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Page:Cnuasacht trágha - Sheehan.djvu/76

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5. " I must run off (be off) again." 6. " Yes, I should be somewliat afraid.'* 7. "Too late." 8. "You have no resemblance to ' John without Fear.' 9. "Who was ' John without Fear ? ' " 10. " He used to hear everyone speaking of fear." 11. " He asked lodging of the woman of the house." 12. " She said he could (be in, i.e., have a lodging)." 13. "As they were spending the night." li. " She had only one little cow, and all that she had for the cow to stand on (i.e.,. her only field) was a little inch outside her house {lit., out there), and that it used be trampled down every morning." An inch is a field beside a river, flooded at times during the year. pAf Ait, to trample or trespass on. 15. " He leaned against the ditch." 16. "He seized a caman as well as the rest (as anyone). They played the match with spirit." 17. "Everyone threw away their camans, and it was the same man that gathered them up again." 18. "Injuring the poor, destitute widow." The boicc is com- passionate. *Oeilb, dat. of •ocAtb, means wretchedly poor. 19. " He said that he could do nothing but let him (i.e., John), come the following night, and put it {i.e., the matter) before the assembly." 20. •' John brought them to task (De H.), and said to them that their behaviour (lit., the work which they were doing) was shameful, and that they ought to find the countrywide enough, and not injure a poor woman, who had only one little field." 21. " Until it was evening twilight." The phrase means "equally distinct, man and bush," i.e., one cannot be distinguished from the other. This explanation, as put in Irish, was cotri-f otAf "oo heA-i) a^ax: oaí 22. " Entertainment for the night." 23. " They said he could have it, but that he should sleep in an out- house." 24. " He said he did not care where ho should be put, provided that (lit., but that) he were under the roof-tree." 26. " At the back of the kitchen." "Behind my back," i -ocAot) tA ■oiom. " The house below [above] this one," ax) n j •ocAot) ciof [tuAf] -oe An n^ i^eo. 62. " When he had eaten hi» supper." 27. " He had a smoke."