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Creacon of the World/4

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gans pob me ew ankevys {N peb}
nyn aswon na mere a dues
cayne me a vyth henwys 1500
mabe cotha adam towles
why a weall the vysshew bras [1500N,T]

whath ow holan ythew stowte
awos latha abell lowte
na whath vs molathe en tase 1505
nymbes yddrack vt in beys

why am gweall over devys [1505N,T]
ythama warbarth gans bleaw {N Y thoma}
ny bydgyaf bones gwelys
gans mabe den in bysma bew 1510
drefan omboos omskemynes

haw thas adam ý volath [1510N,T]
gallas genaf hay sor braes
drefan henna in neb place
ny allaf cavos powas 1515 {N gawas}
mabe molothow y‚of gwryes

der henna my ny vethaf [1515N,T]
doos in myske pobell neb pryes
mes pub ere ow omgwetha
yn cossowe hag in bushes 1520 {N busshes}
avell beast prest ow pewa

ow follý ýthew mar vras [1520N,T]
haw holan in weth pur browt
ny vanaf tha worth an tase
whylas mercy sure heb dowte 1525
kýn namboma lowena

owne yma thym a bub dean [1525N,T]
ganso tha vonas lethys {N Gansa}
saw an tase dew y hunyn
y varck warnaf y settyas 1530
poran gans y owne dewla
why oll an gweall [1530N,T]
[Shew the marcke]
hag yth cowses yn delma
na wra dean vyth ow latha
war b[e]yn y thysplesure leel 1535 {N Warbyn}

hag owe latha neb a wra fo. 17 a.
vij gwythe y wra acquyttya [1535N,T]
y cowses gans chardge pur greyf

saw whath wos an promes na
mere y thesaf ow towtya 1540
ý bedna ‚ym ny vyn ef

[Let hem hyde hem self in a bushe]

rag henna war ow ena [1540N,T]
me a vyn mos tha gutha
 in neb bushe kythew thym greyf

mester da der the gymmyas 1545
me a weall un lodn pur vras
han[y]s in bushe ow plattya [1545N,T]

sera in myske an bestas
strange ythew eve tha welas
merowgh mester1 pymava 1550 1MS. mr. {m with an r above it}

bythware thym na vova dean
rag me ny allaff meddra [1550N,T] {N allaf}
set ow seth the denewhan
may hallan tenna thotha
na berth dowt ý fythe gwyskes 1555

[let his man levyll the arrowe; and then shote]
nefra na wrewgh why dowtya
ken es beast nagew henna [1555N,T]
ha strang yw the vos gwelys * {N strange}

now yta an seath compys *
tenhy in ban besyn peyll 1560
pardell os archer prevys
hag a lathas moy es myell [1560N,T]
a vestas kyns es lemyn

now yta an seth tennys
han beast sure yma gweskes 1565
ý vernans gallas gan‚a {N gon‚a}

[when cayme is stryken lett bloud appeare & let hem tomble]
lead ve quycke besyn thotha [1565N,T]
may hallan ve attendya
pan vanar lon ythewa

owt aylas me yw marowe 1570
nymbes bewa na fella
gwenys ove der an assow [1570N,T]
han segh gallas quyte drethaf
pur ogas marow ythof

[Lamec cometh to hem & fyleth hem

pardell vema vngrasshes 1575
lemyn ýthoma plagys
dell welowgh whý oll an prove [1575N,T]

owt te vyllan pandres gwryes
sure hema ew dean lethys
me an clow prest ow carma 1580

ow karma yma an beast
me an gweall ow trebytchya [1580N,T]
gallas gon‚a hager feast
roy y grohan thym I pray tha
 tha wyell queth thym tha wyska 1585 {N qweth}

blewake coynt yw ha hager *fo. 17 b.
ný won pane veast ylla boos [1585N,T] {N pana}
yth falsa orth y favoure
y bosa neb bucka noos
ha henna y fyth prevys 1590
[hear Lamec feleth hem]

