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NOT ACTIVE since 23th May 2005 Any question or commentary should be addressed to my talk page on English Wikipedia. I will try to answer them as soon as possible.

Od 23. maja 2005 neaktiven. Vsa vprašanja naslovite na mojo pogovorno stran na slovenski Wikipediji. Skušal bom odgovoriti čim prej.

I am an active contributor to w:Wikipedia. I am 22 years old, male, a student of w:medicine, and live in w:Slovenia, w:Europe. I have joined the w:Wikisource on the w:5 May w:2005. You can find more information about me at Wikipedia - w:User:Eleassar777.

Leave me a message at Wikipedia - w:User talk:Eleassar777. Thanks. --Eleassar777 08:45, 5 May 2005 (UTC)