Page:Corpora IA Wiki 4000 IA A5 pp 1 266.pdf/18

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XYZ Other cities

XYZ Regions and regional capital

XYZ Government

The political policy has been based on a Member Republic system with a representative democracy since June 2, 1946, when the monarchy was abolished by popular referral.

The power is to implement the Council of Ministers which shall be delivered by the Head of Government (the President of the Council of the Ministers), the Chief Minister of the United Nations, one of the five most important members of the region of the Union, with the chairman of the President of the Republic, the President of the Senate of the Republic, the President of the House of Deputys and President of the Constitution Court.

The legislative power is in charge of the Parliament and the Council of Ministers.

The judicial power is independent of the executive and legislative.

Moreover, it's an old -timer.

In the south of the peninsula and in the island of Sicily, the mafia has so much or more power than the state, coming to control, judges, judges and police.

In 1992, the murder of Giovanni Falcone, a magistrate who was investigating the organized crime and the country of fine hands that he had been moved by Italian instincts, but years of intense research, had little results.

Silvio, a former prime minister, has always been suspected of corruption and was chosen in three occasions for his burden.