gorta gas vy the dava
drefan gwelas mar nebas [1590N,T]
pew osta lavar thymma
marses den po peb beast bras *{N po neb beast}
dowte ahanas thym yma 1595

a soweth vmskemynes
me ew cayne mabe tha adam [1595N,T]
genas ý thama lethys {N thoma}
molath theis ow thas1 ha mam 1MS. theis tha thas {N tha das}
haw molath ve gans henna 1600

pewa te ew cayne mab tha adam
ny allaf cregye henna [1600N,T]
defalebys os ha cabm
overdevys oll gans henna
ythos gans bleaw 1605

prag ythosta in delma
yn bushes ow crowetha [1605N,T]{N busshes}
marth bras ýthew

me ny allaf convethas
y bosta ge ow hendas 1610
na care vt thym in teffry

am corf ythos devethys [1610N,T]
hag a adam tha hendas
lemyn ythose melagas
ha vij plag te hath flehys
a vt plagys creys ‚a ve 1615[sic]

marcke dew warnaf ew sethys [1615N,T] {N settys}
te an gweall in corne ow thale
gans dean penvo convethys
worthaf ve sertan ný dale
bos mellyes a vs neb tra 1620 {See Stokes' note. L.1620}

te a weall veary nebas [1620N,T]
banna ny allaf gwellas
tha vos acomptys rom lowta

prag ý wruge dew settya merck
in corn tha dale thym lavar 1625
kyn verhan warnas mar stark1 [1625N,T] 1MS. start {cf Breton start 'firm'}
ny welaf mere ath favoure
na merke vetholl yth tale

me a levar heb ý dye fo. 18 a.
genaf dew a wrug serry 1630
hay volath in pur theffry [1630N,T]
thym a rose

drefan latha ow brodar
abell o henna predar
mara mynta ý wothfas 1635

der henna me a thowtyas [1635N,T]
gans peb a fethan lethys {N y fethan}
saw dew thyma a wrontyas
war y thyspleasure ef ryes
ny vethan in keth della 1640

ha pennagle a wra henna [1640N,T]
plages y fetha ragtha
hay verck ý settyas omma
in corne ow thale rag token

ha tha ganas she omskemynys 1645 {N Ha genas}
o me tha vo[na]s lethys [1645N,T]
en ath dewlaga[s] lemyn {See Stokes' note, L.1647}

a soweth gwelas an pryes
genaf y bosta lethys
marsew ty cayne ow hendas 1650

ow boya o tha vlamya [1650N,T]
ef a ornas thym tenna
ha me ny wellyn banna {N wyllyn}
me nebas pur wyre in faes

a lamec drog was ythos 1655
ha me in weth mear lacka [1655N,T]
hemma o vengeance pur vras
ha just plage ornys thyma
soweth an pryes

cayne whath kenthota ow hendas 1660
tha aswon me ny wothyan [1660N,T]
na ny wrugaf tha wellas
nangew sure lyas blethan
drefan bos defalebys

defalebys ove pur veare 1665
hag over devys gans bleawe [1665N,T]
bewa ythesaf pub eare
in tomdar ha yender reaw
sure nos ha dyth
ny bydgyaf gwelas mabe dean 1670
gans ow both in neb termyn [1670N,T]
mes company leas gwyth
a bub beast1 1MS. beastas

oll an trobell thym yma
an chorle abell rag latha 1675
hema ew gwyer thymo trest [1675N,T]

prag ye rusta ye latha
hag eve tha vrodar nessa
henna o gwadn ober gwryes

drefan eve thom controllya 1680 fo. 18 b.
ha me y vrodar cotha [1680N,T]
ny wrug refrance thym in beys

der henna me a angras
ha pur vskys an lathas
nymbes yddrag a henna 1685

molath dew ha tas ha mam [1685N,T]
gallas genaf ve droag lam
poran rag an ober na

ow holan whath ythew prowte
kynthoma ogas marowe 1690
mersy whelas yma thym dowte [1690N,T]
thymo rag an oberow
me a wore y vos dew stowte
thymo ny vidn ef gava
na gevyans me ny whelaf 1695

yethesaf ow tremena [1695N,T]
theso ny vannaf gava
ow ena ny won pytha
tha effarn ew y drigva
ena tregans gwave ha have 1700

ah soweth gwelas an pryes [1700N,T]{N A}
cayne ow hengyke ew marowe
ragtha te a vyth lethys
a false lader casadowe
squattys ew tha ampydnyan1 1705 1MS. apydgnyan

