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De 24 lânrjochten

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<< Haadside

Jus terre primum.

[1] Thet forme londriucht is, thetter alle monna lic inna sina gode sitte vnebirawat, hit ne se thet hi werne thrira: thet hi nelle reka ne riuchta ne deithingis bidda; sa ach hi onfer on sin goud and sine ayna hewm and on sine ayna werum; hit ne se thet ma hine mith tele, mith rede and mith riuchta thinga thingade ther ofbrenge. Gef hi werne thria riuchtes thingis and hi tha thria liudthing bi vrmode and bi dulla stride vrsitte, ther him fontes keninges halm beden send to haldene and hi nouder nelle dwan, iewa ne riuchta ut supra, sa mot hi onferd hebba, ther er tosprec, hit ne se thet thi other biade thera fior nedschinena hwelic, thetti freia Fresa fon riuchta ach to duane.

Thio furme, thet him thi bonnere nen thing ne kethe.
Thet other, thet him sin fiund thene wei mith wige and mith wepene vrstode.
Thet thredde, thettet him wind and vnewad weter ofnome.
Thet fiarde, thet hi an sechte sa siake were, thet hi cuma ne machte.
Therefter dwe hi, alsa him sin asega deme and dele to londriuchte.

[2] Thet other londriucht. Hwersa thio moder hire kindes erue forkapat iefta vrwixlat mith hire friunda rede, er thet kind ierich is, alsa hit ierich is, likegere him thi kap, sa halde hine; ne likigere him nout, sa fare hi on sin ain erue uter strid and vter liudschelde. Sa hwasa thet kind bifiuchte iefta birawie vp sine aina erue, sa brecht <hi> X liudmerc with tha liude and thria pund with thene frana, thet sen xxi schillinga, and alle tha liude achen him to hilpane and ti frana, thet hit vp sine erue bisi tte, ther hit er bi riuchta achte, hit ne se alsa fir, tbet thio moder hit set iefta seld bebbe iefta vrwixlat thruch thera thrira haudnetha hwelic, thet hiu him thes liwes machte mithe hilpa.

Thio furme ned: Sa hwersa thet kind iung is fiterat and fensen nord vr bef iefta suther vr berch, sa mot thio moder hire kindis erue setta an sella an hire kind lesa and thes liwes hilpa.
Thio other ned is: Jefter erga ier wert and thi heta hunger vr thet lond fareth and thet kind hunger stera wel, sa mot thio moder hire kindis erue setta an sella an kapia hire kind kv and corn, ther ma him thet lif mithe behelpe.
Thio thredde ned is: Sa thet kind is stocnakend jefta huslas and thenna ti thiuster niwel- and nedcalda winter and thio longe thiustre nacht on tha tunan hliet, sa faret allera monna hwelic on sin hof an on sin hus an on ine warme winclen and thet wilde diar secht thera birga hli and then hola bam, alther hit sin lif one bihalde. Sa waynat an skriet thet vnierich kind and wepet thenne sine nakene lithe and sin huslase an sinne feder, ther him reda scholde with then hunger and then niwelkalda winter, thet hi sa diape <and> alsa dimme mith fior neilum is vnder eke and vnder ther molda bisleten and bithacht. Sa mot thio moder hire kindis erue setta and sella, thervmbe thet hiu ach ple and plicht, alsa longe sa hit vngerich is, thet hit noder frost ne hunger ne in fangenschip vrfare.

[3] Thet thredde londriucht is: Jef thene mon Nortmon nimat and hi vter lond fleth wert, sa hwasa sin erue then a hwile kapat, sa hi thenne wither inlen.dis cume, sa fare hi vppa sin ayn. Sa hwas a hine bifiucht iefta birawie vppa tha erue, sa brecht hi X liudmerc witha liude and thria pund with thene frana, thet is xxj schillinga, thes keninges bon.

[4] Thet fiarde londriucht: Feder iefta moder, ther hira dochter an flette geuet, sa iewat se hira ayn erue. Sa hit of tha liudgartha thenna lath wert mith cap jefta mith wixle in anne otherne liudgarda and hire broder thet redda welle, sa mot hiu hit halda mith twam dedethum.

