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Bedinadedide Thulana Udethu Bethu

From Wikisource

Bíide rahanaháalish donisha wo. Menosháad mehóoha mewoyide worashonelhú boó rashonelhewáaneháa shudehul wohíya womiwitheháadim. Mehóohahul with woho hathóoletham rashonelhethuwáan menedebe i woshud woróowáan. Meláad miwithá mesháad rashonelhú boó miwithedimehé oyinan, i merumad ana benethoth nedebehóo ralóolonal.

Mebithim ben bezheth heshehothesha hatham miwithethusha wo. “Béei ham ana raho nusha wa,” medi ben rashonelhúdim. “Bóo menásháad nezh miwithedim aril.”

“Bíilan ril methi lezh wothem wodaleth woho wa,” di rashonelhú nede wo. “I menédeshub mehel lezh thulana udethuth i mehedethi beth nenedim woho. Dam yide Nihid. Báa rilrili néde ni thulana udethuth?”

“Thulana udethu! Wu rawoth!” medi miwithá wo. “Bíid thad el rawith thulana udenan wi!”

Izh methel rashonelhú, nade nodim, wotham wohudeth nayanal budimod bethode wo, i ilehal ud bethoth; mezheláad bezh dáan ranan. “Bíi mebel lezh rilrili mehel mewothalehul wohudeth wothalehal wothulanatheháath lezheden wa. Báa ril methi nen worahíyahul womahineth? Menime mehedethi nen beth lezhedim el thulanathuwan?”

Ril loláad rathad ban woyideháalish wobotháhid anath thóodim both bethoshaháa ihehena rilrili lothel el be thulanath udenanehéwan wo. Zhida be worahíyahul womahin badazhethuth den rashonelhúthuden hatham heshehothethudim both bethode. Melob rashonelhú beth ilinan, i mehel óowahuleth besha yil.

Id medóham rashonelhú eril mebuth bezh udehóoth boó im bezhethoya obéeháath ilidim nil, nade nodim shunehalenal. Ril meneril bezh íila thulana udethuhéya hathobéeya, i mebadatham bezh beth worahíya wobada boshethunan bada.

“Bóo mehil nezh,” di rashonelhú nede wo. “Bíi rilrili medenehul máan i óowathon menedebe thulanath hi wa. Thad el rawith wothal wothulana udethuth máan ranan e óowathon ranan wi.”

Di miwithá nede héeyanal wo, “Dóo, bíi rilrili thad redeb le máaneth i óowathoneth wa. Methad meduth nezh bezheth—bere menime mehedethi nezh thulana udethuth ledim!”

Medihem rashonelhú wo, i medi bezh miwithádim aril ham thulana menedebe witheda woho, hulehul, úwáanú ril íila wu worahíya womahin thulanathuhé.

Hihath, mehilehul miwithá woho rano shóo heshehothethuth wo, e heshehothesha e dem benethosha obe. Menalitharilehul ben úyahú mebadatham rashonelhú “thulanath” shelenal i mehil bezh beth oyonan. Menololáad miwithá ralala yide benethowáan i odi anathuwáan.

“Dóo,” di rashonelhú zhohalenal wo, “Bíi shi wohaba wothulana udethu leth wa. Izh thalehal thulana udethu onemedaden.”

“Em,” di lan betho wo, “Bíi rilrili nididin onemeda láa thulanathu udethuth óoyonan wa.”

Sháad miwitháhid rahihinanal eril thel be onemedahóoth hoth rumadethudeháaden wo, i dóham be beth mahinesha nil.

Sháad miwithá i il be mahineth wo; di be, “Dóo, bíi thi le medalayuneth nedebe wa. Rilrili merahíyadin bezh láa thulanathuth hi oyinan i óoyonan íi.” Yime behid beth bethodim úwanú thel mewoliri womedath.

“Bíi aril hi wothal wothulanam, hulehul,” di rashonelhú wo, “izh rilrili dóthaleháalish aálesh nedebe beth wi!”

Nathib miwitháhizh wo i di, “Wu thena! Bíi thódom le úshahú ham beye wa!” I yime be núude, i nésháad wohume wodimod aáleshethuden i lúuladoleden íi.

Thalin dom miwithetha úyahú náhíila mahin wo. Edeth, dehenith, i wobehi wohonelaleth medóhameshub mahinesha nil thomahaleya. Worahíya wodim webethuth zhidashub heshehothedim úyahú wod miwith wum yodeyodehulewan. Meyod i mehamedara i melalom ben woho honáaleya hathobéeya; menetháa ben yodeyodewáan i meshihul mewobun wolan beneth.

Methib miwithá woho rashonelhúsha boó ihé úyahú menoháana bezh háasháaleya aril wo. Ham imedim benesha thoma; ume be wothaleháalish wobalenan i mewohabaháalish wohódonenan miwitháde.

“Bíilan eril meban nazh biniháalisheth lenedim wa: woradi woholoth elethu thulanathuth udenan,” di shawith wo. “Aril medom i meha len hith hathehath, hulehul.”

Bíide di rashonelhú méwithedim wo, “Bíidi íizha rilrili ham ra woshadon woradidal thulana udethu bethu; ril them el yodeyodethu with menedebe i with woho, hulehul, wi.” Medihem rashonelhú imedim anathuth uhenanal diden hi, i menáasháad, i menésháad rahadihad.

Bíide nérashud miwith bithim be rashonelhúth hizhehéya nedebe aril, i nátháa be sháaledim rilehóo wáa. Menáhóomasháad rashonelhú miwithede miwithedim wáa; mebuth udeth wethesha óobe, i mehedethi radidal thulanathu udethuth.