[kill hem with a staf]

owt aylas me ew marow [1705N]
haw fedn squatyes pur garow
why an gweall ynter dew ran

rag henna moes alemma
my a vydn gwell a gallaf 1710
ny amownt gwythell duwhan [1710N,T]
lemyn ragtha

[depart away]

yma cayne adla marowe
devn the hethas tha banowe
han pagya lamec ganso 1715

deas a ena malegas [1715N,T]
theth vrodar te a lathas
abell neb o dean gwirryan

yn tane te a wra lesky
han keth pagya ma defrý 1720
yn effarn why drog lawan [1720N,T]

[the devills car[i]eth them wth great noyes to hell]

yn pytt ma y wreth trega
genaf ve a barthe wollas
hag a loske in tomdar tane

nefra ný thewh a lena *1725
myns na wra both an tas [1725N,T]

seth ow mabe [thym] des omma fo. 19 a.
ha golsow ow daryvas
hyrenath bew ove in bysma
may thove squyth an lavyr bras 1730
es thymo pub noos ha dyth [1730N,T]

rag henna ke a lemma
tha baradice heb lettya
han oyle a vercý whela
mar kylleth a vs neb tra 11735
na thowt gorryb tý a vyth [1735N,T]
oll ath negys

SETH {N Seyth}
a das kear ny won for thý
na ny vef bythqwath ena
me ny allaf prederýe *1740
pana gwarter ýthama [1740N,T] {N gwarton}
ser tha whylas paradice

gwyth in hans compas tha yest {N compes}
na gymmar dowt na mýstrust *{N gymar}
mes an for a vyth kevys 1745
in vaner ma [1745N,T]
der ow oberow ena [1750N, displaced]

ty a weall allow ow thryes
pan deth ve a baradice
en an very prynt leskys 1750
pan ve an noer malegas [1749N][1750T]
[An angell in the gate of paradice, a bright sworde in his hand]

ha pan deffasta than plas [1751N,T]
ty a gyef in yet vdn eall
a ro gorthib theis in case
haw desyre ny wraff fillall 1755 {N nywres}
byth avysshes a bub1 tra [1755N,T] 1MS. but
a welyth ow mabe ena

SETH {N Seyth}
[Let seythe depart and folow the prynt of adam is feet to paradice]
ow thas kere mos a lema
me a vyn en by and bý
hag y teaf thewhy arta 1760
gans gorryb kyns es hethy [1760N,T]
der both an tas awartha

ma a weall ooll tryes ow thas
am lead ve tha baradice {N An}
hema ew marudgyan bras 1765
an noer sure ný sowenas [1765N,T]
in for my wruge eave kerras {N may}

der temptacon bras an iowle {N temtacion}
chasshes on a baradice
me thyeth genaf hager dowle 1770 {N may theth genen}
ha tha vysshew bras cothys [1770N,T]
ythene der order an tas {N y thone}
trew govy

[A tree in paradice with a meyd in the topp & reching in her armes the serpent]

me a weall an place gloryes
han eall yn yet ow sevall
splan tha welas ha precyous 1775 [S, N and T numbers same to 1940]
me a vyn mos pur evall
en thotha thy salugy

eall dew an nef awartha fo. 19 b.
theis lowena ha mear ioý
devethis ythof omma 1780{N y thof}
gans adam ow thase thewhy
mar della mar thewgh plesys {N In della mar powgh}

seyth des nes ha [thym] lavare
tha negissyow heb daunger {N nagyssyow}]
ha na gymar owne in bys 1785

ow negys ythew hemma
tha whelas oyle a vercý
chardges y thof in della
[gans] ow thas omma thewhy
ages bothe marsew henna 1790

rag ythew ef cothe gyllys
hag in bysma nangew squyth
ý drobell ythew kemýs
whansack nyngew tha drevyth
mes pub eare ma ow crya 1795
war lerth an oyle a vercy

