Page:Irische Texte 1.djvu/782

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sce the white fhor», haiothoni (fB. — S(j. Gen. a ni-barr sciach osin tibraul Fei. p. LXXXIX 17; Bat. isin sciaich osin tiprait ibid. 30 (JJwrntree") uc Sei Pätric Tir. 9.

sc61 -ZV. Erzählung, Ge- schichte, Nachricht; narratio Z"". 223; 769. — Sg. Nom. scel i(- FA. 08; scel n-airdairc Jj fi. ■'i. 24; ba scel n-gle LU. p. 40:', 20; iii scel fäcbala hi lusc SC. 37, 11; scel cen scis SP. II 5; scel lern diiib LHy.Amr. (;3; cridi-scel SC. 11, 4; a mor-sceol no sretha Fei. Frol. 138 LBr.; in sceul sin TE. 14 Fg.; Gen. sceuil 20; sceöil FB. 71; amru scooil Hij. 5, is; SC. 31, 9; Bat. don badb-scel FB. 70; PI. Nom. scelu TF. 14 i?»;. ; (?en. do fiss scel a mathar p. 40, 7; dot fis scel ,,to get tidings of thee'^ ScLb. 6; dorn fis scel ibid. 9; Bat. hi scelaib Hy. 2, 1; Acc. scela SC. 20; 24; a n-imtechta ocus a scela FB. 70; imcomaircith scela di TE. 5 Eg.; scelu 14 £"7.; sgelu p. Uh, 2; scoula TE. 19 i;i/.; sceulu iöid. ; sgeulu ibid. — Vgl, air-scele, badb-scelai, so-scele.

sc^lach gern erzählend? sgeu- lach historical, narrative O'B. — Sg. Nom. nir bat scelach SC. 26; Scel mac. Barneni dorsid Emnfe Mache, is de atä scel Sceöil ar bcä bras scelach side LU. p. 121^, 19.

seelaig-e M. Erzähler; sgeulai- dhc a historian. story-teller O'R. — Sg. Gen. i taig Feidlimthi . . sce-

  • A laige Couchobair Lg. 1 (scelaigi

Eil, Lex).

sceTI^ sceall a shield, buclcler (yii. — Sg. Acc. tar sciath scell ScM. 21, 31 H. und'M.; PI. Gen. etir imbeirt scell ocas sciath ,.play- ing at targets and shields" On the Mann. III p. 454. — Compos. sceld-gur na sciath cliss On the Mann. JII p. 426 {„the shield-noise of the missive shields^')?

sc(3ii, no theichdis a scen ocus a fuascur reime „in affright and in terror"- Fei. p. CLXXIX, vgl. sceoin a start O'B.

sceiia s. scian.

sceiil) »S'cil/. 21, 31? s. unter 1. rüanaid?

scendim I ich springe; scinuim I spring, start, burst out O'R — Praes. sec. PI. 3 co seein tis na föit a eruib na n-ech tor Äth fo des LU. p. 127a, 13. _ Praet. Sg. 3 ro sceind airde seolchraind suas Three Tr. Gl. p. XL; PI. 3 CO ro sceindset na föit a cruib na n-ech dar Äth fo thüaith LU. p. 127», 11. — Perf. Sg. 3 ro sescaind blog dind ailig fo suil Nede co roimid ina cend TJirec Jr. Gl. p. XXXIX; srethis liic telma böi ina läim fair con sescaind ina cend co tue a incind ass LU. p. 71-% 42; con sescaind caeh ball de a letbe ibid. p. 60", 39. — Hierher auch seeinti CC. 5 LU., seente Eg ?

sceiig i. iumdha Corm. p. 40, a bed Corm. Tr. p. 150, vgl. imm- sceng. — Sg. Nom. fo Loch Echacb, adba dam, ard in sceng dron drin- ged graig LU. p. 40^ 1.

sceith s. sc^im.

1. sceo mucli, over and above I 0' B.;sceUhsceo-hiina, LBr.p.->0b^,2'2.

2. sceo Conj. und; et Z'^. 699; I sceo ocus ceo ocus neo tri comoc-

comail goideilggi LHy. Amr. 10: 

sceo LHy. Amr. 61 (i. ocus LU-); ibid. 58; seeö i. acus FB. 68, 3; tbid. 22; sceo SC. 25; sceo LHy. Amr. 61; seeu p. 142, ig; isnaib inseib sco eulis ind secni Cam. (in orationibus sapientiae et ['?] pruden- tiae Z'^. 1006) scheint CQrrupt zu sein.

SCI, sciach s. sce.

sciam Gl. zu sehe ina Ml. 29 *, 3, dazu auch sciamh heaiity, bloom O'R?

sciaii F. Messer; sgian cnipulus Ir. Gl. 440; cultellus ibid. 441. — Sg. Nom.. scian SC. 41; scian inna läim Sc3I. 15: scian ämra la Coirpre Müsc CO n-imdenum argait ocus öir ima heim Corm. p. 30, 10; Gen. dia hessi na sceine ibid. 20; maide sgine manubrium L: Gl. 1139; Acc. ro gab sein inna läim Sc3L 8; Three L: Gl. p. XXXVII; PI. Nom. scena SC. 39; nöi seena clis FB. 42; Bat. CO seenaib SC. 40.