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Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/253

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Glosses on Priscian (St. Gall).

Neque enim interrogatiua nomina...quae omnia carent demon- (n. p. 14) stratione, uocatiuos pollicentur'... ...pronominis 'tu*' uocatiui.

Illud etiam sciendum, quod omnia pronomina apud Latinos absoluta* sunt et tam praepositiua quam subiunctiua^ rectique 5 accentus^ id est opdoTovovfieva^, cum apud Graecos* sint quaedam inclinatiua, ut fiov, fioi, /^e^ 'ego dico, dico ego'...absoluta autem dicuntur, quae cum aliis sociari possint uel non ; nam dicendo 'ego dico ' possum et solus intellegi et cum alio®. Solet tamen ' met ' addita'" plerunque significantiam " uel discretionem'^ ostendere... lo ' egomet/ ego et non alius. Nee non etiam ' ipse ego ' uel ' egomet ipse".'

  • Sui"' solum apud Latinos reciprocum fit in eadem tertia

persona... id est quando ipse in se actum reflectit persona, ut eadeni sit et agens et patiens, potest significare kavrov'^ 'sui.' ...uetus- 15 tissimus omnium fere auctorum Homerus'^ simplicibus utitur pro compositis, ut e'/ie Xvaoixac^ pro ifiavrov^. (n- P- 15)

Nominatiuum autem ideo non habet hoc pronomen, id est ' sui P. 209a sibi se a se/ quia necesse est, quando to 'eauroO*' significat tam

3. nitairiig^rat .i. nisfil leo 4. astv 5. Absoluta .i. P- 208b 20 huatuasailcthecha^ huasaingnvis ar intan asTiihir so • ego dico t tv '^^" '" dicis nisluindiso hisuidiv nandeper nach aile it choimthecht • INtain trnmurgu asmbir siv • ego ipse t egomet issaingnuis duitso thoinur hisvidiv indepext 7 ni erchondla nach persan aile frit • - 6. .i. conecat andede sin .i. dico ego 7 ego dico 7. .i. acvit foraih linni 25 8. .i. drcunflex lagrecu for alailih diib ut est in his pronomtVnbiis graecis 9. .i. hicoitchenas 10. .i.yWego 11. .i. ishinon oin iiigmficantia -J di^cretio 12. fri cenelchi persan 13. .i. solet ostendere signi^a^^mm t discretionem .i. ego an astormachte ipse t met fris 14. .i ciall chesta and dogres 15. asmaam 30 rosechestar^ arsidetaid

3. they will not promise, i.e. they have them not. 4. absolved ^- 208b from a special form, for when thou sayest ec/o dico or tu dicis, thou dost not signify herein that no other says it in thy company. When, how- ever, thou sayest ego ipse or egomet the saying is a special form to thee 35 alone in this, and no other person con verses (?) with thee. 6. i.e. they can (do) those two things, i.e. dico ego and ego dico. 7. i.e. we have the acute on them. 8. i.e. the Greeks have the circumflex on some of them, ut est etc. 9. i.e. in community. 10. i.e. to ego. 11. i.e. quite the same are significantia and discretio. 12. from the generality 40 of persons. 13. i.e. ego usually shows significantia or discretio when ipse or met is added to it. 14. i.e. the sense of a passive is always in it. 15. who has most followed antiquity. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]


  1. MS. orchoTONO/weNak
  2. MS. aixaov • afiaov • afie
  3. e&YTON
  5. MS. M&YTON
  6. MS. eavTov
  7. coined to express ab-soluta
  8. cf. innani as deg rochreitset Wb. 31* 6, and KZ. xxxv. 351