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Page:Aesop a tháinig go h-Éirinn.djvu/56

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leaṫsgéal, an excuse.

leaṫ-ṡúil, one eye. ar leaṫ-ṡúil, having only one eye; blind of an eye (23)·

leaṫta, spread (past participle).

leid, a move.

leig, let; allow.

leigint, act of allowing. leigint air, pretending; letting on (him- self).

leigeadar, they allowed.

leigfaḋ, would let.

leigtar, aut. v., [people] allow. do leigeaḋ, [they] allowed.

leiġeas, a cure; act of curing; g. leiġis.

leiġisfeaḋ, would cure. muna leiġisfí, aut. v., if somebody did not remedy. do leiġseaḋ é, he was cured.

léim, s., a leap; a jump. de léim, at a jump. do léim sé, he sprang.

léimimís, let us leap.

léimrig, act of leaping; jumping.

léir, entire; clear. go léir, entirely.

leiṫéid, a like. do leiṫéid, the like of you. a leiṫéidí (pl.) their likes (22). i n-a leiṫéid siúd de ċúinne, in such a corner, i.e., in a certain corner, which was described (22). a leiṫéid seo! “such a thing,” i.e., I wish to make this remark (27).

leiṫ, d. of leaṫ, half. i leiṫ taoiḃ, on one side; apart.

león, a lion; g., leóin.

leór, sufficiency; go leór, enough.

liaġ, a doctor; a physician. árd-liaġ, an eminent physician.

liarṫóid (or liaṫróid), a ball.

línn, a period of time. le línn Sólóin, in the time of Solon. (Introduction). le n-a línn sin, at that time.

lioḃán, an elm tree.

líon, flax; g., lín.

líon, a net; g., lín. pl. líonta. d. pl. líntiḃ.

lios, a fort, g., leasa.

liúġdar, they called out; screamed.

loċ, a lake, g., loċa.

loċán, a pool; a pond.

loċt, a fault.

loin, g. of lon, a thrush.

loíng, d. of long, a ship. g., loinge.

loirgniḃ, d. pl., shanks; stalks (32).

loisgfí, aut. v., [some one] would burn.

loitfiḋ, will spoil.

lom, bare; lean.

lón, a store of food; provisions.

long, f., a ship.

lorg, act of seeking, looking out for. ag lorg (a’ lorg) ríġ, looking for a king (8).

lorg, lit., a trail. ar lorg, searching for something that has been lost.

losgaḋ, act or state of burning. táim ḋom losgaḋ, I am being burnt, lit., I am to my burning (20).

luaċair, rushes, g., luaċra.

Luan, Monday.

luas, quickening; speed.

luasgaḋ, act of swinging; rocking.

luaṫ, quick; soon. go luaṫ, quickly. luaṫ nó mall, sooner or later.

lúb, a twist; a loop.

lúbaḋ, act of bending; twisting.

lúb sé, he bent.

lúbaire, a twister; a trickster.

lúbaireaċt, twisting.

luċ, f., a mouse. d., luiċ, pl. luċaig.

luċt, people. luċt coimeadta, a guard.

luġa, smaller; less. bia nár ḃlais sé a leiṫéid riaṁ agus náċ luġa ’ná ṁeas sé go raiḃ a leiṫéid déanta, food, the like of which he had never tasted before, and not less than he had thought that the like of it was made, i.e., he had never thought the like was made any more than he had tasted it (17).

lug, small. An old Irish word which still lives in the comparative lúġa (see above), and in the phrase do ṫuit an lug ar an lag aige, lit., the small fell upon the weak with him, i.e., littleness in him had no support but weakness, therefore the whole fell, i.e., he collapsed (45).

luiċ, d. of luċ, a mouse.

luiċín, a little mouse.

luíġe, act of lying (down). ’na luíġe, (in his state of) lying. a ċur ’na luíġe orainn, to lay it upon us, i.e., to put it upon our minds; to impress upon us (1).