Humat ad-Diyar

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"Ḥumāt ad-Diyār" (حماة الديار, "Guardians of the Homeland") is the national anthem of Syria, with lyrics written by Khalil Mardam Bey and the music by Mohammed Flayfel, who also composed the national anthem of the Palestinian National Authority, as well as many other Arab folk songs.


Arabic lyrics (with vowels) Transliteration IPA transcription Syriac lyrics Literal English translation Artistic translation by Muhaned Elhindi

‎حُـماةَ الـدِّيارِ عليكمْ سـلامْ
‎ّأبَتْ أنْ تـذِلَّ النفـوسُ الكرامّ
‎عـرينُ العروبةِ بيتٌ حَـرام
‎وعرشُ الشّموسِ حِمَىً لا يُضَامْ

‎ربوعُ الشّـآمِ بـروجُ العَـلا
‎تُحاكي السّـماءَ بعـالي السَّـنا
‎فأرضٌ زهتْ بالشّموسِ الوِضَا
‎سَـماءٌ لَعَمـرُكَ أو كالسَّـما

‎رفيـفُ الأماني وخَفـقُ الفؤادْ
‎عـلى عَـلَمٍ ضَمَّ شَـمْلَ البلادْ
‎أما فيهِ منْ كُـلِّ عـينٍ سَـوادْ
‎ومِـن دمِ كـلِّ شَـهيدٍ مِـدادْ؟

‎نفـوسٌ أبـاةٌ ومـاضٍ مجيـدْ
‎وروحُ الأضاحي رقيبٌ عَـتيدْ
‎فمِـنّا الوليـدُ و مِـنّا الرّشـيدْ
‎فلـمْ لا نَسُـودُ ولِمْ لا نشيد؟

Ḩumâta ad-diyâri ʿal-aykum salâm
‘Abat ‘an tažilla n-nufûsu l-kirâm
’Arînul ’ûrubati baytûn ḩarâm
waʿarşu ş-şumûsi ḩiman lâ yuďâm

Rubû’u şa‘âmi burûğull ‘ala
Tuhâkî s-samâ‘a bi’âli s-sana
Fa‘arďun zahat bi ş-şumûsi l-wiďa
Samâ‘un la-’amruka ‘aw ka s-sama

Rafîful ‘amâni wa-xafqul fu‘âd
’Alâ ’alamin ďamma şamlal bilâd
‘Amâ fî-hi min kulli ’aynin sawâd
Wa min dami kulli şahîdin midâd.

Nufûsun ‘ubâtun wa mâďin maxîd
Wa-rûḩul ‘aďâḩi râqîbun ’atîd
Fa-min-na l-Walîdu wa-min-nâ r-Raşîd
Fa-lim lâ nasûdu wa-lim lâ naşîd!

[ħʊ.mæːt æd.dɪ.jæː.ri ʕɑ.læj.kʊm sæ.læːm]
[ʔæ.bæt ʔæn tæ.ðɪl.læn nʊ.fuː.sʊl ki.rɑːm]
[ʕɑ.riː.nʊl ʕʊ.ruː.bæ.ti bæj.tʊn ħɑ.rɑːm]
[wɑ ʕɑr.ʃʊʃ ʃʊ.muː.sɪ ħɪ.mæn læː jʊ.dˤɑːm]

[rʊ.buː.ʕʊʃ ʃæ.ʔæː.mi bʊ.ruː.ʒʊl ʕɑ.læː]
[tʊ.ħæː.kiːs sæ.mæː.ʔæ bɪ.ʕɑː.liːs sæ.næː]
[fɑ.ʔɑr.dˤʊn zæ.hæt bɪʃ ʃʊ.muː.sɪl wɪ.dˤɑ]
[sæ.mæː.ʔʊn læ.ʕɑæ ʔæw kæs sæ.mæː]

[rɑ.fiː.fʊl ʔæ.mæː.ni wɑ χɑf.qʊl fu.ʔæːd]
[ʕɑ.læː ʕɑ.læ.mɪn dˤɑm.mæ ʃæm.læl bi.læːd]
[ʔæ.mæː fiː.hi mɪn kʊl.lɪ ʕɑj.nɪn sæ.wæːd]
[wæ mɪn dæ.mi kʊ ʃæ.hiː.dɪn mi.dæːd]

[nʊ.fuː.sʊn ʔu.bæː.tʊn wɑ mɑː.dˤɪn mæ.ʒiːd]
[wɑ ruː.hʊl ʔɑ.dˤɑː.ħɪ rɑ.qɪː.bʊn ʕɑ.tiːd]
[fæ.mɪn.næːl wæ.liː.du wæ mɪn.næːr ræ.ʃiːd]
[fæ.lɪm læː næ.suː.du wæ lɪm læː næ.ʃiːd]

ܓܢܱܬܪܱܝ ܱܬܪܱܽܬ ܫܠܱܡ ܓܠܷܟܢ
ܠܟܺܠܺ ܢܱܦܫܗ ܝܱܩܽܪܽܬ ܕܢܣܓܪܽܢ
ܡܱܪܒܱܽܓܬ ܓܱܪܒܽܬܽ ܒܱܝܬܝ ܗܗܪܡܽ
ܘܱ-ܓܪܣܽ ܕܫܡܫܗ ܒܝܬܽ ܟܱܤܱ ܠܽ ܢܬܬܱܠܱܡ

ܪܒܓܱܬܽ ܕ-ܫ’ܴܡ ܡܟܕܠܗ ܢܢ ܕܪܱܡܽ
ܒܱܡܓܱܠܝܽܬ ܗܕܪܽ ܢܬܕܱܡܝܽܢ ܠܫܡܱܝܽ
ܬܪܽ ܕܢ ܙ-ܗܺ ܒܫܡܫܗ ܢܱܗܪܬܽ
ܫܡܱܝܽ ܗܽܒܗܱܝܟ ܱܘ ܱܟܡ ܕܫܡܱܝܽ!

