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Creacon of the World/2

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Gallas genaf hager dowle 420[sic]
tha pytt effarn mes an nef [420T]
ena me a theke an rowle
ha lemyn in payne pur greif
ythesaf [‚]a thewer nefra [425N] {N thesaf, a}

nynges thymo remedy 425
an trespas ytho mar vras [425T]
ný amownt whelas mercye
me a wore ný vyn an tase
ow foly ‚[y]mmo gava [430N]

rag henna oll an vengens 430 fo. 6 a.
a allaf tha brederye [430T]
me a vyn goneth dewhans
der neb for a vras envy
ný wraf vrý warbyn pewa [435N]

my a wore yma formys 435
gans an tas yn dean a bry [435T]
havall thotha ythew gwryes
oll y gorffe m[ar] pur semblý {N in}
ny allaf perthy henna [440N]

envyes ove war y bydn 440
me a vyn towlall neb gyn [440T]
 the dulla mara callaf

gans dew ýthew apoyntes
warden war oll paradys [445N]
der henna ythof grevys 445
y wellas eve exaltys [445T]
ha me dres ‚a yseldar

tha hena yma gwreghtý
benyn yw henwys eva 450[sic][Stokes and Neuss same]
gwryes ay ason ý fe hý
marthys teke a vhe pub tra [450T]
saw ý skeans yw brvttall {N brottall}

me a vyn mara callaf
whelas neb for the themtya [455N]
par del oma gwase suttall 455

now adam ma ow lordya [455T]
avell duke in paradise {N Paradice}
ha me sevyllyake omma
in efarn yn tane pub preyse [460N]
in powan bras ow leský 460 {M potvan MS ponvan}

Sow an keth adam yw gwryes [460T]
me a wore heb dowte in case
tha golenwall an romys
es yn nef der ow goth brase [465N]
a voyd drethaf hawe mayný 465 {N Avoyd}

Sow mar callaf der thavys [465T]
gwyll tha adam thym cola
me an drossa tha baynes
na thefa then nef nevera [470N]
mar a mynna thym cola 470

sowe Eva manaf saya [470T]
hy ew esya tha dulla
es adam in gwyre ynta
ha moy symp[e]ll [475N] {N In margin of MS.}

in weth ny dale ‚m bos gwelys 475 {N ‚ym }
ow honyn in keth shapema [475T]
hager ýthof defashes
ny yll tra bonas hackra
why oll a gweall [480N] {N am}

BELZABUB {N + devill}
hager lower os me an vow 480 *fo. 6 b.
yn myske oll an thewollow [480T]
nyges hackra

rag henna whela neb jyn
po an vyadg ny dale oye [485N]
eva thysa a theglyn 485
mar uthicke pan wella hy [485T]
theth fegure yn kethe delma

ha mar gwreta bargayne sure {N qwreta}
ty a vith lower honorys [490N] {N te}
a wos dew kenthewa fure 490
in forma mar pyth tullys [490T]
me a vyth compes ganso

na berth dowte me an prevent [leg. preves]
hage thro lower tha paynes [495N] {M haga; baynes}
me a levar ‚es fatla 495

[Let the serpent wait in the plain] {N walke; playne}{N Afer 488N}

an tas a rug der entent [495T]
in myske oll prevas in bys
formya preve henwis serpent
hag ýthew wondrys fashes [500N]
tha virgin deke pur havall 500 {N ‚a }

sottall ythew gans henna [500T]
a vghe beast na preaf in bys {N preif}
yn henna manaf entra
ha prevathe tha baradice [505N]
me a vyn mos bob fyllall 505

kyn na wore hy cowse banna [505T] {N Kynna}
me as rowle hy del vannaf
ha kyns es dos a lena
tha adam ha tha eva [510N]
me a wra neb enfugý 510

gura in della me ath pys [510T] {N gwra}
par dell osta jowle wylly {N dellosta}
mar gwreth henna honorys {N qwreth}
ty a vyth bys venarye [515N]
ha pen rowler warnan ný 515
heb dowt in case [515T]

[Let Lucyfer com to the serpent and offer to goe in to her]
by and by thou shalt se that {N thow}
ha pur vskes gwraf an pratt
then serpent in spyte thý face [520N]
[The serpent voydeth & stayeth and [Lucyfer agayn] ofereth to go in to her

Aý redeball dowethý 520
gorta ha byth thym rowlys [520T]
gas ve tha entra agye
rag tý ny vethys dowtyes
drefan y bosta mar deke [525N]
[Lucyfer entreth into ye serpent]
ty a vyth yntertaynes 525
ha gans eva sure cregys [525T]
thyth fysmant ‚ethý a bleake *
aban oma close entrys
vnas sche [a]barth agye [530N]
ow voice oll yta changis 530 {N changys}
a vel mayteth in tevery [530T]
me ne vethaf confethes
om bos ynaff fallsurye {N ombos}
sottall lower ove1 me agreys [535N] 1MS. eve.

