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Page:Leyes de la Tercera Legislatura Ordinaria de la Decimoquinta Asamble Legislativa de Puerto Rico, 8 de Febrero a 15 de Abril de 1943.djvu/1099

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Laws of Puerto Rico

of all the items appropriated for the Senate and the House of Representatives, when the operations of the fiscal year are liquidated, shall be transferred, and the Auditor of Puerto Rico is hereby directed to transfer them, to the credit of the appropriations for “Incidentals” of each legislative body that are appropriated in the budget for the following fiscal year.

Section 2.—The Auditor of Puerto Rico is hereby authorized and directed to pay extra compensation to such employees of the Insular Government as may be employed on work of the Legislature of Puerto Rico or of committees thereof in extra hours, at a rate not exceeding seventy-five (75) cents an hour to be paid from available and proper appropriations of said bodies.

Section 3.—No employee or officer of the Government of Puerto Rico shall engage in any private activity or in the private practice of his profession or trade during such daily hours as he must serve the Insular Government.

Section 4.—All laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

Section 5.—This Act shall take effect July 1, 1943.

Approved, May 15, 1943.

Concurrent Resolution

To lay before the President and the Congress of the United States of America the right of the people of Puerto Rico that the colonial system of government be ended and to decide democratically the permanent political status of Puerto Rico as expeditely as possible, immediately if feasible.

Whereas, in all political parties and civic and economic sectors of Puerto Rico the unanimous opinion prevails that the colonial system of government should be totally and definitely abolished;

Whereas, the form of definite political status which, on the basis of this unanimous anticolonial conviction, the people of Puerto Rico are to have, should be democratically decided by the free vote of the people of Puerto Rico;

Whereas, it is the unanimous desire of the people of Puerto Rico that, in accordance with their will set forth in the programs of the political parties, the permanent political status be decided