Page:Modern English to Konkani Dictionary - Isidore Dantas.pdf/185

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Intimate friends go with one mind.

insubstantial a Khoreponn naslelem.
insufferable a Sonsunk vo bhogunk avghodd.
insufficience n Opurtai.
insufficient a Opurto; thoddem.
insufficiently ad Opurtaien.
insufflation n Kitearui suskar ghalop.
insular a Zunveachem; chovxilean udok aslelem.
insulate v Eksurem korunk.
insulin n Rogtantli sakhor unnem korpi vokhod.
insult n Gall; jasti; vaitt ulovp; opman; odhikxep.
insuperable a Avghodd korunk.
insurance n Vimo.
insurge v Kolpunk.
insurgent a Sorkaracher add n Sorkaracher add ievpi.
insurmountable a Avghodd korunk vo ghoddunk; nivarunk zaina toslem.
insurrection n Sorkaracher vo rajkarbharacher add ievop.
intact a Akh'khem; unnem nastana; xabut
intail v Entail polle.
intangible a Hat lavnk zaina toslem.
intangle v Entangle polle.
integer n Akh'kho; kuddkeamni nhoi.
integral n Okhondd; purai; sogllo.
integrate n Akh'kho korunk; novean korunk.
integrity n Akh'khem; kaim unnem nastana; sodachar.
intellect n Ginean; somzonni.
intellectual a Vicharvont; budvont; vicharancho; vidvan.
intelligence n Somjikai; ok'kol; ginean; khobor; bud'd.
intelligent a Borea gineanacho; xiklolo; somjikaiecho.
intelligentsia n Budvont.
intelligible a Somzota toslem; spoxtt.
intelligibly ad Somzota toxem.
intemerate v Mov korunk.
intemperance n Bebdeponn; besurmaponn; otipan; pottarth.
intend v Ievzunk; anvddevnk; chintunk.
intense a Chodd; gonn; kotthin.
intensify v Chodd zavnk.
intent a Kitearui mon asunk.
intention n Hetu; mon vo dhean kitearui asop; kiteim korpachi khoxi.
intentionally ad Zanno zavn; bolliam; khoxen; chotraien.
intentive a Attentive polle.
intently ad Chitan.
inter v Moddem purunk; matiek lavnk; nikhipunk.
interaction n Chokmok.
intercede n Dusrea pasot magunk.
intercedent a Dusrea pasot magta toslem.
intercept v Vatter addavnk vo ghott dhorunk.
intercepter n Vatter dhorpi.
interception n Vatter ghott korop vo addavop.
intercession n Mofot; vinonti; magnnem; modesti.
intercessional a Magnneanchem.
intercessor n Dusrea pasot magpi.
interchain v Sankllavnk.
interchange v Ekache suvater dusro vochunk; bodlunk.