لومړی مخ

ايا تاسو يو سرچينه ورزياتول غواړئ!؟
فبروري،ټاکلې ليکنه

Central office of the factory of Rossum's Universal Robots. Entrance on the right. The windows on the front wall look out on the rows of factory chimneys. On the left more managing departments. Domin is sitting in the revolving chair at a large American writing table. On the left-hand wall large maps showing steamship and railroad routes. On the right-hand wall are fastened printed placards. ("Robot's Cheapest Labor," etc.) In contrast to these wall fittings, the floor is covered with a splendid Turkish carpet, a sofa, leather armchair, and filing cabinets. At a desk near the windows Sulla is typing letters.
Domin: To E. M. McVicker and Co., Southampton, England. "We undertake no guarantee for goods damaged in transit. As soon as the consignment was taken on board we drew your captain's attention to the fact that the vessel was unsuitable for the transport of Robots, and we are therefore not responsible for spoiled freight. We beg to remain for Rossum's Universal Robots. Yours truly." [Sulla, who has sat motionless during dictation, now types rapidly for a few seconds, then stops, withdrawing the completed letter.] Ready?
تازه زياتونې
نوې ليکنې
مهم ټکي
شاعري له لرغونې او منځنۍ تر عاشقانه او هممهاله, په مينه او جګړه
Texts, laws, constitutions of many countries
General literature: modern novels and short stories, horror stories, children’s literature, science fiction, drama
Original, encyclopedic, popular articles on relativity, فېزيک, ژونپوهنه, او نور پوهه