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^ LETTEIl II. 37 the former, with never failing compassion, and dismissing the latter ; so I was enabled to assure her, that God would do with her, and every part of his inheritance, held by this strong man armed. I do remember also, that while I preached peace by Jesus, who is Lord of all, the spirit of God took of the things of Jesus, and shewed them unto the sufferer, and that the evil spirit, not being able to continue (for light and darkness, Christ and Belial cannot dwell together) left her, and she had peace and joy in believing, and consequent upon believing, she was saved from all the misery, and torment she now endures in consequence of ?zo^ believing. However, let not the enemy rejoice over her, although she be fallen, she shall arise again, although she now sits in darkness, the Lord will be a light unto her, for he who gave himself for her hath said / vjill never leave thee nor forsake thee. He hath said, luhen thou fiassest through the waters I will be with thee and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee : when thou walkest through the fire, thou shah not be burnt, neither shall the fiame kindle ii/wn thee, so thou shalt not be drowned by the one element, nor burned by the oilier. You ask me " why 1 pretended to cast out Satan by the power of Satan V But, my dear Madam, /did not pretend to cast out Satan at all, I only made mention of the power and loving kindness of our Saviour, who as a conqueror of death, and him who had the power of death, that is the devil, could by a single word, separate him from you, and every individual of the human family, and who has more^ over promised that he will, in his own due time, accomplish this peace-establishing, predetermined division. But if the power of Sat:.n could cast out Satan, then it should be remembered the kingdom would be divided aginst itself, a?id, of course, could 7iot stUJid. Poor, stricken sufferer, you have indeed fallen among thieves and robbers, who have cruelly mangled and plundered you, but although you may be robbed and wounded, and left half dead, the good Samaritan still lives, and is as full of compassion as ever, and what the high Priest and the Levite will not, cannot do, he is both able and willing to fierform. You desire me to read the prophecies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. I will, I do, and whenever I take them to read, I will remember the words of our Saviour. Search, says he, the scriptures, they testify of me. All the prophets testify of him, and what do they testify of him ? What says Isaiah ? Surely he hath borne our