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Between the 14th and 16th centuries, Italy was not a political unit that was already fragmented into multiple states.

The Republic of Venice, the Republic of Florentia, the Duchy of Milan, or the Republic of Genova, existed in the north.

At the turn of the city of Rome was the Papal States, and at the south was the Kingdom of Neapole, later the member of the Crown of Aragon, and therefore of the Spanish Monarchy.

During this time there was the Italian Renascent, a period of great logs and cultural changes in Italy that had widened since the end of the 14th century until 1600, the transition between the Middle and modern Europe.

Among its cultural logs lays out literary works by writers such as Petrarch or Machiavelli, art works by Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, and architectural operations such as the church of Sancta Maria dei Fiore in Florentia and the Basilica of San Petro in Rome.

For its fragmentation, it was a scene of the interests of the European forces during the 16th, XVI, XVIII, and XVIII, which led to conflict as the Italian War, the Spanish War of Succession, the conflict between Espany and Austria for the Neapolitan possessions as well as the French and Napoleonic war, which was called the Emperor Napoleon the first King of Italy in the May 23rd King of Milan.