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After the first half of the 19th century, when the Italian nationalist sentiment came up in Italy, materilized on 17 March 1861, when the states of the Italian peninsula and the two United Sicilys formed the kingdom of Italy, which was to be organized by the Holy Empire II, of the house of Savoya, until the ruler of Pedemon, and king of Samdenia.

The craft of unification was Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour, King's Minister.

XYZ From unification to news

Rome, for her part, was separated from the rest of Italy under the lead of the Pope, and was not part of the kingdom until September 20, 1870, the end date of the unification.

Then there was a plebiscite in which Rome was chosen as the capital of the kingdom.

Outside the boundary alone was the Republic of San Marino.

There was a conflict between the Sancta Sede, for the independence of the Italian police, which was only resolved in 1929 with the Pactos de Letran.

For these agreements, Italy yielded a small part of its territory to the poorness of the Pope.

Mussolini's fascist opinion was allotted with the Nazi German and the Japanese Empire, which led to the deroute after the Second World War.

During the defeat of this war and later years, thousands of Italians were emigrating out of the land, mainly in Argentina, Chile, Belgium, United States, France and Germany.