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A Confession of Faith

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A Confession of Faith / Wunnamptamoe Sampooaonk (1699)
Westminster Assembly, translated by Grindal Rawson
Westminster Assembly301203A Confession of Faith / Wunnamptamoe Sampooaonk1699Grindal Rawson

[ [n5/mode/1up i] ]



Naſhpe moeuwehko­munganaſh ut

Quſhkenumun en Indiane


Grindal Rawſon, &c.

Eph.4. 5.Paſuk Wunnamptamooonk
Col.2. 5.Menuhkohtaj koonamptamooong-
anoo ut Chriſtut


Printeuun naſhpe Bartholomew Green, kah
John Allen. 1699.

[ [n7/mode/1up iii] ]The Epiſtle Dedicatory.

William Stoughton Eſq.
Lieutenant GOVERNOUR of His
Majeſties Province of the Maſſachuſetts-
in New England.
Increaſe Mather D.D.
Teacher of the Second Church of CHRIST
in Boston, and Preſident of Harvard
in Cambridge.

Honourable and Reverend,

THE World hath long since had Occasion to Know, that the design of our Fathers, who exchanged a Land of desires for this American Wilderness, when it was a Land not sown; was, not only to obtain a peaceable and undisturbed enjoyment of the Word, Worship, and [ [n8/mode/1up iv] ] Ordinances of the Lord Jesus Christ, for themselves, and their Posterity, free from the unreasonable Impositions of Men: but also to do their uttermost to bring the Aboriginal Natives of this Land to the knowledge of God, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and those revealed discoverys of His Will, which are necessary to Salvation. What carefull Steps were taken in pursuance of this so Holy, and Gracious a purpose, the world needs not at this time of day a new Information about, having many Years ago had a Printed account thereof. The Great God, all whose wayes are Mercy and Truth, who alone can prosper the Labours of His Ambassadors, was pleased in a way of Infinite and Soveraign Grace, to allow such success unto the painful and indefatigable endeavours of the ever Renowned ELIOT, and others who sometimes Laboured with him, by all means to promote the Conversion, and Salvation of the Heathen, who lay languishing and perishing under the ruining effects of a fatal ignorance of all those things which concerned their Eternal Comfort; as that many of them had the eyes of their understandings opened, and were turned from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God; publickly confessing and bewayling their sin, professing their Faith in Christ, and their hearty willingness to accept [ [n9/mode/1up v] ] the gracious offers and tenders of the Gospel and to submit unto the rule and government of Christ as the only King of his Church. The consequent of this was the Erecting a Church fellowship amongst them, according to the Faith and Order of the Gospel in the presence of an Honourable and Venerable Assembly, who could not but testify to the World, that they to their great Comfort, apprehended much of the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ attending that Action, which could not but afford a satisfying content to all those who heartily Pray, hopefully Believe for, and sincerely rejoyce in the enlargement of the Kingdom of our Exalted Lord: How joyfully the News of this success in spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom amongst the Heathen was entertained by the Saints of God in the other England, might be abundantly demonstrated from the vast and liberal Contributions there made, which have been carefully improved, and faithfully expended, by the Honourable Corporation in England, and their worthy Commissioners here in order unto the further Progress of the Gospel amongst them.

