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Page:Aesop a tháinig go h-Éirinn.djvu/57

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cuir sé ’na luíġe ar a ċlainn gur . . . he gave his children to understand that . . (24).

luiġead, a lessening; a decrease.

lúṫṁar, active; lithe.

mac, a son. g., mic.

maċaire, a plain.

maċánta, upright; ingenuous; honest.

maċtíre, a wolf. (Not mac tíre. It is one word. The c is aspirated. Its genitive is not mic tíre, but simply maċtíre.) pl. maċtírí.

maċtnaṁ, thought; reflection. as a ṁaċtnaṁ, out of his meditation, i.e., as the result of his meditation.

mada ruaḋ, a fox; lit., a red dog. pl. madraí ruaḋa.

magaḋ, act of making fun. ag magaḋ fúṫa, laughing at them (19).

maidion; maidin, morning.

mailís, malice.

ṁair sé, he lived.

mairḃ, deadly; peacaḋ mairḃ, mortal sin.

mairḃ sé, he killed.

ṁairis, you lived. mairfir, you will live. ṁairfá, you would live.

mairg, woe; a bad thing. is mairg a ḃíon ṫíos, woe to him who is down (11).

mairtaol, mortar.

mairtḟeóla, g. of mairtḟeóil, beef.

maistín, m., a mastiff.

maiṫ, good; a good thing. go maiṫ, well. After the adjective, go maiṫ means “very”; quite. neaṁspleáġaċ go maiṫ, quite independent (13). gan ṁaiṫ, worthless. tá sé ċóṁ maiṫ agam, it is as well for me (11). ċóṁ maiṫ do ṫug, so (she) gave it (31).

maiṫe, s., good; profit; advantage. ar maiṫe leis féin, for his own good (6).

maiṫeas, s., good; advantage; g. maiṫeasa; pl., maiṫeasaí. ní raiḃ a ṫuille ṁaiṫeasa ann, he was of no further use (23).

máiṫreaċa, pl. of máṫair a mother.

malairt, f., an exchange. a ṁalairt de ċúram, lit., its exchange of a care, i.e., something else to mind.

mall, slow; late. (See luaṫ),

maol, bald; bare; wanting in some way; shy. (Gráinne Ṁaol, Gráinne the bashful). mada ruaḋ maol, a tailless fox (45). maol-ḋualga, bare-of-connections, i.e., wanting relatives, and their affectionate care.

maoil, g. of maol, bald.

mar, as. mar sin, like that. mar ḃí againn, as we had (things), i.e., as we were; as things stood with us.

marḃ, dead. do ṁarḃ sé, he killed.

marḃaḋ, act of killing, g., marḃṫe. ċum ár marḃṫe, for our killing, i.e., to kill us (32). ṁarḃadar, they killed. ṁarḃóċainn, I would kill. ṁarḃóċaidís, they would kill. marḃóċar, aut. v., [people] will kill.

márla, clay.

margaḋ, a market; a bargain.

máṫair, a mother. g. máṫar.

matalang, a catastrophe.

meaig, a magpie.

meala, g. of mil, honey.

meallaḋ, act of deceiving; coaxing. meallfaḋ, would coax.

mearḃaill, g. of mearḃall, trouble of mind; doubt.

measa, worse.

measaim, I think; consider.

measan, thinks.

measg, midst. ar measg, among. i n-ár measg, among us.

meaṫta, g. of meaṫ, act of failing. fear meaṫta, a coward; a man who would fail (44). (meaṫta also means failed in health.)

meic, mic, vocative of mac. a ṁeic, my son.

méid, size; amount. le méid a ḃfuaṫ, through the greatness of their hatred (19). d’á ṁéid gliocas ann, though much the cunning in him (not d’á ṁéid gliocais) (37).

méireana, pl. of méar, a finger.

meón, m., disposition; mind. a ṁeón féin, his own taste (5).

mian, a desire; a wish.

miasa, pl. of mias, a dish.

mí-ċéadtaċ, highly indignant.

mí-ċuíḃsaċ, monstrous.

mí-ċúmṫa, mis-shapen.

mil, f., honey, g., meala.

milis, sweet.

milleaḋ, mille, destroying; killing; torturing.