Page:A Collection of the Acts passed by the Governor General of India in Council, 1874.djvu/181

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1874.] Uritha1 l’roeedure Code Ameidinent 28. To the first c1,aue of section two hundred and eighty, the following words shall be added 8eotwni (namely) “or order the appellant to be retried.” 29. in the secona paragraph of section two hundred and ninety-six, the words “Provided that” shall be omitted aud the following words shall be added (namely) :—‘ upon. the matter of such complaint or of which the accused- peroa ha been, in the opiniOn of the Court nv Mgitmto, improperly discharged. “Provided that, if in the opinion of such Court or Magistrate, the evidence shew that some other offence has been committed by the accused person, / such Court or Magistrate ay direct the Subordinate Court to inquire into such offence.” 30. In the third paragraph of section two hundred. and ninety-seven, for the word “inconveniently” tho word “incorrectly” shall be substituted. 31. For section two hundred and ninetyeight, the following shall be substituted (namely) :— “298. The High Court or the Court of Session may direct the Magistrate of the District, by himself or by any of the Magistrates subordinate to him, “or the Magistrate of the District may direct any subordinate Magistrate, “to make further inquiry into any complaint which j has been dismissed under section one hundred and forty-seven.” 82. Por the fourth paragraph of section three hundred and two, the following section shall be substituted (namely) :— “302A. in cases tried by any Court inferior to a Court of Session, where the accused person is sentenced to imprisonment the Court shall forthwith forward him with a similar warrant for the execution of the sentence to the officer in charge of the sail of the District in which the trial was held: “But where the accused person is sentenced to whipping, the sentence may be executed at such place and time as the Court may direct.” 33. In Âme jdment of seeiou 296. Ainendniei1 of section 297. Amcndmcnt of sectiou 298. Ameudmeut of section 302.