Page:Dagupan City Ordinance No. 2235 - 2021.pdf/2

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b. Pre- Marriage Orientation (PM Orientation) – in compliance to RA 10354, it refers to the session that all contracting parties must attend before the issuance of a marriage license regardless of the age of the parties. This session provides adequate instructions and information on responsible parenthood, family planning, breastfeeding and infant nutrition and marriage and relationship shall be provided by the contracting parties.

c. Pre-Marriage Counseling (PM Counseling) – in compliance with the Family Code, it refers to the mandatory counselling session required to all contracting parties where one or both parties are 18-25 years old in addition to their attendance to the PM Orientation. Contracting parties above 25 years old may also avail of this service. The session provides assistance and guidance to the contracting parties towards an informed decision about their forthcoming married life.

d. Certificate of Compliance – a certificate signed by the PMOC Team Members who conducted the PMO Session and issued by the Local Population Office to contracting parties who have completed the pre-marriage orientation session.

e. Certificate of Marriage Counseling- a certificate issued by an accredited PM Counselor to contracting parties who have completed the pre-marriage counselling session. Section 3. Requirements of Marriage License Application. The following requirements must first be complied with before a marriage license will be issued at the City Registrar’s Office:

1) Certified photocopy or PSA copy of Birth Certificate/ Baptismal and/or Voter’s Certificate

2) Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) from PSA

3) PMO/PMC Certificate issued by City Population Office

4) Valid ID at least one (1) of the couple is a resident of Dagupan

5) Community Tax Certificate (Cedula - issued by the Dagupan City One Stop Business Center)

6) Consent of father (for applicants aged 18-20. Bring fathers’ any valid ID).

7) Parents’ advice upon intended marriage (for ages 21 to 24. Bring parents any valid ID).

8) If foreigner, submit legal capacity issued from country of origin and annotated by the country’s embassy in Metro Manila.

9) If widow/er, submit certified true photocopy of husband’s or wife’s death certificate.

10) If annulled, submit judicial decree and certified true photocopy of marriage contract with annotation on the effect of annulment.

11) Payment of Marriage Application Fee (P200.00) and Marriage License Fee (102.00). Failure to submit all of the abovementioned requirements shall be interpreted as denial of the application for the Marriage License pursuant to Memorandum Circular under Reference no. 9977000-0504 issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority, Quezon City.

Notice of marriage license application will be posted for ten (10) consecutive days at the Civil Registrar’s Office and at the General Information Bulletin Board at the ground floor of the City Hall after which the license will be released by the Office of the Civil Registrar.

Section 4. Requirements for Mandatory Pre-Marriage Orientation and Counseling Seminar (based on PD 965, the 1987 Family Code, the Local Government Code, the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act (RA 10354) and Joint Advisory R1-2020-01 PMOC-RTWG Guideline on Provision of Pre- Marriage Orientation and Counseling (PMOC) Services during the Period of State of Public Health Emergency throughout the Country due to Covid -19 Pandemic.

1. Before the conduct of the PMOC session the would be couple need to accomplish the following:

a) Fill up the Pre-Marriage Orientation and Counseling Information Form b) Answer the Marriage Expectations Inventory Form (MEIF)

c) Pay P500.00 at the One Stop Business Center for the procurement of needed supplies and materials for program implementation and continuing training of the PMOC Team implementers