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Page:Tain Bo Cuailnge.djvu/10

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( vi )

first instance was revised and edited by him and collated afresh with the manuscript before being printed off. The readings and passages from LU. are due to him. Though he occasionally consulted the manuscript, he relied mainly on the lithographic facsimile.

In a few instances, mostly towards the end, variant readings from the Book of Leinster version are given. These are indicated by the letters LL.; occasionally reference has been made to Windisch’s edition. A table has been appended giving cross-references to the pages of the LU. text.

In conclusion, I have to record my deep indebtedness to Professor Kuno Meyer for constant advice and assistance in the preparation of the last forty-two pages, and to Miss Eleanor Knott for collating that portion with the manuscript. To Mr. R. I. Best I am indebted for the list of Corrigenda and Addenda which is given at the end.

J. G. O’K.


December 1912.