[5] Thet fifte londriucht: "Thet lond, ther thu sokest to thisse monne, thet kapat hi et ena rumfaranda; hi lette invr berch sin ferech and sin fia, ther nerethe hi mitha fia bede lif ande sel; bi thio mot hit halda mith twam dedethum binna there hammerke vter strid, hwant hi <ne> thor lang mith waranda sitta."

Jus terre sextum.
[6] Thet sexte londriucht: Jefter twene broderan sen and ti other wif nimth, so weldegat him hira feder riucht swesdel efter sina degum. Sa sin kind sa sines kindis kind hine forliwat, sa thes kindes alder nout libbat, sa wele thet kind dela and sin fedria ne welle, queth thet hi ene kni niar se. Sa mot thet kind hit jnnia on thene liudgarda tweluasum, mith achte federmagum and mith fior <moder>magum. Jef him friunda berste, sa mot hi se capia, tha mon, ther mith him swere, ief him sin fedria vrdera welle.

[7] Thet sogende londriucht is: Alderfeders lawa and aldamoders lawa and emes lawa and ethelis lawa and thredzia lawa, tha ach ma to haldane and ded uter strid mith xij monna withethum.

[8] Thet achtende londriucht is: Sa hwersa ma benethe werpt vp anne mon, ther nen dolch ne hebbe, and ma tbet quetb, hi se mitb bamum toslain, sa mot ma thes xij vntswera. Jefter dolch is and ma thes iecht and thes daddelis bisecht, sa mot tbi erfnoma sinna thredkning onleda nmith xij monna witbethum; sa ach ma hine to ieldan, thet is londriucht.

[9] Thet niogende londriucht is: Sa hwasa sa sie sinne friund bleda jefta blenda, ther him alsa sib and alsa swes se, thet hi bim se binna tha thredda knj, jef hi tber tohlape and hi an sin soth fiuchte dolch iefta daddel jefta bethe twa, sa bete hit thi, ther an sin soth fuchten se. Jef bi beta ne welle, sa swere thi other in tha withum, thet hit ne dede vmbe aldne nitht ne vmbe nene seke, ne werra thet hi him hilpa wolt; sa bete hit thi, ther an sin soth fuchten se.

Decimum Jus.
[10] Thet tiande londriucht is: Sa hwersa ma benethe werpt vppa enes monnes schalc, sa mot thi hera vndswera on tha withum, jef thi schalc vntgunge mith ene heta yrsene.

Undecimum Jus
[11] Thet alfte londriucht is: Sa bwersa ma benethe werpt vp anne mon fon herses howe jefta fon hrinders howrne, fon hundes tuscke, fon swines tute, fon hona etzel, sa mot hi thes .xij. vntswera, and ma ne ach him mar to ferdrianne.

Sa hwet sa thi tusc deth jefta horn jefta hoef jefta hona etzel jefta schalc jefta vnieriche kind jefta thes monnis wif jefta thi mon selua vrbec deth, jef hit on tha witum biweria wel, thettet him were vnwille dede and vnwelde dede, sa schel ma hit alle beta mith haluere bote, and nanne frethe tha liudum ne tha frana.

[12] Thet tuelfte londriucht is: Sa hwasa otherum fare to huse and to howe mith ena vpriuchta fona one liuda worde and one frana bon enes domliachtes deys, sa hwetsa hi ther fiucht invr hof and invr hus, thet schel ma al beta mith twifaldre bote and alle thet, ther ma vtfiucht of ther nedwere, thet scol alle efretha wesa and ebete. Thes agun him to hilpana tha liude and ti frana thervmbe, thet him thi haudlasa here tofaren was.

Jus terre xiij.
[13] Thet threttenste londriucht is: Sa hwasa bifiuchte iefta birawie wida iefta wesencline iefta walberan, sa schel ma thet alle twibete beta and tha liudum thene frethe bi X liudmerkum and thria pund tha frana, xxj schillinga, thes keningis bonnis; and allera dega hwelikes, alsa longe sa hi mitha vnriuchta rawe sitte, sa ielde hi tha frana allera dega likes xxj schillinga, thruch thet hiu is thes keninges mundele.

Jus quartum X.
[14] Thet fiortenste londriucht is: Sa hwasa otherum ene wepeldepene jefta anne swartene sweng deth jefta thene mon vnschildegis bint, sa is thera jhawelikis bote xv enza, iefta fiorasum to vntswerane and anne fiaeth.

