Page:A History of Old Pine Street (IA historyofoldpine00gibb).djvu/13

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Introduction 9

The Founding of the Church 17

The Fight for Independence 33

The Pastorate of George Duffield 55

Old Pine Street Men in the Revolutionary War 81

The Pastorate of John Blair Smith 95

The Pastorate of Philip Milledoler 1 19

The Pastorate of Archibald Alexander 135

The Second Fight for Independence 155

The Pastorate of Ezra Stiles Ely 175

The Pastorate of Thomas Brainerd 199

The Pastorate of Richard Howe Allen 233

The Pastorate of Hughes Oliphant Gibbons 247

The Sunday-Schools 297

The Churchyard and its Dead 309

What of the Future ? 331

Appendices 337

Index 357