EALL {N Angell}
des nes then yet seth ha myer
te a weall oll paradice
avice pub tra ha lavar
pandra welleth a strangnes 1800
yn iarden abarth agý

[Let seyth look into paradice]

ages bothe marsew henna
me a vyn skon avycya
an marodgyan es ena

[Ther he vyseth all thingis. and seeth ij trees and in the one tree, sytteth mary the virgyn & in her lappe her son Jesus in the tope of the tree of lyf, and in the other tree ye serpent wch caused Eva to eat the appell]*

lemyn Seyth lavar thyma 1805
abervath pandra welta
na wra kelas vn dra

me a weall sure vn gwethan
ha serpent vnhy avadn
marow seigh hy avalsa 1810

hona ew an keth wethan
a wrug kyns theth vam ha tas
debbry an avall a ankan
o defednys gans charge bras
a anow an tas gwella 1815

han serpent na a welta
ythew an verý pryfna1 1MS. prydna
a wrug an iowle tha entra
vnyn hy rag temtya {N Unny}
theth vam eva 1820

der henna dew a sorras
ha tha ve eve2 a ornas 2MS. ave
alena aga chassya
lavar pandra welta moy

me a weall goodly wythan *1825
hay thop pur vghall in ban
besyn neave ma ow tevý

hay gwrethow than door ysall
yma ow resacke pur leall
besyn effarn pytt pur greyf 1830

hag ena ow brodar cayne fo. 20 a.
me an gweall ef in mer bayne
hag in trob[e]ll may thew gwef

hag in tope an keth wethan
me a weall vn mayteth wheake 1835 {N maytheth}
ow setha in pur sertan
hag in y devra[n] flogh teake
der havall thym indella

[The Angell goeth to the Tree of Lyf and breaketh an appll and taketh iij coores and geveth yt to seyth]
me a lavar theis dibblance
henna lell y thew henwys1 1840 1MS. hemwys {N honna}
ew an wethan a vewnans
me a heath ran an frutyes
hag a thro parte anetha
avall pur vras

meyr attomma tayre sprusan 1845
a theth mes an avall ma
kemerthy ha goer in ban
in neb tellar tha gova
ha doag ý genas theth tas

pen vo dewath y thethyow 1850
hag in doer tha vos anclythys
goer sprusan in ý anowe
han thew arall kekeffrys
bethans gorrys in ye thyw fridg

hag ý teiff an keth spruse na 1855
vn gwethan wo‚a henma
na berth dowt avt pur deake

ha penvo hy cowle devys
hy a vt pub ear parys
tha thone an oyle a vercý 1860

pan vo pymp myell ha pymp cans
a vlethydnyow clere passhes
in vrna gwaytyans dewhans {N duwhans}
warlerth oyle mercy pub pryes
ha salvador in teffry 1865
an dora mes a baynes

lavar theth tas in della
ha thotha ythyll trustya
in delma ýthew poyntyes
ffysten dewhans a lemma 1870
ow banneth theis

mear a ras thewhy eall due
ow tysqwethas thym pub tra
thow thas kere oll par dell ew
me a vyn sure y thysca 1875
an marogyan dell ew braes

me a vyn mos alema
in hanow dew a wartha
tha dre tha adam ow thas

[Sseyth goes to his father with the coores & gyveth yt hem]
Lowena thewhy ow thas 1880
devethis a paradice
ythof lemyn tha thew gras
ow negyssyow ythew gwryes
par dell wrussowgh thym orna

welcom os Seyth genaf ve 1885 fo. 20 b.
pana nowethis es genas
marsew an oyle a vercy
dres genas omma theth tas
pur lowan me a vea

nagew whath ow thaes forsothe 1890
me a levar thewgh dell goeth
an gwreanathe a bub tra