[15] Thet fiftenste londriucht is, thet thio wide ne thet kind ne thoren onderdia vmbe lond ne vmbe letar ne vmbe nene meytele, er thet kind ierich is; elles schelen se onderdia vmbe alle, sa hwetsa ma himman tosecht.

Decimum sextum.
[16] Thet sextenste londriucht is: Sa hwersa lawa lewet send vtvr tha sex honda and thera hondena nen nis, feder ne moder, brother ne suster, kint ne kindiskind, sa sent thet ene vnwena lawa; sa dele hia tha friund al be lika, ther hia ewen swes se an hia kniayas muge.

[17] Thet sogentenste londriucht is: Sa hwersa thi mon otherum en goud an hond an in helde an in hude ieweth, sa is thet riucht, thet hit him wither vponderde thes selua deys, ther hit hebba welle, hit ne se thettet him nime of thera thrira aftneda <hwelic>: nedraf, nedbrond, nachtethiuwethe. Jef thet is liudkuth and burkuth, thet him sin goud vntraweth se jefta forbarnet se jefta vnstellin se, sa ne thor hi him thet goud nout witber onderdia thruch thet, thetter nen mon otheris goud farra ne mei an ple an in plicht ne nima sar sin ayn.

[18] Thet achtenste londriucht is: Hwersa ma tha monne bitigie, thet hi wif a nede hebbe nimen, sa ielde hi se twede, jef hi se jha schele. Jef hi ac biseke, sa vntswere hi xij in tha withum jef hi sikringe hine mith ene bereschinza kampa binna thrim ethmelum.

[19] Thet niugentenste londriucht is: Hwersa thi mon in hereferth fiucht, sa bete hi tha monne twibete and tha liudin thene frethe and thria pund tha frana.

20] Thet twinthechgiste londriucht is: Jefter Northmon kumath and anne mon hendat and bunden to tha skipe brengat and hi mith himman in sine ayna londe to ene thorpe kumpt an hi ther hus barnt ande wif a nede nimth ande mon slaith end hwet sa hi to ewela decht, jef hi thenna vnfliucht jefta leszed wert, sa stant hi an liudworpena ware an on tha bonnena thinge; and sprecht ma him to, thet hi alle ewela deda den hebbe, sa iecht hi thes alles and queth, hi hebbe alsa den; end hi ne thor ther nen bote vmbe iewa and ac nanne frethe felle, hwant hi dede tha hwile, alsa hi en skalc was; thi schalc scolde dwan, alsa him sin hera bad, thruch thes liwes willa.

Jus terre viginti vnum.
[21] Thet en and twintichgiste londriucht is: "Thet lond, ther thu mi tosokest and vmbe to thinge brengest and bennest, thet lefde mi min ethela and min aldafeder and min aldemother. Jef ic hia nomia scol, sa nome ic se son; bithio mot ic thet erue bihalda mith dedethum vter strid."

[22] Thet twa an twintichgiste londriucht is: Ethelis wiues wetma thet sen achte pund <and achte enza> and achte panningan. [Thet is londriucht, thet alle monna hwelic sines walde, alsa longe sa hit vnvorwrocht hebbe.]

[23] Thet thria an twintichgiste londriucht is: Sa hwasa ene frowa an herde bifiuchte, binna there benena burch en lif ofnimt iefta twa, jef hi se ia schel, sa scol hi thet lif twiielda ielda and hire liudwerdene mith xij merkum fella and tha liudum then frethe and thria pund tha frana. Jef hi biseke, sa vntswere hi xij on tha withum ief hi sikre him mith ix scherum iefta mith ene bereskinza kampa binna thrim ethmelum.

[24] Thet fior an twintichgiste lond<riucht> is: Sa hwasa otherum fare nachtis to howe and to huse mith enre gliander glede and alle thet goud barnet, ther hi heueth an howe and an huse, on werum and an werue, jef hi se jan schel, sa scol hi kuma to thera fior hernena hwelic mith x merka wedde, enen dom witha liude to stondan, and itta herthstede mith sinre haudlesene, and tha monne sin goud twiielde ielda, alsa hit sine buran ieftha sine vmbeburan mith him onleda wellat. Jef hi biseka welle, sa scol hi eth t hera fior hernena hwelic an stride withstonda and itta herthstethe mithta fifta thruch thet, thet ma schol mord mith morde kela.