Thus our Fathers wrought, and it pleased God to prosper the work in their hands, which continued for many years under very flourishing circumstances; the Gospel daily spreading [ [n10/mode/1up vi] ] amongst them not only on the Continent, but also in the Island of Martha‘s Vineyard, where there was a famous and flourishing Church Established. It is, (I know) much wondered at by some, that this so good and hopeful a work, should after the expence of so great pains and treasure, make no greater advances; that it hath for so long a time seemed to stand at a stay, (or as others conclude, gone many degrees backward) But yet enough might be said (if any thing would satisfie) to put a stop to all admiration. It must be granted that the afflictive Wars with the Indian Natives have proved an unhappy occasion of obstructing and hindring the progress of the Gospel amongst those of them who have given entertainment thereunto; It is easy to imagine what a fatal door has been hereby opened unto those corrupting and ruining Temptations which have but too much prevailed upon them, and unto those radicated prejudices against the Indians in general, which have occasioned many to have too great an aversion for them, and for the work of Christ amongst them, for their sakes. To this may be added, that those who seriously reflect upon the state of Affairs throughout all the Churches of Christ in this Land, the great defections there are amongst us as to the life and power of Godliness, together with [ [n11/mode/1up vii] ] those growing vices and abominations, which like a Land Flood threaten to overwhelm us, notwithstanding all Essayes unto that Reformation God hath been for so long a time urging upon us, will see a sufficiency of reason to suspend their admiration at the slowness of the Gospels progress amongst the Indian Natives; although considerable care hath been taken to promote it. But after all that might be offered of this nature, it will be readily acknowledged to be a day of small things amongst them; yet I am bold to say, that there are to be found with them such things as do afford promising hopes of a far greater harvest amongst them, than hath ever yet been seen; if due pains be taken, and right methods pursued; and administer a sufficient ground for that demand made by the Prophet; Who hath despised the day of small things? It is not much above sixteen months since, by your special Injunctions, the Reverend Mr. Samuel Danforth and my self made a visit unto all those places in this Province, where the Indian work lies, and the Publick have in their hands a true and faithful Narrative concerning it; wherein we have adventured to say nothing which we are not able to attest the truth of, either from our own diligent Observations, or from the relations of persons worthy of [ [n12/mode/1up viii] ] Credit, who in every place where we came, were best capable of giving us information. By a serious perusal of this Narrative it will appear, that notwithstanding all those deaths that seem to be upon the work; yet there are to be seen amongst them things which accompany Salvation, and that minister sufficient encouragement to those who have the management of it, to endeavour by all probable and hopeful means the furtherance thereof. It was no small matter of joy unto us, to behold so much of gravity, and sobriety in their Church Assemblies, to see so many amongst them who have the character of sober, discreet and savoury Christians put upon them, by those who know them best, and have the advantage of inspecting their Lives and Conversations; to hear so many of their Indian Teachers expressing themselves in their publick applications to Heaven, with so great affection and understanding; rejoycing that the Honourable Commissioners should express such a concernment for them. Not to take notice of such things as these with thankful acknowledgment unto God, cannot but be censured as the effect of a black ingratitude. Certainly such things should serve to awaken a spirit of Prayer and Supplication in all the Children of God, that God would graciously own and smile upon all endeavours used with them, and pour out his Spirit from [ [n13/mode/1up ix] ] on High upon them. That so Gods work amongst them may be revived in the midst of the years. We cannot imagine that any thing would more effectually contribute towards the promoting and advancing the interests of the Gospel amongst them, than the fervant Prayers, and importunate wrestlings of those who have an interest in Heaven; whom God himself hath addressed with such an encouraging invitation as this, Concerning my Sons, and concerning the work of my hands, command ye me? And as an inducement hereunto, it is not to be slighted, that there are thro‘ the Divine Grace those improved more occasionally, to dispense the Truths of the Gospel to them, who are well spirited and qualifyed to subserve their Edification; although a more constant help from such would doubtless have a greater tendency to further them in the knowledge of all those things that are to be known and practised in order to Salvation: And as duty constraineth me to make a particular mention of the well accomplished Mr. Experience Mayhew, whose industrious and painful Labours do worthily deserve the encouragement of a double Honour; So may I without vanity and boasting affirm in general concerning many others who have been successively improved in transmitting to the Indian Natives the Gospel of their Salvation, that their industry and [ [n14/mode/1up x] ] integrity cannot be paralell‘d by what of that nature hath been attempted by the Missionaries of Rome, either in the Eastern or Western Indies, who although they boast of the many thousands by them Converted, yet take no care to instruct them in the principles of the Christian Faith; but drive thousands of them together unto Baptism, who are neither Believers themselves, nor Children of such; and all this chiefly on politick accounts, with a design to enrich themselves. What lamentable cheats the French Jesuites & Friers have put upon the poor Indians, whom they pretend to bring unto the knowledge of the ways of Salvation, hath been detected from their own Writings, a part whereof has been subjected to publick view by the Reverend Mr. Cotton Mather (into whose hands they fell by a strange Providence) from whence it may be easily demonstrated, that instead of teaching them the truth as it is in Jesus, they have (to their eternal shame) misled those miserably deluded Creatures into horrible Errors, and damnable Heresies, making them seven times more the Children of Hell than they were before. On the other hand, the Translating the Holy Scriptures into the Indian Language, effected by the more Herculean Labours of the famous ELIOT, (who deserves the Title of an [ [n15/mode/1up xi] ] Indian Apostle infinitely more than the Jesuit Xavier, whom the Popish Party have honoured with it) together with many practical Treatises, printed in order to their instruction and information in the Doctrine according unto Godliness, are the lasting and incontestible Evidences of the great care taken by the Honourable Corporation, for the propagation of Religion amongst the Indian Natives of New England and parts adjacent, and those who by their order from time to time have had the conduct of that affair amongst our selves, that they might be principled aright in the saving knowledge of those things which discover unto men the way of Salvation. It was doubtless an effect of the same holy care and zeal that caused Your selves, Honourable and Reverend to Command me the Service of Translating, The Confession of Faith, Owned & Consented unto by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches Assembled in Boston, May 12. 1680. &c. into the Indian Language, a work never yet attempted by any; How I have discharged the Trust you have committed to me, must be left unto the judgment of those who are well skilled in the language; all that I have to say for my self is, that I have endeavoured to the uttermost of my ability to render the whole as expressively as I could, so that I doubt not but all amongst [ [n16/mode/1up xii] ] them though but of an ordinary Capacity will readily understand the Translation. After the expence of all that labour and travail by which at last it is brought to a period, all I can do further, is to apply with earnestness unto the Throne of Grace, that my poor endeavours may be accepted of God, and prove an happy means of promoting the interest of the Gospel amongst those, whose growth in Grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ hath been thereby designed and intended. That I dedicate these my Labours to your selves, need not to be wondred at by any who consider that your Commands have given birth unto them; and being destitute of other means, I cannot but rejoyce in the opportunity the Divine Providence hath put into my hands, of testifying to the World, the sense I have of those repeated Obligations you have laid upon me. Give me leave Honourable and Reverend, to subjoyn, That since the Honourable Corporation in England have to the abundant satisfaction of all good men, joyned Moses & Aaron together in Commission for the management of the great affair of the Kingdom of Christ, amongst the Indian Natives of this Province, and adjacent parts of America. It shall be my constant Prayer to God, that you may be graciously directed unto those methods which may by a Divine Blessing be [ [n17/mode/1up xiii] ] rendred successful unto the rescuing the work out of the hands of all those inconveniencies and difficulties wherewith it is conflicting. Many faithful Services You have done, both in this and the other England, for the Interest of God and his People in this Land; unparalell‘d hath been the zeal you have expressed, and the cares you have expended to your Eternal Honour upon that Nursery of Learning, the River whose streams have refreshed the City of our God. That all You have done, and are continuing to do for the Churches, Cities and People of our God in this Land, may be gratefully and thankfully acknowledged by the present, and succeeding Generations; and that after God shall have long continued You rich Blessings to Your Generation, whom You are Serving by the will of God; You may at last in a good Old Age be Gathered to the Bed of Eternal Rest and Glory.

