Dimãndarea pãrinteascã

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"Dimãndarea pãrinteascã" (transl. "The Will of our Forefathers"), also known as "Pãrinteasca dimãndari" (transl. "Our Forefathers' Will"), is an Aromanian poem written in 1888 exhorting parents to teach their children the language, instead of assimilating into other Balkan (predominantly Greek) ethnicities. As a result it is often used as a national anthem by some Aromanians.


Aromanian original English translation

Pãrinteasca dimãndari
Nã sprigiurã cu foc mari
Frats di mumã shi di un tatã
Noi, Armãnji di eta toatã.

Di sum plocili di murmintsã
Grescu a noshci bunj pãrintsã:
„Blãstem mãri s'aibã ãn casã
Cai di limba lui s'alasã

Cai s'alasã limba lui:
S'lu ardã pira focului
Si s'dirinã yiu pri loc
S'ãi si frigã limba ãn foc.

Nãs ãn vatralj pãrinteascã
Pi fumealjã s'nu s'hãrseascã
Di fumelãi curunji s'nu bashi
Njic ãn leagãn s'nu ãnfashe.

Cai fudzi di a lui mumã
Shi dit pãrinteascãlj numã:
Fugã'i doara Domnului
Shi dultseamea somnului!”

The will of our forefathers
Commands us with a great flame
Children of the same parents
We, the Aromanians from time immemorial.

From beneath their gravestones
Our good parents cry out:
"We curse you if you have at home
Someone who leaves his language

For whoever leaves his language:
Let him be burned by flames
Let him be destroyed alive where he stands
Let his tongue be burned in flame.

Before his ancestral hearth
Let him not enjoy a family
Let him not see a family get married
Let him not rock a child's cradle.

For whoever leaves his mother
And his ancestral name:
Let him ever lose God's grace
And the sweetness of sleep!"