pan defa an termyn playne
a pympe myell ha v cans vlethan
an oyle a vercy in nena 1895
a vyth kevys

yn paradice y whelys
defrans marodgyan heb dowt
specýall vn gwethan gloryes
ow hethas in ban pur stowte 1900
besyn nef sure me a gryes

hay gwreythow than doer ysall
besyn effarn ow hethas
hag ena pur wyer heb fall
ý thesa in trobell braes 1905 {N Y thesa}
ow brodar Cayne in paynes

now in toppe an wethan deake
ythesa vn virgyn wheake
hay floghe pur semely maylyes
vny defran wondrys whans *1910

gorthis rebo dew an taes
ow ry thym an nowethys
sure nymbes bes vt mar vraes {N nymbef}
nangew termyn tremenys
a vlethydnyowe1 moy es cans 1915 1MS. vlenydhyowe

SEYTH {N Seythe}
me a wellas gwethan moý
ha serpent in ban ynný
marow seigh hý afalsa

honna o drog preyf heb nam
a dullas eva tha vabm 1920
der henna ny2 kylsyn iam 2MS. I
ioyes paradice rag nefra

attomma tayr sprusan dryes
mes a baradice thewhý
a avall y fons terrys 1925
a theth an wethan defrý
ew henwys gwethan a vewnans

an eall a ornas thyma3 3MS. thewy {N thevy }
panvo dewath theth dythyow
hath voes gyllys a lema 1930
gorra sprusan yth ganow
han thew arall pur thybblance
in tha thew freyge

mes an spruse y fyth tevys fo. 21 a.
gwethan a vyth pure precyous 1935
wosa henna marthys teake
in pur theffry

ha penvo hy cowle devys
hy a vyth pub eare parys
tha thone an oyle a vercy [1940N,T]

mere worthyans than drenges tase 1940[sic]
ow crowntya thymmo sylwans
wo‚a henma ken thew pell

seyth ow mabe golsow themma
ha theth charrdgýa me ara [1945N,T]
in dan ow bannethe pur leall 1945

gwayte an tas an nef gorthya
ha pub ere orta cola
yn pub otham a vesta
ef a wra sure tha succra [1950N,T]
hag a vydn the vayntaynya 1950 {N tha}
in bysma pell tha vewa
ow mabe merke an gyrryow ma

a das kere mere rase thewhy
agis dyskans da pub preyse [1955N]
me a goth in pur thefrýe 1955
gorthya dew an leall drengis
han mabe gwelha

han spyrys sans aga thry
dell yns onyn me a gryes [1960N,T]
try fersons yns pur worthy 1960
ow kys raynya in joyes
in gwlase nef es awartha

ha rag henna y coth thyma
gans colan pure aga gwerthya [1965N,T]

[Lett Death apeare to adam]
coth ha gwan ythof gyllys 1965
nym beas bewa na fella
ankaw ythew devethys
ny vyn omma ow gasa
tha vewa omma vdn spyes [1970N,T]

me an gweall prest gans gew 1970
parys thom gwana pub tew
ny geas scappya deva
an preys mall ew genaf

me a servyas pell an beyse [1975N,T]
aban vema kyns formys 1975
naw cans bloth of me a gryes
ha deakwarnegans recknys
may thew pryes mos a lema

flehys am bes1 denethys [1980N,T] 1MS. bef fo. 21 b.
a Eva ow freas mear 1980
dewthack warnygans genys
a vibbyan hemma ew gwyre
heb ow mabe cayne hag abell

yn weth dewthack warnugans [1985N,T] {N dewthak}
a virhas in pur thibblans 1985
my ambe heb tull na gyll {N Ny anbe}
a thalathfas an býsma

han bys ythew incresshys
drethaf ve hag ow flehýs [1990N,T]
heb number tha vos comptys 1990
tha thew y whon2 gras ractha 2MS. whom

adam gwra thymmo parys
te am gweall ve devethys
theth vewnans gans ow spera [1995N,T]
the gameras alemma 1995
nynges gortas na fella
rag henna gwra theth wana
der an golan maý thella *