ܪܽܗܽܦܽܬ ܤܱܟܗ ܘܱܪܦܽܗܽ ܕܠܒܽ
ܓܷܠܺ ܢܫܽ ܕܠܱܡܕ ܟܢܫܝܽ ܕܱܬܪܱܬܽ
ܠܝܬ ܒܗ ܟܷܝ ܡܷܢ ܟܽܠ ܓܱܝܢܢ ܱܘ ܟܽܡܬܽ
ܘܠܬ ܒܗ ܱܪܱܡܷܢ ܕܡܽ ܕܱܽܟܽܠ ܣܱܗܕܢ ܕܝܬܽ?

ܢܱܦܫܽܬܽ ܪܽܡܽܬܽ ܱܓܒܪܽ ܢܱܣܺܗܽ
ܘܪܗܽ ܕܱܓܠܱܬܽ ܪܩܒܱܘ ܱܬܺܕܽ
ܕܬ ܡܺܢܱܢ ܱܠ-ܘܱܠܺܕ ܱܬܒ ܱܬ ܱܪ-ܪܱܫܺܕ
ܠܽܡܽ ܟܷܝ ܠܽ ܢܫܬܱܠܱܬ ܘܱܠܡܽ ܠܽ ܢܱܩܷܝܡ?

Guardians of the homeland, upon you be peace,
[our] proud spirits refuse to be humiliated.
The den of Arabism is a sacred sanctuary,
and the throne of the suns is a preserve that will not be subjugated.

The quarters of Levant are towers in height,
which are in dialogue with the zenith of the skies.
A land resplendent with brilliant suns,
becoming another sky or almost a sky.

The flutter of hopes and the beat of the heart,
are on a flag that united the entire country.
Is there not blackness from every eye,
and ink from every martyr's blood?

[Our] spirits are defiant and [our] history is glorious,
and our martyrs' souls are formidable guardians.
From us is al-Walīd, and from us is al-Rashīd.
So why then shall we not lead, why then shall we not rise?

Guardians of homeland, upon you be peace,
our ever-proud souls refuse to be seized.
The den of Arabism is our sacred home,
and the throne of our suns will never go down.

The mountains of Syria are towers in height,
which talk with the zenith of the highest skies.
A land that is splendid with brilliant sun,
turning to a sky or almost a sky.

The flutter of our hopes and the beats of our hearts,
depicted on the flag that united our land.
Did we not derive the black from every man's eye,
and from ink of martyrs' blood wrote to the tall sky?

Spirits defiant and past so glorious,
and the martyrs' souls are our guardians.
From us, a nation of souls and bravery,
Thy glory comes from us, my homeland!

In other scripts


These are adopted scripts which are not (and have never been) officially used to write Arabic.



חֻמַאתֻ (אל)דִּיַארִ עַלַיְכֻּם סַלַאם
אַבַּת אַן תַדִ'לַּ (אל)נֻּפוּסֻ (א)לְכִּרַאם
עַרִיןֻ (א)לְעֻרוּבַּתִ בַּיְתֻן חַרַאם
וַּעַרְשֻׁ (אל)שֻּׁמוּס חִמַא לַא יֻצַ'אם
רֻבּוּעֻ (אל)שַּׁאם בֻּרֻוגֻ' (א)לְעֻלַא
תֻחַאכִּי (אל)סַּמַאאֻ בִּעַאלִי (אל)סַּנַאא
פַאַרְצֻ'ן זַהַת בִּ(אל)שֻּׁמוּסִ (א)לְוִצַ'אא
סַמַאאֻן לַעַמְרֻכַּ אַוּ כַּ(אל)סַּמַאא

רַפִיףֻ (א)לְאַמַאנִי וַּחַ'פְקֻ (א)לְפֻאַאד
עַלַא עַלַמִן צַ'םַּ שַׁמְלַ (א)לְבִּלַאד
אַמַא פִיהִ מִן כֻּלִּ עַיְנִן סַוַּאד
וַּמִן דַםִּ כֻּלִּ שַׁהִידִן מִדַאד?
נֻפוּסֻן אַבַּאתֻן וַּמַאצֻ'ן מַגִ'יד
וַּרוּחֻ (א)לְאַצַ'אחִי רַקִיבֻּן עַתִיד
פַמִנַּא (א)לְוַּלִידֻ וַּמִנַּא (אל)רַּשִׁיד
פַלִםַ לַא נַסוּדֻ וַּלִםַ לַא נַשִׁיד?



후맛 앗디야리 알라이쿰 살람
아밧 안 타딜란 누푸술 키람
아리눌 우루바티 베이툰 하람
와 아르슛 슈무시 히만 라 유담
루부웃 샤아미 부루줄 알라
투하킷 사마아 비알릿 사나
파아르둔 자핫 비슈슈무실 위다
사마운 라암루카 아우 캇사마

라피풀 아마니 와 카프쿨 푸앗
알라 알라민 담마 샴랄 빌랏
아마 피히 민 쿨리 아이닌 사왓
와 민 다미 쿨리 샤히덴 미닷
누푸순 우바툰 와 마딘 마짓
와루훌 아다히 라키분 아팃
파민날 왈리두 와 민나르 라싯
팔림 라 나수두 와 림 라 나싯