{let eva walke in paradice} {N; not in S}

hag a vyn mos heb gwill gycke 535 fo. 7 a.
in wethan pur smoth heb mycke [535T]
avell eall wheak afynes {N A vell}

[the serpent singeth in the tree]
me a vyn mos tha wandra
omma yn myske an flowrys [540N]
oll pub pleasure an bysma 540
yn plasma yta tevys [540T]
maý thew confort ‚a wellas

SERPENT in the tree
eva prage na theta nes {N praga}
rag cowse orthaf ha talkya [545N]
vn dra a won am gothvas 545 {N om}
pur lowenake am gwressa [545T]
cola orthaf a mennas

[Then eva wondreth of the Serpent when she speaketh]
pew ostashe es in wethan
a wartha gans troes ha cane [550N]
marth yw genaf thath clewas 550 {N clowas}

{lett eva looke stranglye on the serpent when she speakethe} {N At 557 in MS. Not in S}

worthys me nembes negys [550T] {N nygys}
na byle os devethys
marth ew genaf tha wellas

na gymmar marth vt benynvas [555N]
me a theth [‚]a the wheras *555 {N a thewhe‚as }
mes a neif gans hast pur vras [555T] {N an}

rag cowsall theis a henna
omma lemyn pur brevath
me athe pys awos neb tra [560N]
na gymar marth anotha 560
na owne vt es ow gwellas [560T]

nynges owne thym a hanas
drefan bose mar deake tha face
na whath dowt vetholl in bys *[565N]

rag der tha ere yth falsa 565
tý tha thos an nef totheta [565T]
ha mara tethe a lena
pur welcom ythose genaf {N y those}
 ha thawell ythe fythe cregys [570N]

lavar thybma thathe negys 570
ha mar callaf tha weras [570T] {571N Marginal note Gen: 3}
na berth dout ný vyth nehys {N dowt}

ow nygys a dreyle tha les
mar a mynta ow kyfye1 [575N] 1Cregy in the British Museum MS.
{N krysye MS kysye}
saw yma thym ahanes 575 {N a hanas}
dowte pur vras a anfugye [575T]
mara qwrees ow dyskevera *{dyskyvera}

[Eva talketh famylyarlye wth the serpent and cometh neare hem] {N After 570N At 574 in MS}
na vannaf tha theskyvra
ow hothman a tra in bys [580N]
rag henna meare tha volta 580
tý a yll gule tha negys [580T]
ha ow threst yw ý vos da

da cotha yw na thowt perill 7v
war ow honesty benyn vas [585N]
pokeean ý whressan fyllell 585 {N fyllall}
hag y fea peth pur vras [585T]
ha me gweffa tha vos punyshes {Ngweffe}

whý a lavar gwyre dremas
henna vea hager dra [590N]
yma thymma hyrathe bras 590
rag gothevas pandra vea [590T]
in cutt termyn ages negys
cowsow y praya {N I}

me a levar thys eva [595N]
ha coole orthaf os ehan 595
maga fure te a vea [595T]
avel dew es awartha
haga vffya pub tra

myhall sera thewgh gramercy [600N]
a callen dos then pryckna 600
yth alsan bos pur very [600T] {N Y thalsan}
henna vea reall dra

bos cooth ‚a thew awar‚a
ha in pub poynt equall gonsa1 [605N] 1 MS. gousa
ha maga fure acomptys *605
yn erna re sent deffry [605T]
yth halsan rowlya2 pur gaý 2 MS. rowtya
ha bos stately ‚om deuyse *{N devyse}

y praytha lavar fatla [610N]
perthy ny allaf pella 610
me a vt sure tha lacka [610T] {N vyth}
mes te thym a lavara
en by and by

skeans benyn ew brottall [615N]
ha ma nygof over sottall 615
lavar thym kyns es hythy [615T]
me athe pyese ž an nowethys

me a levar thys eva
mar gwreth tastya an frutema [620N] {N qwreth; frute ma}
es oma war an wethan 620

maga fure te a vea [620T]
avell dew es a wartha {N A vell; awartha}
in nef vhall a vhan
gow vyth ny lavaraf [625N]

