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XYZ Hajar Al -Aswad

The black stone is a famous object in the north -east corner of the Kaaba, which the pilgrims move around in Mecca and (if they can) kiss.

It is an irregular oval aerolith, with about 17cm of largor, and surrounded by gold.

On the other hand, the Moslem mythology, when Abraham wanted to build the Kaaba, the stones came spontaneously, and he asked that they had faith in this stone.

In the pre -Moslem era, more than four centuries before Mahomet, Hajar al -Aswad was referred to as an object of worship by Maximo Tyrio in the second century.

The legendary Persian says it was an emblem of Saturn.

According to Ibn Abbas, Mahomet said that when it came from paradise, it was whiter than milk, and it was black for the sins of the million people who kissed it.

On the Day of Resurrection (a certain allegory tradition), it will have eyes, to acknowledge the people who kissed it, and a language, to the end that they can report to God on their sincerity.

XYZ Lingua Venetian

The Venetian or Venetian language is a Romanian language spoken by about five million people, mostly in the Veneto region, Italy.

The language is called _Veneto_ in Venetiano, _Veneto_ in Italian.