March of the Khmer Republic

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"March of the Khmer Republic" (Khmer: ដំណើរនៃសាធារណរដ្ឋខ្មែរ, Damnaeu ney Satheareanaroat Khmae; French: La Marche de la République Khmère) was the national anthem of the Khmer Republic from 1970 to 1975. The song is often attributed to groups of students, led by Hang Thun Hak, at the Royal University of Fine Arts in Phnom Penh, but academic sources say it was written and composed by the Buddhist monk activist Khieu Chum, a student of Hem Chieu. The song was adopted as the national anthem of the newly founded Khmer Republic on 9 October 1970 after the overthrow of the monarchy. After the end of the Republic due to the Khmer Rouge victory in 1975, the song ceased to be the national anthem and was officially replaced in 1976 by the Khmer Rouge anthem "Victorious Seventeenth of April".

Khmer lyrics


ជនជាតិខ្មែរ ល្បីពូកែមួយក្នុងលោក
មានជ័យជោគ កសាងប្រាសាទសិលា
អរិយធម៌ ខ្ពស់បវរជាតិសាសនា
កេរ្តិ៍ដូនតាទុកលើភពផែនដី ។

ខ្មែរក្រោកឡើង ខ្មែរក្រោកឡើង
ខ្មែរក្រោកឡើង តស៊ូតម្កើងសាធារណរដ្ឋ
ខ្មាំងរំលោភ ខ្មែរប្រយុទ្ធ
មិនតក់ស្លុត យកជ័យបំផុតជូនជាតិខេមរា
ឯករាជ្យភ្លឺថ្លាជាមហាប្រទេសតទៅ ។

Geographic Department transcription


Choncheat khmae lbei pukae muoy knong louk,
Mean cheychouk kasang prasat sela
Ariyeatho khpuoh bava cheat sasna
Ke dounta tuk leu phop phaendei.

Khmae kraok laeung, khmae kraok laeung
Khmae kraok laeung, tasu damkaeung satheareanaroat
Khmang rumloup, khmae prayut,
Min takslot, yok chey bamphot chun cheat khemara.
Aekareach phlueu thla chea moha prateh ta tov.

IPA transcription


cɔən ciət kʰmae lbəi puːkae muəj kʰnoŋ loːk
miən cɨj coːk kɑːsaːŋ braːsaːt səjlaː
ʔaːrəjeə̯ktɔə kʰpuə̯h bɑːʋɑː ciətsaːhsnaː
kei doun taː tuk ləː pʰoə̯p pʰaen dəi

kʰmae kraok laəŋ
kʰmae kraok laəŋ
kʰmae kraok laəŋ
tɑːsuː dɑmlaəŋ saːtʰiənɑːrɔət

kʰmaŋ luk coul
kʰmae brɑjut
mɨn tɑʔ slot
yɔːk cɨj bɑmpʰot cuːn ciət kʰeːmaʔraː
ʔaekaʔriəc pʰlɨː tʰlaː ciə mɔhaː prɑteːh tɑːtɨw

French translation


Les peuples khmers sont l'un des peuples les plus célèbres et les plus habiles au minds
Sa victoire et son succès sont illustrés dans la construction des temples khmers
La culture, la nation et la religion sont les plus suprêmes et les plus importantes
L'héritage de nos ancêtres est conservé sur terre

Khmers, levez-vous ! Khmers, levez-vous !
Khmers, levez-vous ! Continuez à lutter pour glorifier la République!
Quand l'ennemi a envahi, Les Khmers se battront
Sans paniquer, Apportez la victoire ultime à la nation khmère
Le brillant indépendant fera à nouveau la gloire du Cambodge !

English translation


Khmers are famous and skillful people in the world,
Their victories and success are shown in the building of stone temples,
Culture, nation, and religion are the most supreme and important,
The heritage of our ancestors are kept on earth.

Arise ye Khmer people,
Arise ye Khmer people,
Arise ye Khmer people,
We must fight to preserve the Republic!

When the enemy invades,
The Khmers people will fight without panicking,
And bring the ultimate victory to the Khmer nation,
Bright independence will shone and Cambodia will be a great nation

In other scripts


These are adopted scripts which are not (and have never been) officially used to write Khmer.

Thai script




ยกชัยบํผุต ชูนชาติเขมรา