Page:Corpora IA Wiki 4000 IA A5 pp 1 266.pdf/4

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The atmosphere consists of chimic nitrogen mills (78.09 per cent), oxygeno (20.95 per cent), argon (0.9 per cent), carbon dioxydose (0.0333 per cent) and a few noble gases (helium, neon, krypton, xenon); it also contains method, hydrogen, oxydium and suboxydoses of nitrogen, ozon and other gases.

The mix is homogenous to the extent of about 50 miles (80 km) of height except for a different amount of water vapor; these gas mixtures are called _are_.

The circulation of the air and the condensation of the water vapor dependent on the thermodynamic conditions of the atmosphere causes the formation of clouds and the variation of solar radios.

The mass of the Earth's atmosphere is approximately 5,1015 tones.

The average atmosphere press at the sea is 1013.25 hectopascal (Normal conditions of temperature and pressure).

On the highest level, the atmosphere pressure dims.

XYZ Iceland

The Republic of Iceland is a island of the North Atlantic Ocean, between Greenland, Scotland and Norway, to the north -west of the Faroe Islands.

It is a member of the European Association of Freedom Excamium (AELE) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

XYZ History