Page:Modern English to Konkani Dictionary - Isidore Dantas.pdf/324

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The heart knows its own plague.

thesaurus n Soman utrancho sobdkox.
these pr He; him; heo.
thesis ʼn Vidheapitthachi podvi mellunk boroilolo nibond.
thespian n Nattki; kolakar.
they pr Te; tannim; tim.
thick a Datt; gonn; kodol; motto; babro.
thicken v Attovnk; dattunk; dattavnk.
thicket n Ran; zhompam asleli kuchkuchit suvat.
thickness n Dattai; mottai.
thief n Chor; nagovnno.
thieve v Chorunk; nagovnk.
thievish a Nagovnno; chora bhaxen.
thigh n Zang; zangol; manddi.
thimble n Bottak ghalpachem didal; oguxtthann.
thimbleberryn Oguxtthann.
thin a Barik; patoll; dubllo; bhaglolo; khillkhillit; chinkulo v Barik vo patoll korunk; udok koxem korunk;
thine a Tujem.
thing n Jiv naslelem; vost.
think v Chintunk; ievzunk; somzunk; ugddas haddunk; vichar korunk.
thinker n Chintpi; ievzupi.
thinking a Chintop; ievzonni.
third a Tisro; tisrem; tisro vantto.
thirdly ad Tisre pavtti.
thirst n Tan; kiteim korpachi khoxi v Tan lagunk; kiteim korunk chodd khoxi ievnk.
thirstiness n Tanecho oros.
thirsty a Tanelolo; sukem.
thirteen a Tera; dha ani tin.
thirteenth a Teravo; teravo vantto.
thirtieth a Tisvo; tisantlo ek vantto.
thirty a Tis.
thirty-eight a Atth'tthis.
thirty-five a Postis.
thirty-four a Chovtis.
thirty-one a Ekt'tis.
thirty-seven a Sat'tis.
thirty-six a Xot'tis.
thirty-three a Tet'tis.
thirty-two a Bo'tis.
this pr Ho; hem; hi.
thistle n Kantteanchem zhomp.
thither ad Te suvater; thoim.
thong n Chambddeacho bandpacho kuddko.
thorax n Gollea ani potta modilo bhag.
thorn n Kantto; kantti.
thorny a Kantteamni bhorlelem;
topta toslem.
thorough a Akh'khem; sogllem; ogdim; purai.
thoroughfare n Vatt; gordecho mukhel rosto.
those pr Te; tannim.
thou pr Tum.
though ad Torui astana; zori tor.
thought n Chintnam; chinta; kolpona; ievzonni; disop; vichar.
thoughtful a Chintest; xittuk.
thoughtfully ad Chintun; somzun; ritin.
thousand a Hozar; zaite; khub.
thousandth a Hozarvo; hozarantlo ek vantto.
thrall n Gulam v Gulam korunk.
thralldom n Gulamponn.
thrash v Kanddunk; chabkan boddovnk vo soitin marunk; dhaddavnk; dhopttunk.
thrasher n Kanddpi; kanddpinn.
thrashing v Loddo; pett.
thread n Dhago; sut; doro.