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Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/392

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Old-Irish Verse.

loiscis ingarmain niii* • fortein^* ic funi" ind loig*^.
Ba mo amra arailiu^ • aridralastar^ ind n6eb:
76 matan ba dg" ingarman^- lia mathair dith** ind loeg^
Inset'^"^ arggait" nadchombaig'^ • in cherd™, robo ainru di*,
rosrhbl"^ Brigit fria boiss° ■ iarum co ramebaid hi tri. 6
Focress^^ immeid lasin ceird' • fofrlth'^amra iarsuidiu:
80 ni fuirecht" cid 6en screpul ba mo triun arailiu^
Andorigne do fertaib*' • ni fail^ dune doddecha"^:

burned her new weaver's beam on the fire in cooking the calf.
'Twas a marvel greater than another that the Saint devised (?) : i©
76 in the morning the weaver's beam was whole, the calf sucked at its
The precious thing of silver which the smith did not break — 'twas a
marvel of her's —
Brigit struck it against her palm so that it then broke in three. 15
It was cast into the balance by the artisan : a wonder was discovered
thereafter :
80 it was not found that one third was greater than another by a
single scruple.
What she hath wrought of miracles, none can tell it. 20

6. .i. for tenid T, X. for ten F 7. .i. ropo mode infirtsa do denam and beos^ ' it was the more that this miracle was done there further ' 8. .i. roimoilgestar'^ 'she effected' 9. .i. rodinestar^ 'sucked'

1. .i. in main set arcait^ 'the jewel' or the precious thing of silver 2. .i. triar derhrathar diafarcaih {an)atJiair tinne ar{gait) -j foremdetar' 2 c, cerda Herenn^ achert(ra)ind i tri doib, coro{bris)^^ Brigit cona baiss. {I Cil)l dara dono doronacl infert sa'^'^ 'three brothers to whom their father left a bar of silver, and the artisans of Ireland could not divide it exactly into three for them. Brigit broke it with her fist. In Kildare was this miracle wrought ' TF"'^ 3. A. na robris 'did not break' 4. .i. robo 30 mhr infiurt do Brigit 'the miracle of Brigit's was great' T 5. .i. rosbriss roben^*^ 'broke it, or struck' 6. .i. rolaad 'was cast' 7. lasin cerddai^^ 'at the workshop' 8. .i. ni airnecht 'there was not found' F

1. .i. ni frith 'there was not found' T 2. .i. innises 'who should tell' T, .i. doene atiachtain F 3. .i. rosenastair F, Senais d. d. 35 Conlaed cerd Brigte rotrial fodi dul do Eoim d beos Brigit he • Coro triad in ires fecht 7 coroboe so ar dorat Brigit achocoU dialailiu clam .i. tan boi si icomet na certcha 7 sesem, ic beim in cluic iarna forcon[g^ra do Brigit fair, quia non fuit int astere ifos. Co ro(chundig Con)lcBd etach CO Brigit co rucad iimne do Roim, 7 ni rabai occese immorro etach doberad do • 40 Co roiarfaigse do Ronchiund .i. subdeochai7i nobid ecomet a hetaig se dogres dus innarabdi eta^h acci. 'Biaid,' arse, 'acht co7iderna-su ernaigte co Dia.' Frith iarum iarsen etach i criol roboi ic Ronchiund i carpat da roth robatar fon carbat. i ni hainm duni eter roncend acht is etach as chosmail do [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29]


  1. nueT
  2. ten T
  3. fune T, fuin F
  4. Ideg F
  5. hog F
  6. garmain T
  7. dith F; for dith, perf. act. sg. 3 of dinim: cf. KZ. xxxvii. 112
  8. Idig T
  9. dan P
  10. arggat F
  11. natJicombaig T, nadchomviaig F
  12. cerd T
  13. rosbi F
  14. bois F
  15. focreis
  16. fofrith T
  17. furecht T
  18. araile F
  19. fertaib T
  20. dodadecha T, dodecha F ; if the translation is right, asidchdi would be the proper compound, but does it mean 'who can come to it'?. So it is understood in the gloss in F
  21. robo moo in firtsa beos do denam and F
  22. roimoilgistar F
  23. rodinistar F
  24. i set arcaid F only
  25. foremthetar T
  26. Erend F
  27. cororoind F ; so far as I could judge the reading of T might equally well be coro{roind) J.S.
  28. dono... sin F only
  29. 'troben T only
  30. ceirdai F