Altay Respublikanıñ Gimnı

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"Алтай Республиканыҥ Гимны" (Altay Respublikanıñ Gimnı; meaning "Anthem of the Altai Republic in English and "Гимн Республики Алтай" Gimn Respubliki Altaj in Russian) is the regional anthem of the Altai Republic, a federal subject of Russia located in southwestern Siberia. It was composed by V. Peshnyaka and the lyrics were written by Arzhan Adarova. It was adopted officially on 11 September 2001.[1][2]



The first three verses are sung in the native Gorno-Altay language, and the last two are sung in Russian.

Cyrillic script[3] Latin script (obsolete) Transliteration IPA transcription
First verse (alt.)

Кӧк теҥери јылдыстар,
Улу, јайым Кан-Алтай.
Ӱч-сӱмер, ыйык тайгалар
Агару, јебрен Алтай.

Kɵk teᶇeri çьldьstar,
Ulu, çajьm Qan-Altaj.
Yc-symer, ьjьq tajƣalar
Aƣaru, çeвren Altaj.

Kök teñeri cıldıstar,
Ulu, cayım Kan-Altay.
Üç-sümer, ıyık taygalar
Agaru, cebren Altay.

[køk te.ŋe.ri ɟ͡ʝɯɫ.dɯs.tɑr]
[ʊ.ɫʊ ɟ͡ʝɑ.jɯm qɑn ɑɫ.tɑj ‖]
[ʏc͡ç sʏ.mer ɯ.jɯq tɑj.ɣɑ.ɫɑr]
[ɑ.ɣɑ.rʊ ɟ͡ʝ ɑɫ.tɑj ‖]

Second verse (alt.)

Ӱч толыкту Кан-Алтай
Јыҥкыс эдер јаҥы јок.
Ӱргӱлји кӱйген одыбыс
Ӧчӱп калар учуры јок.

Yc tolьqtu Qan-Altaj
Çьᶇqьs eder çaᶇь çoq.
Yrgylçi kyjgen odьвьs
Ɵcyp qalar ucurь çoq.

Üç tolıktu Kan-Altay
Cıñkıs eder cañı cok.
Ürgülci küygen odıbıs
Öçüp kalar uçurı cok.

[ʏc͡ç tɔ.ɫɯq.tʊ qɑn ɑɫ.tɑj]
[ɟ͡ʝɯɴ.qɯs e.der ɟ͡ʝɑ.ŋɯ ɟ͡ʝɔq ‖]
[ʏr.gʏl.ɟ͡ʝi kʏj.gen ɔ.dɯ.bɯs]
[ø.c͡çʏp qɑ.ɫɑr ʊ.c͡çʊ.rɯ ɟ͡ʝɔq ‖]

Third verse (alt.)

Алтай – ӧскӧн кабайыс,
Алтай – мӧҥкӱ кудайыс.
Элен чактарга корула,
Россияла бис јажына.

Altaj – ɵskɵn qaвajьs,
Altaj – mɵᶇky qudajьs.
Elen caqtarƣa qorula,
Rossijala bis çaƶьna.

Altay – öskön kabayıs,
Altay – möñkü kudayıs.
Elen çaktarga korula,
Rossiyala bis cajına.

[ɑɫ.tɑj øs.køn qɑ.bɑ.jɯs]
[ɑɫ.tɑj møŋ.kʏ qʊ.dɑ.jɯs ‖]
[e.leɲ c͡çɑq.tɑr.ɣɑ qɔ.rʊ.ɫɑ]
[rɔɑ.ɫɑ bis ɟ͡ʝɑ.ʝɯ.nɑ ‖]

First verse (rus.)

Ты солнцем создан, Алтай,
Живи и процветай.
Ты вовек непоколебим,
И прекрасен наш Алтай.


Ty solncem sozdan, Altaj,
Živi i procvetaj.
Ty vovek nepokolebim,
I prekrasen naš Altaj.

[tɨ ˈson.t͡sɪm ˈsoz.dən ɐɫ.ˈtaj]
[ʐɨ.ˈvʲi i prət͡s.vʲɪ.ˈtaj ‖]
[tɨ vɐ.ˈvʲek nʲɪ.pə.kə.lʲɪ.ˈbʲim]
[i prʲɪ.ˈkra.sʲɪn naʂ ɐɫ.ˈtaj ‖]

Second verse (rus.)

Алтай с Россией на века.
Тебе и ей мы верны.
И единою судьбой
Навсегда озарены!


Altaj s Rossijej na veka.
Tebe i jej mi verny.
I jedinoju sudjboj
Navsegda ozareny!

[ɐɫ.ˈtaj s‿rɐ.ˈsʲi.jɪj nə vʲɪ.ˈka ‖]
[tʲɪ.ˈbʲe i jej mɨ vʲɪr.ˈnɨ ‖]
[i jɪ.ˈdʲi.nɐ.jʊ sʊdʲ.ˈboj]
[nəf.sʲɪɡ.ˈda ɐ.zɐ.rʲɪ.ˈnɨ ‖]
[ɐɫ.ˈtaj ‖]

English translation


Blue skies full of stars,
So vast, yet free is the Khan of Altai.
The three peaks of the calm Taigas
This sacred, ancient Altai.
Three peaks stand as the Khan of Altai
To go from here, there will be no traditions.
The hawk sleeps well in the forests
Tenacious taxes do not exist.
This is the Altai nation's birthplace
Altai's one thousand holy places.
Protecting her flowing wealth
We are Russians all our lives.

You are created by the sun, Altai,
Live and prosper.
You are steadfast forever,
And our Altai is beautiful.

Altai with Russia for centuries.
To you and her we are loyal.
And with a single destiny
Are forever perfused.