[Let eva looke angerlý on the serpent and profer to depart.]*

what ew hena tha thevyse 625
tam vt nyvyth cregys [625T] {N vyth; ny vyth}
henna me a levar theis
theth cussyllyow in poyntna
me a levar theis praga [630N]

dew a ornas contrary 630 {N contrarye}
na thesan tastya henna [630T]
hay gommandement pur thefry
a rose straytly dres pub tra
na wrellan mellya wortý [635N]
prag ý whreth genaf flattra 635

golsow golsow eva ha des nes [635T] fo 8. a.
shame ew genaf tha glowas
ow cregý then gyrryaw na {N gyrraw}

praga me a levar thies [640N]
y wruge dew ry an chardgna 640
genas a peva tastys [640T]
maga fure te a vea
yn pub poynt sure avella {N a vella}

an tas ef ny vynsa sure [645N]
worthe dean vetholl bos mar fure 645
tha othvas a droke ha da [645T]
rag henna benynvas eva
genas ny vannaf flattra
na ny vanaf usya gowe [650N]
kooll ge thym men tha gesky 650
mar mynta bos exaltys [650T]
poken sertayne venarye
why a vyth avell flehys {N a vell}
bo yn assentys te a glow [655N]
eva gent[i]ll 655 {N MS gentll}

yea yea me a glowe [655T]
hag a rose ‚ym chardge mar strayte
me am býth payne ha galarowe {N an; gallarowe}
mara gwren terry vn ieit [660N] {N qwren; iect}
ý gomanndement thyn reyse 660
par hap in efarne neffra [660T]
my an bythe agen trygva
mar ný vyth ý voth sewyes {N vothe}

Taw Taw eva ythos foole [665N]
ny vynnys cola orthe da 665
me a ragtha tý an owle [665T]
ow husyll mar gwreth naha {N qwreth}
genas nygof contentys

na vea me theth cara [670N]
ný vynsan theth cossyllya 670
tha vos bargayne mar vras gwryes [670T]

[She commeth anear the serpent agayne and geveth heed to his words]{N commethe neare}
a cuffan ý vo‚a gwyre
me a sewsye tha thesyre {N sewsya}
drefan te tha thos an nef [675N]

why a levar gwyre benynvas 675
ný ryse thewh ow mystrustya1 [675T] 1 MS., apparently, mystunstya.
an nef ny the mes tues vas
me ew onyn an sortna

[Lett ye serpent bow downe the appll to eva, & she takethe ye appell] {N After 689}

rewhy kam2 thages dremas [680N] 2 British Museum MS. ran {N ran}
po an vyadge ny dale tra 680
mes y bart ef an geffa [680T]

ny vannaf bos mar grefnye
tha wetha oll ow honyn
adam sure dres pub hwny3 [685N] 3MS. hwnyth {N hunyth}
me an kare po dew deffan 685
the wetha heb y shara4 * [685T] 4Br. Mus. MS. heb y shara, "without his share"

me a ysten an skoran fo. 8. b.
kymmar an frute annethy

me a ra in pur serten [690N]
ny allaf ra pell perthy 690 {N na}
pan vo reys tastya anothy [690T]

nefra na gybmar dowte
te a yll bos pur verrý *
gans tha lagasowe alees [695N] {N a lees}
ty a weall pub tra omma 695
ha pur fure te a vt gwryes [695T] {N vyth}
evell dew na thowt henna
eva me a levar thyes

na vea me theth cara [700N]
ný vynsan a wos neb tra 700
yn ban tha vos exaltys [700T]

mear a rase thewhy sera
ow ry cusyll ‚ym mar stowte
orthowh me a vyn cola [705N]
ha by god nynges ‚ym dowte 705
tha dastya a[n] keth avall [705T] {M MS a; N an}
haw dremas a wor thym grace
tha weyll vyadge mar nob[e]ll {N nobell; nobll MS}
ha re thew an drengis tase [710N] {N drengys}
ef am sett yn ban vhall 710
hag am gornvall meare heb dowt [710T] {N hagam gormall}

ke in ker eva benynvas
te a yll gothvas thym grace
rag an vyadge [715N]

hag adam dell ew dramas 715
ahanas a wra pur vras [715T] {N A hanas}
an bargayne ny vyth eddrack {N bargayne}

