721 ; II. 176, 249, 252, 315, 321, 328, 334, 339
Lebar Laiguech, (LL.) i. 287, 429, 449, 461, 502,
529, 536, 542, 545, 549, 561, 587, 627, 655,
660, 674, 689, 702, 727; ii. 104, 167, 240,
256, 267, 292, 293, 294, 295, 311, 333, 337,
340, 343, 352, 357, 365, 415
Leber na hUidre, (LU.), i. 205, 323, 387, 493,
501, 505, 510, 515, 520, 536, 542, 545, 549,
568, 646, 647, 648, 655, 660, 674, 681, 689,
702, 716, 767; n. 101, 120, 122, 132, 144, 195,
215, 233, 235, 246, 249, 292, 295, 311, 342,
348, 349, 352, 415, 416, 417
leech (medicus), i. 365
leper, ii. 338, 339, 340, 343, 346; lepers, ii. 316
lesson of Apostles, ii. 252
levites, i. 564
lex f rumen taria, ii. 89
Liber Angeli, ii. xvi
Liber Hymnorum, i. 563; ii. xxxv, 354
Liber Romanus, ii. xxiii = lebar romanaeh, n. 53
life, I. 403
light, I. 366, 475, 481
lightning, speed of, ii. 355
linen sheet, ii. 252
lions (leomain), i. 257, 271; ii. 301, 303
liquids, ii. 55
Lismore Lives, i. 516 n., 672 ; ii. 309, 316, 325,
333, 334, 415, 416
litany of saints, ii. 284
literal sense, i. 125, 631; literal truth {firinne
stoir), I. 154
Literarisches Centralblatt, i. xxiii n.
literarum conexiones (emadman), i. 716
litharge, i. 285
Little Easter, (minchasc) ii. xxi, 29 ; Jubilee, ii.
little-finger, ii, 249
liturgy, gloss on Turin, ii. xxxix, 365
live-offering, i. 292
liver, II. 119
loaning and lending, i. 432, 700
long vowels expressed by doubling, ii. xxvi
lot, I. 493; lot-casting, i. 62, 98
love of God and of neighbour, i. 644
Low-Latin cauannun, i. 2
Low-Sunday, ii. xxi, 29; Host of, ii. 254
LU. see Lebor na hUidre
lunar month, ii. 10, 13, 33
lust, I. 555, II. 3
lying, fault of, ii. 351

Mabinogion, ii. 311
madman, i. 680
magic, II. 355; see Wizards
malt, II. 336
Manhood of Christ, i. 46, 48, 49, 435, 436, 437
manna, i. 609
mantle, i. 697, n. 105, 240, 336
marble, ii. 88
mark of length confounded with mark of aspi
tion, I. XX
marriage, i. 569 ; see husband and wife, matrimoij
marrow, ii. 137
martyrdom, i. 519, 647; ii. 252; white,
and red, ii. 246, 247
Martyrology of Donegal, ii. xxxv