Is and shall be the Prayer of

Honoured and Reverend,

Yours in the Service of the Gospel,
Readily to be Commanded

From my Chamber in
Brantrey, Nov. 4.

G. Rawſon.

[ [1/mode/1up 1] ]

A Confeſſion of




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Of the Holy Scripture.

Papaume Manittooe Wussukwhonganash.

ALthough the Light of Nature, and the works of Creation and Providence do so far manifest the Goodness, Wisdom and Power of God, as to leave men unexcusable; yet are they not sufficient to give that knowledge of God and of his Will, which is necessary unto Salvation: Therefore it pleased the Lord at sundry times, and in diverse manners to reveal himself, and declare that his Will unto his Church; and afterwards for the better preserving and propagating of the Truth, and for the [ [4/mode/1up 4] ] more sure establishment and comfort of the Church against the corruption of the flesh, and the malice of Satan and of the world, to commit the same wholly to writing: which maketh the holy Scripture to be most necessary; those former wayes of Gods revealing his will unto his People being now ceased.

MAnittoe Waantamooonk, & wunneetuonk wahteauwahuwae wahteauwaheoneau nashpe kezteaue & naumoe nanawontamooe anakausuongash God; kah yeug nanawompatogeek yeush anakausuongash nashpe wuttinnepomantamooongane Wequai nukkonoog matta toh ennomaseinate. Qut yeush Manittoe Anakausuongash mat tapenumoomunooash enninnumauonate ne wahteauonk papaume God, kah papaume wuttenantamooonk God ne tapenumoonioouk wutche micheme wadchanittuonk. Newaje oosikkitteahikqun God moochekit nompe, kah moocheke chippee woshwunnumauonate Nehewonche wuhhogkuh, kah wuttenantamoonk en Moeuwekomunkanit, kah ompetak ponamunate [ [5/mode/1up 5] ] wuttenantamooonk ut wussukwhonganit, wutche anue wunnegen wadchanittuonk, kah sepagunumunate wunnamuhkuteyeuuk, kah wutche anue menuhkesue wekekonittinate, kah tapheonate Ummoeuwehkomunganit, aiyeuuhkone weyausue aninnuonk, kah ayeuuhkone mattannittue kah muttaohke ishkawanittuonk: Newaj Manittoe wussukwhonganash moaeu quenauhuwaash, newaje wame negonne ummayash nish nashpe God woshwunumup wuttenantamooonk en ummissinninnumoh mahche mahtshaash.



Under the name of holy Scripture, or the Word of God written, are now contained all the Books of the Old and New Testament, which are these.

Nashpe manittoe wussukwhonganash, noowohtamumun wame Booksash Nukkone kah Wusku Testament yeush asuhkommoomoogish.

Of the Old Testament.

Papaume Nukkone Testament.

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, The Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah, Malachi.

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Weske Samuel, Nahohtoeu Samuel, Weske Kings, Nahohtoeu Kings, Weske Cronicles, Nahohtoeu Cronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Ukketoohamaonk Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah, Malachi.

Of the New Testament.

Papaume Wusku Testament.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, The Acts of the Apostles, Pauls Epistles to the Romans, 1 [ [6/mode/1up 6] ] Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 to Timothy, 2 to Timothy, To Titus, To Philemon, The Epistle to the Hebrews, The Epistle of James, The first and second Epistles of Peter, The first, second and third Epistles of John, The Epistle of Jude, The Revelation.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Wutusseonganoooash Apostlesog, Wutepistleum Paul en Romon[sut], [ [7/mode/1up 7] ] Weske Corinthians, Nahohtoeu Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colosians, weske Thessalonians, nahohtoeu Thessalonians, 1 en Timothy, 2 en Timothy, en Titus, en Philemon, Wutepistleum en Hebrews, Wutepistleum James, Negonne kah nahohtoeu Epistlesash Peter, Negonne kah nahohtoeu kah nishwe Epistlesash John, Wutepistleum Jude, Owoshwunnumooonk.

All which are given by the inspiration of God to be the Rule of Faith and life.

Wame uttiyeush kittinninnummonteananonash nashpe wunnashanittassuonk God wutche Wunnamptamooe, kah pomantamooe Quttuhwheganit.



