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TuĹu Patero- A Philology and Grammar of TuĹu Language.
Compiled and Written in TuĹu language originally by late
Budhananda K. Shivalli, MA (English),
Retd. Assistant Accounts Officer, Soil Conservation (Agriculture)
Department, at Mysore during 1979-80.
Pages 368.

Editing, type setting and cover design :2004
e-print January 2017
Dr. B. M. Ravindra.
5-60-2, Mandira, Bondel, Mangalore-575008
Deputy Director (Retd), Department of Mines & Geology

Original Manuscript "Tulu Patero" dated 12 April 1980, in 3 parts, alongwith "Peetike (Tulu Tirpani)" and compiled figure on the historical evolution of Kannada script by late Shri. Budhananada K.
Shivalli (1923-1982). Printed and published posthumously in 2004. Added an editorial essay on the evolution of Tulu Language and culture: "Tulu nadatt battina saadi" by Dr B.M.Ravindra

Preface ("Madipu") to TuLu Patero by
Prof. B. A. Viveka Rai,
Chainman, Kannada Department, Mangala Gangotri, Mangalore
University, Konaje, Mangalore: 2004

First printing :: July 2004
Printed at Comprint, Azizuddin Road,Bunder, Mangalore.
e-print/pdf: June 2017

A Mandira Publication.
Published by:
Smt. Laxmi Budhanand,
5-60-2, Mandira, Bondel, Mangalore-575008.

ಬುಧಾನಂದ ಶಿವಳ್ಳಿ