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It is accepted at the beginning of this period in 29th century when Augusto declared the end of civil wars and its duration until the death of Marco Aurelio (180).

With Emperor Diocletiano the Empire is reorganised, but after Constantine I the Great, it was not made to be unified because Theodosius and the Great divided it between his two sons, Archadio and Flavio Honorio, giving to one of the Byzantine Empire and to another of the Roman Empire of the West.

Barbarian invasions will be the end of the Western Empire in 476 beginning the Median.

XYZ Medievo

The ostrogothos was a group of gothos who had been subdued by the Hunas, but after their deliverance, Theodorico the Great, with the blessing of the Emperor of the East, led his people to Italy in 488.

In the prison, Odoacro ruled after the Empire in 476, but after a country in the northern part of the peninsula, Theodorico tossed the capital, Ravenna, killing Odoacro in 493.

In 526 the death of Theodoric ended with the peace, inheriting Italy his grandson, Athalaricus, who died without sons, which caused a cry that caused the kingdom to disappear.

Under King I, the Byzantine Empire started a series of country with a way to rebuild the Mediterranean unit.

The weakness of the ostrogoth kingdom and the byzantine desires of recognising the city of Rome turned Italy into a goal.

In 535, General Belisarius commanded Sicily and marched across the peninsula, taking Neapole and arriving in Rome in 536.