The Books commonly called Apocrypha, not being of Divine inspiration, are no part of the Canon of the Scripture; and therefore are of no authority in the Church of God, nor to be any otherwise approved or made use of, then other humane writings.

Yeush Booksash nish hettamunash Apocrypha, matta ummoomunoash wutche Manittoe wunnashanittassuonk, kah matta chipiyeumooash Manittoe wussukwhonganash; kah yowutche matta ummenuhkesuonganooash ut Ummoeuwehkomunganit God, kah matta papaquanne tapeneamoomunooash, asuh auwahteauoounash qut webe tatuppeyeue onkatoganash wosketompae wussukwhonganash.



The Authority of the holy Scripture, for which it ought to be believed and obeyed, dependeth not upon the Testimony of any man or Church, but wholly upon God (who is Truth it self) the Author thereof, and therefore it is to be received, because it is the Word of God.

Ummenuhkesuonk wunnetupanatamwe wussukwhonganash newaj woh wunnamptamunash, kah noswehtamunash matta oomoo wutche wosketompae asuh Moeuwehkomungane oowauwaonganit, qut webe wutche God nehenwonche wuhhogkuh (noh [ [9/mode/1up 9] ] wunnamuhkuteyeuut) noh. Ayik wunnetupanatamwe wussukwhonganash, kah yowutche woh attumunumunash, newutche Wuttinnoowaongash God.

[ [8/mode/1up 8] ]



We may be moved and induced by the Testimony of the Church, to an high and reverent esteem of the holy Scripture. And the heavenliness of the Matter, the efficacy of the Doctrine, the majesty of the Style, the consent of all the parts, the scope of the whole (which is, to give all glory to God) the full discovery it makes of the only way of mans Salvation[,] the many other incomparable excellences, and the intire perfection thereof, are Arguments whereby it doth abundantly evidence it self to be the Word of God; Yet notwithstanding, our full perswasion and assurance of the infallible Truth and Divine Authority thereof, is from the inward work of the holy Spirit, bearing witness by and with the Word in our hearts.

Nashpe Ummoeuwehkomungane wauwaonganit woh kootwantamhetteamun womoausue mishanumunate wunnetupanatamwe wussukwhonganash Kesukquiyeue kah Menuhkesue kuhkootamwehteaongash wunnetupanatamwe wussukwhonganash, sohsumooe wunnoowaonk wame chippiyeuash. Ennomai mamusse Manittooe wussukwhonganash (ne aninumauonate wame sohsumooonk en Godut) oowahteauwahuaonk nutahtomun nashpe wunnetupanatamwe wussukwhonganash papaume ne webe may en wosketompae wadchanittuonganit, kah monatash onkatoganash anue wunnegen sohsumooongash, wame yeush teanteaguasinish pahkeyeue pohquttumooash wunnetupanatamwe wussukwhonk ne Wuttinnoowaonk God. Qut nutahtomun pahkontamwe nupweshassoowaonk, kah annoosuonk papaume Manittoe kah menuhkesue wunnamuhkutteyeuuk wunnetupanatamwe wussukwhonganash webe nashpe ennometahae anakausuonk wunnetupanatamwe Nashauanit, ne wauwomoouk nashpe Wuttinnoowaonk ut nuttahhunnonash.



The whole Counsel of God concerning all things necessary for his own Glory, Mans Salvation, Faith and Life, is either expresly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary consequence may be deduced from Scripture; unto which nothing at any time is to be added, whether by new Revelation of the Spirit [ [10/mode/1up 10] ] or Traditions of men. Nevertheless we acknowledge the inward illumination of the Spirit of God to be necessary for the saving understanding of such things as are revealed in the Word. And that there are some circumstances concerning the Worship of God and Government of the Church, common to humane actions and Societies, which are to be ordered by the Light of Nature, and Christian Prudence, according to the general Rules of the Word, which are always to be observed.

Mamusse kogkohqutteamooonk God papaume wame teanteaguasinish quenauhuagish wutche [ [11/mode/1up 11] ] nehenwonche sohsumoonk, wosketompae wadchanittuonk, wunnamptamooonk, kah Pomantamonk asuh pahkeyeue wussukhumun ut Manittooe wussukwhonganash, asuh woh mukkinnumun nashpe wunnegenue kah menuhkesue papodtantamooongash wutche wunnetupanatamwe wussukwhonganash, uttiyeush monteag nishnoh ut ahquompi matta woh kootnehteauooun, asuh nashpe wusku nashauanittue oowoshwunumooonganash, asuh nashpe wosketompae kuhkootomwehteaongash. Qut nussampooamun ennometahae nashpauanittue wequaiyeuonk quenauhuagk wutche wadchanittue oowohwohtamoowoshwunnump ut wuttinnoowaonganit. Kah nawutche na agqueneunkquokish papaume wowussumauonk God kah nanawontamunate Ummoeuwehkomunk wunnoowomoougish wosketompae usseongash nish woh nanawunnamun nashpe wuttinne pomantamoe Wequai, kah Christiane wahteanteaonk, neaunak nanwe quttuhwheganash Wuttinnoowaonk, nish nagwutteae nanawontamagish.