Farewell ow hothman an nef
me ath kare bys venary [720N]
tha adam kerras pur greyf 720
me a vyn the sallugye [720T]
han avall y presentya
[Eva departeth to Adam & presenteth hem the appll]

gwra yn della me ath pys
ty a glow keen nawothow [725N]
kyns ow gwellas ve arta 725 [725T sic]

adam adam pythesta
golsow thymmo ha des neese
yma genaf theth pleycya
na barth dowt a bratt es gwryes [730N]
may woffas thym grassow 730 [730T] {N grassowe}

welcom eva os benynvas
marsew an nowothow da
te a vythe rewardyes {N Ty}
ham hollan yn weth gan‚a [735N]
te a vt prest theth plegadow 735[735T] {N vyth}

[Shew the appell to Adam]
merowgh merowgh orth hemma *fo. 9 a.
tomma gaya1 avall theys * 1MS. gaye a avall {N gay a}
mar gwreth tastya anotha {N qwreth}
eve a drayle the‚o tha leas [740N]
moy eas myllyow a bynsow 740[740T] {N ees, myllow; bynsowe}

[Adam is afrayde[at] the sight of the apple] {N At 744; of; appell}

des nes gas ve thy wellas
mara sewa avall da
lavar p[l]e veva kefys {N peveva}

praga adam ow fryas [745N]
der dowte es thyes ý wellas 745[745T]
lavar ‚ymmo me ath pyes

ný bleig thym sight anotha
dowt pur vras yma thyma
nagewa vas me a gryes [750N]
ty mar pe hemma terrys 750[750T]
mes an wethan defennys
ragtha me a vt grevys {N vyth}

neffra na thowt a henna
adam wheak ow harenga [755N]
me a levar thys mar pleag 755[755T] {N pleage}
yn pan vanar yn bema {N ym}

sera ha me ow gwandra {N qwandra}
me a glowas awartha {N a wartha}
war an weathan ven eal wheake [760N] {N udn}
sure ow cana 760[760T]

me am be wondrys fancye
orth ý wellas in weathan
ha thevy in curtessye
ý profyas avell cothman [765N}
mere a dacklow ram lowta 765[765T] {N rom}
ha pur worthý

A eva. eva. ty a fyllas
ow cola orthe an eal na
droke polat o me a gryes [770N]
neb a glowses owe cana 770[770T]
hag1 athe cossyllyas tha derry 1 MS. na. {N Ha; cossyllas}
an avall na

sera eve a gowsys ‚ym mar deake
ny wothyan tabm ý naha 775 [sic][Stokes and Neuss same to 840]
hay bromas o mar wheake [775T]
may wruge eve thyma cola
ny thowtys war ow ena
a falsurye

haý bromas y tho largya 780
mar gwrean tastya an frutna [780T] {N qwrean}
avell dew ny a vea {a vell}
ha maga furre {N fure}

my a fylly in vrna
a callen dos then prickna 785
y fea bargayn pur fuer [785T]

a owte owt warnas eva
me a yll cussya henna
towles on tha vyshew bras
ha worthy the gemeras 790

hena o hagar vargayne [790T] fo. 9. b.
eva me a lavar theis
nebas lowre a vyt[h] an gwayne
pan vo genas cowle connptys
soweth aylaas 795

[Profer the appell to Adam, he refuseth yt]
taw adam na vyth serrys [795T]
ny theth droke whath anotha
an keth perill yth towtys {N towtyes}
hag a laverys thotha {N Haga}
oll an perill in pub poynte 800

saw eve thema a wrontyas [800T]
nago thema dowte in case
war ý perill wondrys coynt

a molath then horsen kam
ha thage in weth gansa 805 *MS, ganso {N ganso}
ny an gevyth sure droke lam [805T]
rag tha veadge in tornma {N torn ma}
ha worthy ‚a gawas blame

