Page:Corpora IA Wiki 4000 IA A5 pp 1 266.pdf/30

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His teaching proclaims the return of Christ in 1914 with the purpose of admonishing the government of the earth, which is attended by 14. They also believe that, as the signs of the times indicate, hate, war, hunger, infirmity, natural disasters, the battle of (Harmadon is abject) and will stand before the Millennio (the kingdom of Christ), the time of the end of the earth for the Tests of Jehovah, and for many other people who are left to stand for God.

This period shall come between the last trial and the final judgment, the kingdom of God shall come to pass, and the righteous shall live forever in the heavens with Christ, and those who will refuse to accept the commandments of God, will die as he does, and will not be able to resist the existence of a hell of a storm, but the punishment of sin is eternal death, non -existence.

This is, therefore, a non -symbolic interpretation of the theme book of the Apostle (from Greek Revelation).

The dissemination of this doctrine is mainly made by faithful couplets, friendly conversations and house visits, orally or by means of brochures and books; the most interested auditors are invited to attend to the meetings of Bible study and its publications.

On the plus 8.6 million Jehovah's Tests (c. 683 117, 2019 estimate), all countries, in which their main periodicals are published, the Tower of Warehouse, and the United Nations.

The Watchtower Society, a legal entity which they use as a publishing company, is considered by some to be the greatest of the world.