All things in Scripture are not alike plain in themselves, nor alike clear unto all: yet those things which are necessary to be [ [12/mode/1up 12] ] known, believed and observed for salvation, are so clearly propounded and opened in some place of Scripture or other, that not only the learned, but the unlearned, in a due use of the ordinary means, may attain unto a sufficient understanding of them.

Wame teanteagquassinish ut Manittoe wussukwhonganash mat tatuppeyeue nukkummattinnoo wahteauun ut nehenwoncheyeuoogish, asuh tatuppeyeue pahkiyeuoo wame wosketompaog; Qut wame yeush teanteagquassinish nish [ [13/mode/1up 13] ] quenauhuagish wahteauun, asuh wunnamptammun, asuh nanawehteauun wutche wadchanittuonk pahkeyeue ponamunash kah woshwunumunash asuh wutch pasuk, asuh onkatog aiyeuonk ut wussukwhonganehtu: kah matta webe wahtonteaenuog, qut onch mat wahtonteaenuog, nanawontamoohettit, woh attumunumwog wamattooe wahteauonk papaume mamusse Manittooe wuttenantamooonk wutche wadchanittonk.



The Old Testament in Hebrew (which was the native Language of the People of God of old) and the New-Testament in Greek (which at the time of writing of it was most generally known to the Nations) being immediately inspired by God, and by his singular care and providence kept pure in all ages, are therefore Authentical; so as in all Controversies of Religion the Church is finally to appeal unto them. But because these Original Tongues are not known to all the people of God, who have right unto and interest in the Scriptures, and are commanded in the fear of God to read and search them; therefore they are to be translated into the vulgar Language of every Nation unto which they come, that the [ [14/mode/1up 14] ] Word of God dwelling plentifully in all, they may worship him in an acceptable manner, and through patience and comfort of the Scriptures may have hope.

Nukkone Testament ne wussukhumun ut Hebrewe unnontoowaonk, kah Wusku Testament ne wussukhumun ut Greeke nnontoowaonk enninnummoadtinnash nashpe wunnashaunittassuonk God, kah pohkiyeue wadchanumunash wutch aiyuhhuhsukkaue pometuongash nashpe nehtaue wunnanawontamooonk God, kah yowutche anue wunnamuhkuteyeuooash, kah ut wame Manittowompae channoowaongash Moeuwehkomunk maumachish woh kodtantam oosummukqunate nashpe wunnetupanatamwe Wussukwhongash. Qut onch newaj yeush nukkone Unnontoowaongash matta wahteauoounash nashpe wame ummissinninneumoh God, uttiyeug wussampoiyeumoocheeg ut wussukwhonganash God, kah anoonoog ut wabesuononate God yeush ogketamunate kah natinneakontamunate: Yowutche qushkenumunash en unnotoowaonganit nishnoh wutohtimoin uttoh [ [15/mode/1up 15] ] paomooukgish, onk woh Wuttinnoowaonk God moochekohteau ut wame, kah onk wame missinninnuog woh wahteauog tapeneamooe wowussumonate God, kah wutannoosuog nashpe wussukwhongane taphuwaonganit.



The infallible Rule of Interpretation of Scripture, is the Scripture it self, and therefore when there is a question about the true and full sense of any Scripture (which is not manifold but one) it must be searched and known by other places, that speak more clearly.

Manittooe nehenwoncheyeue wussukwhonk ne sampoi Kuhkuhheeganoo ne nashpe nukquogquoshkinnumumun wunnetupanatamwe wussukwhonganash, kah yowutche natootomwehteaonk weogquttumuk uttoh anawuttamoouk, woh nattinneakontamun wutche onkatoganash aiyeuwongash nish anue pohkiyeue noowomooukgish.



The Supream Judge by which all controversies of Religion are to be determined, and all Decrees of Councils, Opinions of Ancient Writers, Doctrines of men and private Spirits, are to be examined, and in whose Sentence we are to rest, can be no other but the holy Scripture delivered by the Spirit; into which Scripture so delivered, our Faith is finally resolved.

Manittooe Wussukwhonk ne qunnunkquiyeue Wusittumwaenuoo ne nashpe wame Manittoowompae channoowaongash woh wussittumunash, kah wame kuhkoowaongash Konoonuttutcheeg, wuttenantamooonganooash nukkone wussukwhosuaenuog, wosketompae kuhkootomwehteaongash, kah keme Nashauanittooog woh qutcheheoog nashpe yeu sampoi wussukwhongane quttuhwheeganit, ne kuttinninnummonteanane nashpe Nashauanit God, kah yeuut Noonamptamooonganun maumachish tapontamoomoo,

[ [16/mode/1up 16] ][ [17/mode/1up 17] ]



Of God and of the holy Trinity.

Papaume God, kah wunnetupanatamwe Nashauaonk.

THere is but one onely living and true God who is infinite in being and Perfection a most pure Spirit, invisible, without body, parts, or passion, immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, most wise, most holy, most free, most absolute, working all things according to the Counsel of his own immutable and most righteous Will, for his own Glory, most loving, gracious, mercifull, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin, the rewarder of them that diligently seek him, and withall, most just and terrible in his Judgements, hating all sin, and who will by no means clear the guilty.

