Page:A Collection of the Acts passed by the Governor General of India in Council, 1874.djvu/177

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1874.] Ui’iminal Procedure Code Amendmeu. neral in Council that i will promote the ends of jus. tice or tend, to the general convenience of parties or witnesses, he may, by hotificatih in the Gazette of India, diiect the transfer of any particular criminal case or appeal from one High Courts to another High Court, or from. any CrfrinaI Court siborc1inate to one High Court to atiy other (Jiiniinäl Court of equal or superior jurisdiction ubordhiate to another High Court. “And the Court to which such case or appeal is transferred shall deal with the same as if it had been originally Inslititted in or presented to such Court.” K 12. For the second paragraph of section seventy- Amendment flye, the following shall be substituted (namely) of secion 75. “When the offence, or one of the offences, complained of is punishable with death or transportation for life, the commitment shall be to the High Court. “And where any person so committed is charged with several offences, of which one is punishable with death or transportation and the other with a less punishment, and the High Court considers that he should not be tried for the offence punishable with death or transportation, the High Court may nevertheless try him for the other offence.” K 13. In section one hundred and eighty-six, for the Amendment words “charged before any Criminal Court with an f8ection offence,” the following words shall be substituted (namely) :— “accused in any Criminal Court of an offence.” 14. In section one hundred and ninety-five, Ex- Amendment planatin III, for the word ‘cannot,’ the words “shall 1na not ordinarily” shall be substituted. tion’ III. 15. To section two hundred and two, clause first, Addition to section 209 the following words shall be added (namely): “unless the Magistrate is satisfied that such Government Pleader or other person is already aware of the corn‘rnitment and the form of the charge.” 16. To 3