[Lett her speak angerly to Adam]
Yea yea me an gevyth oll an blame
tha worthis ge lemyn adam 810
pynag[e]ll for ythe an game [810T] {N ytha; pynagll ms}

saw a pony dewyow gwryes
ný veas mal bew serrys {N malbew}
me a wore hena ynta

Taw Taw na vyth ‚ymmo mar ucky 815
an serpent o re wyllý [815T]
ragas she in keth tornma

ev a brefyas lowre gow theis {N brofyas}
ha genas ymons cregys
ow gyrryow a vyth prevys 820 {N owe}
may fyth lowre payne ractha [820T]

yea ythosta ge dean fure *
ny vynnys orthaf cola {N vynny; vynnys ms}
mar ny vethaf ow desyre
neffra nyn gwellaf omma 825 {M gwellyth; gwellaf ms}
methan vn spyes [825T] {M methaf; methan ms}

[Lett her profer to depart]

an eal ega in wethan
ý cowses gyrryow efan
ha me an creys

syr war nebas lavarow 830 {N lavarowe}
tast gy part an avallow [830T] {N avallowe}
po ow harenga tý a gyll
[profer hem the appll] {N appll ms}

meir kymar an avall teake
po sure inter te hath wreage
an garenga quyt a fyll 835
mar ny vynyth ý thebbrý * [835T]

henna ythew trewath tra {N dra}
a ban reys ‚ymmo cola {N Aban}
po kelly an garensa 840 [sic]
es ornys interrañye [840N] {N interrannye}{S macron on n}

eva gent[i]ll na vyth serrys [840T] fo. 10 a. {N gentill gentll ms}
me a ra oll del vynný {N ara}
drova thymo desempys
ha me a ra ye thebbrye 845 {N ara}
[Eva gevethe hem the appll] {N appll ms}

yea gwra thym indella [845N]
drevon bew ow harenga [845T]
tý a vyth bys venarye
meer an avall ma omma
kymar ha debar tothta 850
dowt me genas the serrý [850N]

[Adam receveth the appll and doth tast yt and so repenteth and throweth yt away] {N appll ms}

ogh ogh trew ny re behas [850T]
ha re dorras an deffen
a teball benyn heb grace
ty ram tullas ve heb kene 855 {N rom}

agen corfow nooth gallas [855N]
mere warnan pub tenewhan [855T]
om gwethen ny gans deel glase {N gwethan}
agen prevetta pur glose

y whon gwyre dew agen tas 860
ý sor thyn ý teig pur vras [860N]
me an suppose [860T]

[Eva loketh vpon Adam very strangly and speketh [not] eny thing]{N spekethe every thing; spekethe euy) thing ms [curve after and over y}{N At 865}

meere mere an gwelta eva
yma ef ow toos omma
rag meth dean ny a lemma 865
tha gutha in tellar close [865N]

FFATHER {N Father}
adam adam pandra wreth [865T]
prage ny theth thom welcomma {N praga}

drefan ow bos nooth heb queth {N qweth}
ragas ytheth tha gutha 870 {N y theth}
yn tellar ma [870N]

FFATHER {N Father}
[ffig leaves redy to cover ther members]
pyw a thysqwethas thyso [870T]
tha vos noth tryes corf ha bregh
lemyn an frute grace na[th]vo {N navo}
monas the thibbry heb peyghe 875
prag ý wresta in della [875N]

thyma ve why a rose gwreag [875T]
hona yw all tha vlamya {N oll}
hy a dorras an avall teake
hag an dros thym tha dastya 880 {N Hagan}

FFATHER {N Father}
a ban golsta ortý hy [880N]
ha gwythyll dres ow defan [880T]
in wheys lavyr tha thybbry
ty a wra bys yth worffan
eva prag y wresta gye 885
tulla tha bryas heb ken [885N]

an serpent der falsurýe * [885T] fo. 10 b.
am temptyas tha w[r]uthell hena {N an}
hag y promysyas tha vee
ý fethan tha well nefra 890 {N neffra}
hemma yw gwyre [890N]

FFATHER {N Father}
rag ty tha gulla ortye [890T]
ha tulla tha bryas leel {N leell}
nefra gostyth thy gorty
me a ordayne bos benyn 895
trust gy thom gear [895N]

may moýghea y lavyer hy * [895T]
der weyll ow [?] gorhemen troghe {N ow; o ms}
na heb mear lavyer defry
benytha nystevyth floghe 900