PAsuk nont God, noh webe pomantamooe kah wunnamuhkutee God, noh mattah wohkukquohsinnoog, anue pohkiyeue Nashauanittoooo, matta woh nogqusseeg, matta wuhhogkieek matta chippieek, mat noochumweseek matta ohosueek, matta tapenomuk, michemappu, wame wissukkenue, wame waantam, anue wunnetupanatam, nanowe magooe God, noh kezteunk wame teanteagquassinish neyane weogkontog ut nehenwonche matohosue kah anue sampweseae Wuttenantamooonganit wutche nehenwonche Wussohsumooonganit, noh anue womoausue, monaneteae, kitteamonteanitteae, sepe unnanitteae, kah monat ummonaneteaonk, kah wunnomwayeuonk, ahquoantamun panneusseongash, kah matcheneheaonk, kah matcheseonk, onkquatauont neh menuhke natinneahukqutcheh; qut onch anue sampwesu kah uhqueneunkqussu ut wame matcheseonk kah matta sampweneheont matchetoowog.



God hath all Life, Glory Goodness, Blessedness, in, and of himself, and is alone in, and unto himself, All sufficient, not standing in need of any Creatures which he hath made, nor [ [18/mode/1up 18] ] deriving any glory from them, but only manifesting his own glory in, by, unto, and upon them. He is the alone Fountain of all Being. Of whom, through whom, and to whom are all things; and hath most Soveraign dominion over them, to do by them, for them, or upon them, whatsoever himself pleaseth: In his sight all things are open and manifest, his knowledge is infinite, infallible and independent upon the Creature, so as nothing is to him contingent or uncertain. He is most holy in all his Counsels, in all his Works, and in all his Commands. To him is due from Angels and Men, and every other Creature, whatsoever Worship, Service or Obedience, as Creatures, they owe unto the Creator, and whatever he is further pleased to require of them.

God ahtau wame Pomantamooonk, Sohsumooonk, wunneeuonk, wunnanittuonk ut nehenwonche Nagum; kah noh webe tapenum ut, [kah] wutche nehenwonche nagum, noh matta [-uenauhuk] nishnoh oaas neh kezheopoh, asuh [ [19/mode/1up 19] ] matta oomoounoo wussohsumooonk wutch oaasineeg, qut webe washeau nehenwonche wussohsumooonk, ut, nashpe, en, woskeche nag. Noh webe Moosohwuhquonoooo wame teanteagquassinish; nashpe nagum, kah wutch nagum wame teanteagquassinish, noh ahtaau menuhkesue wunnanawunumooonk ut wame, kah usseu nashpe wame, kah wutche wame neaunak wuttenantamooonganit kah wanne owaas qut wame pahke nogqussuog kah wame teanteagquassinish puhshkohtaash ut anaquabit, oowahteauonk God matta woogketamooun, matta asookekodtamooun, matta anaonooo kezheomukeeg, kah matta uttoh anagk qut nenaunake negonne oowahteauonganit, kah uppogkodtantamooonganit, God anue wunnetupanatamweyeuoo ut wame ukkogkahqutteamooongash, ut wame wutanakausuongash, kah ut wame wutanooteamooongash. Noh anontaquohwhau wutch wame Angelsog, wosketompaog, kah nishnoh wonkatuk oowaas wame wowussumooonk, kah noswehtamooonk newaj ukkezheompoh, kah yowutche ennomaiyeuoo wutche nag ussenate neaunak wuttenantamooonganit.



In the Unity of the God-head there be three Persons of one Substance, Power and Eternity, God the Father, [ [20/mode/1up 20] ] God the Son, and God the holy Ghost; The Father is of none, neither begotten, nor proceeding; The Son is eternally begotten of the Father; The holy Ghost eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son. Which Doctrine of the Trinity is the foundation of all our Communion with God, and comfortable dependence upon him.

Ut Manittoe Pasukooonganit nishwe Howanooongash, kah tatuppeyeue pasukooog ut wuttinne pomantamooonganooout Ummenuhkesuonganooout, kah Ummichemeyeuonganooout [ [21/mode/1up 21] ] Wutooshimau Godoooo, Wunnaumoniin Godoooo, kah Wunnetupanatamwe Nashauanit Godoooo, Wutooshimau mat neetu, matta annoonoh, Wunnaumoniin michemeyeue neetu nashpe Wutooshimau, Wunnetupanatamwe Nashauanit michemeyeue anoonou wutch Wutooshimau, kah wutche Wunnaumoniin yeu nishweooe kuhkootomwehteaonk neh webe quequenohtag wame noowetomaonganun nashpe God, kah wame nuttaphetteaonganun kah noonamptamooonganun ut wuhhogkat.



Of Gods eternal Decree.

Papaume micheme Manittoe Uppogkodtantamoo onganit.

GOD from all eternity did by the most wise and holy counsel of his own Will, freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass: Yet so, as thereby neither is God the Author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the Creatures, nor is the liberty or contingency of second Causes taken away, but rather established.

GOD wutche wame michemeyeuooonganit nashpe oowaantamwe kah wunnetupanatamwe ukkogkahqutteamooonganit nanouwe kah mat ohosue kuhquttum wame teanteaguassinish, nish woh ompetak anagish: Qut onch yeu nashpe ukkogkahqutteamooonk God matta kezteauwaenuoo matcheseonk, asuh oowaasineeg wuttenantamooonganoo chekee unnehteauun, asuh nanauayeuonk nahohtoeu Howanooongash amaunumun, qut anwoh menuhketeauun.



