Page:Modern English to Konkani Dictionary - Isidore Dantas.pdf/331

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Trim yourself as per your means.

tremble v Thonddien vo bhivun koddkoddunk; ankddunk; kampunk; kulkulo ievnk; kampunk; thorthorunk.
tremendous a Ojapanchem; bhenkddaita toslem; bhirantichem; khoddegant; akantachem.
tremor n Koddkoddo.
tremulous a Bhieta vo koddkoddtta toslo.
trench v Udok vochunk valli vo chori marunk.
trend v Eke vislean vochunk; eke vatten asunk; portunk.
trendsetter n Novi chal lavpi.
trepidation n Koddkoddo; bhoim; thorthoro.
trespass n Op'proves v Dusreache zomnint bhitor sorun chuk korunk; patok adarunk.
tress n Kensancheo mireo; vovlele kens.
trial n Korun pollop; chachnni.
triangle n Tin konxanchem; trikon.
triangular a Tin konxe aslelem.
triarchy n Tin monxanchem rajkarbhar.
tribal n Adivasi.
tribe n Eke sonsticho vo eke zaticho lok.
tribulation n Dukh vo rag; dhogdhog haddtta toslem; kormbhog.
tribunal n Nitidarachi boska; niaimondir.
tribune n Monch; machi.
tributary n Nhoincho fantto.
tribute n Argam; proxonsa; xrodanjoli.
trice n Chodd thoddo vogot.
trichiurus muticus n Bale.
trick n Dhong; fas; choturponn; hikmot; gomot; addkam naddkam v Fosovnk; fottovnk; nhesovnk; nettovnk.
trickle v Thembeamni vhanvnk.
tricolor n Tin rongachem.
tricuspidate a Tin pontam aslelem.
trident n Trixull.
triduan a Tin disanchem.
triennial a Tin vorsam jieta vo asta toslem; tin vorsanim ievop; tisal.
triennially ad Tin vorsamni.
trifarious a Tin vollimni manddlelem.
trifle n Chodd thoddea molachi vost; kovontt v Matui chinti nastana ulonvk vo korunk.
trifling a Nirortho.
trifoliate v Tridol zavnk.
trigamist n Tin pavtti kazari; tin bailo aslolo.
trigamy n Tin pavtti kazar zavop; tin bailo asop.
trigastric a Tin pottam aslelem.
trigeminous a Tin ektthaim zolmolelim.
trigger n Bondukacho ghoddo.
trigonometry n Trikonna sombondit xastr.
trigraph n Tin okxorancho ek avaz.
trilingual a Tin bhasanchem.
trill n Thorthoro avaz.
trim a Borem; nitoll; saf; mottvem v Borem nitoll korunk; nhesunk; nettovnk; katrunk; kapunk; tasun sullsullit korunk; bhenddunk; mottvem korunk.
trimester n Tin mhoineancho kall.
trimestrical a Tin mhoineamni ek pavtt.
trimurti n Tin Hindu dev-Brohma; Vixnnu; ani Xiva.
trinity n Tig zonn; Trimurti.
trinket n Bhangracho vo rupeacho daginno.