ankow y whon theis mur grace [2000N,T] {N mer}
ow bewnans tha gameras 2000
mes an bysma

rag pur sqwyth ove anotha {N pursqwyth}
tha thew y whon gras ragtha

gwyn ow bys bos thym fethys [2005N,T]
lavyr ha dewhan an beyse 2005
pel me ren sewyas [leg servyas?] omma

ha rag henna gwraf comena
then leall drengys ow ena

cowetha bethowgh parys [2010N,T]
an thev[o]llow pub onyn 2010
ena adam tremenys
dvne thy hethas than gegen *
then pytt downe barth a wollas

na na ny wreth in della [2015N,T]
yma ken ornes ractha 2015
yn lymbo barth a wartha
ena ef a wra trega
del ew ornes gans an tace

ty a wore in Effarnow1 [2020N,T] 1MS. Effarne owe
yma mansyons heb gow 2020
neb yma an thewollow
a theth mes an nef golow
genaf ve ow toen rowle vras

an chorll adam y drygva [2025N,T] fo. 22 a.
a vyth abarth awartha 2025
in onyn an clowster[s] na
neb na vyth tam lowena
mes in tewolgow bras ena
ow kelly presens an tase [2030N,T]

han moygha payne a vetha 2030
y vabe cayne in paynes brase
ef a dryg bys venytha
yma ef barth a wollas
in pytt downe ow leskye [2035N,T]

prage na vt an chorle adam 2035
in kethe della tremowntys
me a wra then horsen cam
Boos calassa presonys
mar callaf kyns es hethy [2040N,T]
drefan terry gorhemyn 2040

me a lavar theis an case
kyn wrug adam pegh mr vras
ef an geva yddrage tyn

ha dew thothef a awas [2045N,(T)][T misprint 2040]
ý thyspleasure haý sor bras 2045
hag in della ny wrug cayne

Ef a lathas ye vrodar
ny gemeras yddrag vyth
mes y regoyssyas pur vear1 [2050N,T] 1MS. vean
hag a sor an tas trevyth 2050
yn serten ef ny synges

rag henna bys venary
eve a dryg ena deffrý
in paynes bras avel ký [2055N,T]
ioy nef ew thotha kellys 2055

[They go to hell wth great noyes]

yea Cayne haý gowetha *
in keth order a vewa
an place yw ornas ractha {N ornes}
in efarn barth a wollas [2060N,T]

hag adam vengens thotha *2060
lymbo ew ornys thotha {N ractha}
da ragtha ef ha[y] gowetha {N ea}
ny dastyans an payne bras
[An Angell conveyeth adams soole to lymbo]

yth oll agen vyadge ny [2065N,T]
ren iowle bras ny dalvyth2 oye 2065 2MS. dalvt.
tregans an chorle neb yma

dvne ny war barth a gowetha
tha effarnow a lema
then paynes a thewre nefra [2070N,T]

a ena adam dremas 2070
des genaf ‚a effarnow
ena ornys thies ew place
gans an tas theso heb gowe
tha ramaynya rag season [2075N,T]

pan deffa an oyle a vercy 2075 fo. 22 b.
te a vith kerrys then ioye
than nef vghall a vghan

[Lett adam be buried in a fayre tombe wth som churche songis at hys buryall]

ow thas pan ewa marowe
me a vyn y anclythyas [2080N,T]
dvn a lebma heb falladow 2080
gorryn an corf in gweras
gans solempnýtý ha cane

mes an dore eve a ve gwryes
hag arta then keth gwyrras [2085N,T]
ef a vt treylyes serten 2085

ha del ve thym kyns ornys
an dayer sprusan yw gorrys
in ý anow hay fregowe
[The3 kernels put in his mowthe & nostrels]

del o ef an kensa dean [2090N,T]
a ve gans an tas formyes 2090 {N fornyes}
yn beth yta of lebmyn
then tas dew rebo grassies
oma rag ý oberowe