Although God knows whatsoever may or can come to pass upon all supposed Conditions, [ [22/mode/1up 22] ] yet hath he not decreed any thing, because he foresaw it as future, or as that which would come to pass upon such Conditions.

Tohkonogque God oowahteauun nishnoh teag ne woh anake nashpe ponamooe [ [23/mode/1up 23] ] wunnatwontamooong[r]sh, qut matta wuttinne pogkodtantamooun, newaj negonne naumup yeush teanteagquassinish woh unniyeuash nashpe neonagkish wunnatwontamooongash.



By the Decree of God for the manifestation of his Glory, some Men and Angels are predestinated unto everlasting life, and others fore-ordained to everlasting Death.

Nashpe Uppogkodtantamooonk God wutche wahteauwahuwonate Wussohsumooonk, nawhutche Angelsog kah wosketompaog negonne kuhquttumauood en micheme pomantamooonganit, kah nawhutche kuhquttumauoog en micheme nuppoowonganit.



These Angels and Men thus predestinated, and fore-ordained, are particularly and unchangeably designed, and their number is so certain and definite, that it cannot be either increased or diminished.

Yeug Angelsog, kah wosketompaog yeuun kuhquttumauoneau, nanahsiyeue kah mat ohosue pogkodchimoog, kan ne adtahsehettit wunnamuhkuteyeuoo, kah matta woh moochekeheoog asuh ogguhseheoog.



Those of mankind that are predestinated unto Life, God, before the foundation of the world was laid, according to his eternal and immutable purpose, and the secret counsel and good pleasure of his Will, hath chosen in Christ unto everlasting Glory, out of his meer free Grace and Love, without any foresight of Faith or good Works, or perseverance in either of them or any other thing in the Creature, [ [24/mode/1up 24] ] as Conditions or Causes moving him thereunto, and all to the praise of his glorious Grace.

Yeug wosketompaog nag kuhquttumauoog en micheme pomantamooonk, God, asquam quenohtanoog muttaoke neaunak ummicheme kah mat ohosue pepenamooonk, kah ukkeme kogkahqutteamooonk, kah wunne tapeneamwe wuttenanatamooonk; pepeneamup utChrist en micheme Sohsumooonk, nashpe noh webe nanowe Monaneteaonk, kah Womoausuonk, netohhut negonne naumooonk wunnamptamooonk, asuh wunanakausuongash, asuh nagwutteaeyeuooonk ut wunnamptamooonk asuh wunanakausuongash, asuh nishnoh wonkatuk [ [25/mode/1up 25] ] natwontamooongash ut oowaasineeg, kah yeu wame webe wuthce waenomaonk wussohsumooe Monaneteaonk.



As God hath appointed the Elect unto Glory, so hath he, by the eternal and most free purpose of his Will fore-ordained all the means thereunto: Wherefore they who are elected, being fallen in Adam, are redeemed by Christ, are effectually called unto Faith in Christ by his Spirit working in due season, are justified, adopted, sanctified, and kept by his power, through Faith, unto Salvation. Neither are any other redeemed by Christ, or effectually called, justified, adopted, sanctified and saved, but the Elect only.

Negonne God kuhquttuk pepenauwutcheeg en Sohsumooonganit, ne wonk nashpe ummicheme kah nanowe pepenamooonk wuttenantamooonganit kuhquttumauop wame aninnumoadtuongash nish nashpe pepenauitcheg woh ahtauog micheme pomantamooonk. Newajeh pepenauitcheg matta webe penushaag ut Adam, qut onch oadtehteansheoog nashpe Christ, kah menuhkesue wehkomoog en wunnamptamooonganit ut Christut nashpe wunnashauanit ut tapeneamwe uttoocheyeuoo sampwanumoog, wunnaumonakonoog, wunnetupanatamwaheoog, kah wadchanoog nashpe ummenuhkesuonk nashpe Wunnamptamooonk en wadchanittuonganit. Kah matta onkatogkeeg oadtehteausheoog nashpe Christ, asuh menuhkesue weh[:] komoog, wunnaumonakonoog, wunnetupanatamwaheoog, kad wadchanoog, qut webe pepenauitcheeg.



The rest of mankind God was pleased, according to the unsearchable Counsel of his own Will, whereby he extendeth or withholdeth mercy, as he pleaseth, for the glory [ [26/mode/1up 26] ] of his soveraign power over his Creatures, to pass by, and to ordain them to dishonour and wrath for their sin, to the praise of his glorious Justice.

Wame onkatoggeh wosketompaog tapeneam God nukkonnonate neaunake mat nishkommoomuk kogkahqutteamooonk nehenwonche Wuttenantamooonganit, ne nashpe chadchaubenum, asuh kogkounum ummonaneteaonk neaunake wuttapeneamooonganit wutche [ [27/mode/1up 27] ] sohsumooonk wussontimooe menuhkesuonk wutche wame kezheompoh, kah kuhquttumunate en mat quehtamoounate kah musquantamooonk wutche ummatcheseonganooout, en waenomaonganit wussohsumoooe sampweusseonk.



