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The Haitian creole is one of the two official languages of Haiti, with the French.

It's creole based primary on French, which comes to 90 percent of its vocabulary.

It also contains several influences, notably from the native Taíno language, from some languages of West Africa, Portuguese and Spanish.

The language has two distinct dialects: the Fablas and the Plateau.

The French was the only literary language of the land from its independence in 1804 to 1961, when Félix Morisseau Leroy among other members made the official state of the creole, which was confirmed in the national constitute of 1987.

The use of the creole in literature is rare but growing; Morissau is one of the primary examples.

Many speakers are trilingual, speaking Haitian, Spanish, French.

Many teachers, authors and activists have been emphasizing injury and alphabetization from 1980 onward.

Today there are numerous newspapers and radio and television programs in the creole.

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