Page:Irische Texte 1.djvu/742

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secha co n-etar fer ro laa id samlaid cona öenläim ocus_ öeuslat diatä ocus friscuriur mo phopa Fergus ibid. p. r)7' 24V, dobert Cucbulainn a bleigbin dö ocus doforue {s. tö- rindim) ogum n-ind Ms. Ilat.j). 4G8.

öi a sltee}} Corm. p. 127; ui i. caora i. ovis O'Dar. p. 124. — Vgl. ac-gaire shexjlierd Beitr. VIII 345.

öibela mit geöffnetem Munde, offen; faiceb in less n-oibela TBF. pT 156, 11; öebela ro böi in dun LTJ. p. 23», 25; CO m-bi in cori hobela {„so that the caldron remains with its mouth wide open") Corm. p. 13 coire Brecain; huabela Gl. zu hiulctis SG. 7t (Z 878).

öibell, oibel a spark, heat, fire OBon. Suppl.; ainm d'ätb uisce a m-bit cethra for öibell Corm.. 2h 22 Gl. zu gelistar, „name for a ford of ivater in ivhich are cattle in heat" Corm.^ Tr. p. 82 (uibel JB); is do äibill fäsas breo „from a spark groweth a flame" Tliree Hom. p. 30, 27; öible teiied „sparks of fire" ibid. p. G, 17.

oiMud, äibind sc /iön, von öiph; verscJdedeti von ecosc n-äimin „a delightful form" Ml. carm. {Goid.'^ p. 20, 11)? — Sg. Nom. ba häibind FB. 42; p. 310, 5; cnocc öebind „u lovely kill" Fis Cath. p. 42 xxi ; PI. für Du. Nom. da n-all n-sebda FB. 45? — Compar. oebdu de Fis Cath. p. 48 xlvii. — Superl. ba haibnim La. 17. 11 Fa.

oibiuuius, öibuius M. Schön- heit, oft mit änius verbunden. — Sg. Nom. aibinnius SC. 1 ; Gen. j'ar n-ascin öibniussa flatha ninie FÄ. 20 ; ic iunisin oibniusa in t-sida SC. 34; Dat. co n-äibinnius FA. 12; Acc. öibnius 33; aibnius ibid. 9; PI. Acc. CO taisfentais äibniusa SC. 49.

öiblech funkelnd; i. alainn no solusta O'Dav. p. 105 memra. — Sg. Nom. breo orda oiblech Hy. 4, 1 ; Gen. öir oiblig „of sparkling (jold" Fei. Prol. 80 (äiblig Laud). — Vgl. iiiblecb.

oician = Za*. oceanus, Gl. zu imbath Corm. p. 25 ; aigean ibid. p. 4.

61(1 „heed, eure" Fei. Index; cid menman feil Tecla FH. Jnn. 1, s. die Nachträge.

oldclie, oidqi s. aidelie.

oifreud offering, onni is ofl'e- rendo, i. idbairt cuirp Crist Corm. Tr. p. 132; in inialtoir clocbi forsa n-denad oifrend cec/i Isei Three Hom. p. 16, 15.

oigedacht hospitalitas Z'^. 31, von öegi. — Sg. Acc. feraid for n-aigidacht FB' m.

öigedeliaire, ar a enech ocus ar a oigedchaire „for his generosity and hospitality" Fei. p. Gl 8.

^igred Eis, s. aigrred; Gen. do bissib öigrid Tliree Hom. p. 6, 20; Acc. conid and-sin tue Patraic in öigriud forsin tenid ibid. 22.

^igretta eisig p. 187, 10.

ua höile Corm. Tr. p. 76 fiacail, Gen. von äil Wange {s. die Nach- träge).

oilemaiu alimentum Ir. Gl. 753, Inf. zu alaim.

oil<Jii, oilean an island O'R.; oilena in mara Gl. zu Fei. Prol. 216

oilitlire s. ailithre; ro facaib a rige ocus tanic dia oilithre co Raitbin „and came for his pilgrimage to B." Fei. p. LXIII 8.

oimbiuu p. 145, 2 für öibinnV

oimelc „beginning of spring" Corm. Tr.p. 121:, i. oimelgi.isi aimser and-sin tic ass caerach Corm. p.'d'doi.

oin a loan Corm. Tr. p. 132; i. iasacht O'Cl. — Vgl. i'iain.

öiume s. die Nachträge.

oiuinlt s. önmit.

oir- s. air-, ir-, er-, aur-, ur-.

oircel s. oreel.

oirclech flemen SG. 96« Nigra (ßamen Z-. 811).

oirciiid s. oirg-iiid.

oirdnim s. ordiiim.

oirecht s. aireclit.

oireamh a ploughman O'Don. Gr. p. 99, s. airem [Nachträge).

oirear o district, aplaiyiO'Don. Suppl.

oivet Zeit, s. airet; i n-oiret ro büi a colaind Fei. p. LXIII.

oirfited s. airfltiud.

oii'gnid occisor, athir-oircuid parricida Z^. 855.