[the father speketh to the serpent]

prag y wresta malegas [900N]
lavar aga thulla ý [900T]

me a lavar theis an case
rag bos dethy joy mar vras
ha me pub ere ow leský 905

FFATHER {N Father}
serpent rag aga themptya [905N]
mer a bayne es thyes ornys [905T]
malegas es dres pub tra {N os}
ha dreis preif ha beast in bys

owne a hanas rag neffra 910
dean an gevyth prest pub preis [910N]
ha te preif a wra cruppya [910T]
ha slynckya war doer a heys

ynter ye hays hy ha tee
me a wra envy neffra 915
ha henna theth pedn ‚a gy [915N]
than doer sure a wra croppya1 [915T] 1 MS. cruppya {N crushya; cruppya ms}

attoma hager vyadge
ma hallaf kyny ellas {N May}
yth om brovas gwan dyack 920 {N dyacke}
may thof poyntyes ‚a bayne bras [920N]
tha pytt efarn ow cheif place [920T]

[Lett Lucyfer com owte of the serpent, the serpent remayneth in the tree. And lett hem crepe on his belly to hell wth great noyse]{N cÜm}{N At 916N}

me a vyn dallath cruppya
ha slyncya1 war doer a heys 1 MS. slyntya {N slyncya so ms}
them shape ow honyn ytama 925 {N shape; ytoma}
why a weall omma treylys [925N]{N oma}
drog pullat ha brase [925T]

kynnam boma lowena
an chorle adam hag eva
tha effarn ý towns thymmo 930
haga asshew rag neffra [930N]
poyntys der ganaw an tas [930T] {N ganawe}

han serpent tregans yna fo. 11 a.
nefra nythe a lena
rag ythew malegas bras 935

a dase dew athe wullowys [935N]
aban ove tha throke towlys [935T]
graunt theth creator me ath pys {N Grannt; creatour}{N grannt this ed graunt stokes
ms either; creatour creato3 ms creator stokes
na part a oyle a vercy {N pyth pt ms }

adam kyns es dewath an bys 940
me a wront oyle mercye theis [940N]
ha tha eva theth wrethtye [940T]

sow pur wyre thymo ve creis
worth tha wreak drefan cola
rag terry an keth frutes 945
a wrug defenna ‚u wortes [945N] {N ‚a}
spearn y teg thym ha speras [945T]
han earbes an keth dorna
ty a thebar in tha wheys
theth vara pur wyre nefra 950
arna veys arta treyles [950N]
an keth doer kyns a wruga1 [950T] 1 MS. wrugaf
a thowst omma ý fus2 guryes * 2 MS. fens {N feus gwryes}
ha tha thowst ý theth arta {N Hatha}

[Let the father ascend to heaven] {N assend}

theth voth rebo collenwys 955
arluth nef han byes keverys [955N]
me a yll bos lowanheys [955T]
kyns es bos dewath an bys
cawas an oyle a vercy

kynthaw paynes ow cortas 960 {N Kynthew}
in effarn in neb place [960N]
ny ew3 neb an dendyllas [960T] 3 MS. ow. {See Stokes' note, L.962}
drefan an defan terry

mehall yskydnyow4 eall splan 4 MS. yskydmyow
hellowgh adam gans cletha dan 965
hay wreage mes a baradice [965N] {N wreag}

ha deaw gweth dothans gwra doen [965T]
thaga hutha pub Season
aga nootha na ve gwellys {N noothe navo}

[desend angell] {N At 971}
arluth ma a wra henna 970
parys yw genaf pub tra [970N]
tha vose thothans a lemma [970T]

{N Cherubyn}
adam ke in mes an wlase
tha greys an bys tha vewa
te tha honyn tha ballas 975
theth wreag genas tha netha [975N]
[The two garmentis of skynnes to be geven to adam and eva by the angell. Receave the garmentis. Let them depart owt of paradice and adam and eva folowing them. Let them put on the garmentis and shewe a spyndell and a dystaf]*
{N Split after 975, 978, 980, 983N} {N Two [no ‘The']; qarmentys; [twice]; putt; spade]}{N 972 sd at 968 in ms; 975 sd so placed in Stokes at 972 in ms; two ij ms the Stokes; 981 tha Stokes that ms; 983 sd spade this ed spyndell ms}

adam attoma dyllas [975T]
hag eva thages quetha {N qwetha}
ffystenowgh bethans gweskes {N fystenowgh}

fystenowgh trohan daras {fo. 11 a. - omitted}
rag omma ny wrewgh trega 980N]
ages tooles tha ballas [980T]
hages pegans tha netha
y towns parys