The Doctrine of this high Mystery of Predestination, is to be handled with special prudence and care, that men attending the will of God revealed in his Word, and yielding obedience thereunto, may from the certainty of their effectual Vocation, be assured of their eternal Election. So shall this Doctrine afford matter of praise, reverence and admiration of God, and of humility, diligence, and abundant consolation to all that sincerely obey the Gospel.

Kuhkootomwehteaonk yeu qunnuhque siogkok negonne kuhquttumooonk woh weogquttumun, nashpe nanahsiyeue nupwoaonk, kah nemanetamooonk, ne wosketompaog natwontamoohettit kah noswetamoohettit wuttenantamooonganit God woshwunumuk ut Wuttinnoowaonganit, woh ahtauog pohkoowahteauonk ummenuhke wehkomaonganoo kah yeu ne kuhkootomweheaonk pish aninnumauau taubuttantamooe, wabesue kah monchanatamwe Natwontamooongash papaume God, kah hohpae nemantamooe, kah wekontamwahettue natwontamooongsh wame metahhoowae noswetamohettit Wunaunchemokaonk God.



Of Creation.

Papaume Weske Ukkezteauonk.

IT pleased God the Father, Son and holy Ghost, for the manifestation of the glory of his eternal Power, Wisdom and Goodness, in the beginning to create or make of nothing the [ [28/mode/1up 28] ] World, and all things therein, whether visible or invisible, in the space of six dayes and all very good.

TApeneam God Wutooshimau Wunnauoniin, kah wunnetupanatamwe Nashauanit wutche sohsumooongane oowoshwunnumooonk ummicheme menuhkesuonk, waantamooonk, kah wunnetuonk, weske ketchissik kezteauunate mamusse Muttaok wutche monteagq[-]kah [ [29/mode/1up 29] ] wame teanteaguassinish naut, asuh naumukish, asuh mat naumoomukish ut nequtta tashinnash kesukodtash kah mo wame ahche wunnegenash.



After God had made all other creatures, he created Man, male and female, with reasonable and immortal Souls, endued with knowledge, righteousness and true holiness, after his own Image, having the Law of God written in their heart, and power to fulfil it; and yet under a possibility of transgressing, being lift to the liberty of their own Will, which was subject to change. Beside this Law written in their hearts, they received a command not to eat of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil; which whiles they kept, they were happy in their communion with God, and had dominion over the Creatures.

Mahche God kezteunk wame onkatogge oowaassineeg, kezheop Wosketompuh; Wosketomp kah Mittamwossis, nashpe ennomaiyeue kah mat nuppooe Keteahogkounog, sampweseonk, kah wunnamuhkutee wunnetupanatamooonk neaunak nehenwonche wuttinussuonk, Wuttinnaumatuonk God wussukwhosu ut wuttahhoowout, kah nag ahtauog menuhkesuonk noswehtamunate wuttinnaumatuonk God. Qut onch tapenumwog matchesenate, kah pohquenummunate wuttinnaumatuonk God, newage God nukkonnau wosketomp ussenate neaunak ohosue wuttenantamooonganit. Kootne yeu Naumatuonk ne wussukwhosu ut wuttahoowout, attumunumwog annooteamooonk mat meecheunnate mehtuh ne nashpe wahteamuk wanegik, kah machuk, kah nesahke nanawehteauhettit yeu annooteamooonk, wunnetoog ut oowetomaonganoo God kah ahtauog ummenuhkesuonk nanawunnonate oowaassineeg.



Of Providence.

Papaume Wunnanawontomoonganit God.

GOD the great Creator of all things, doth uphold, direct, dispose and [ [30/mode/1up 30] ] govern all creatures, actions, and things from the greatest even to the least by his most wise and holy Providence, according to his infallible fore-knowledge, and the free and immutable counsel of his own Will, to the praise of the glory of his Wisdom, Power, Justice, Goodness and Mercy.

GOD noh Kezteunk wame teanteaguassinish kogkounnum, sampshanau wanuhtunk [ [31/mode/1up 31] ] kah nanawunnau wame oowaassineeg, kah usseongash, kah teanteaguassinish wutch mogagish kah en papeasikish nashpe oowaantamwe kah wunnetupanatamwe nanawontamooonk, neaunake matta asookekodteamoe negonne oowahteauonk kah neaunake wvnnanouwe kah matohosue kogkahqutteamooonk nehenwonche wuttenantamooonganit; en sohsumooe waenomaonk, oowaantamooonk, Ummenuhkesuonk, Wussampweusseonk, Onetuonk, kah Ummonaneteaonk.



Although in relation to the fore-knowledge and decree of God, the first Cause, all things come to pass immutably, and infallibly; yet by the same Providence he ordereth them to fall out according to the nature of second Causes, either necessarily, freely, or contingently.

Tohkonogque neaunak negonne oowahteauonk kah pogkodtantamooonk God, ne negonne Ennomai wame teanteaguassinish matohosue kah mat channantamwe enniyeuash, qut onch nashpe yeu nan nanawontamooonk God wanuhtunk yeush teanteaguassinish enniyeuash asuh quenauhikooe, asuh nanouwe, asuh nehenwoncheyeue, neaunake wuttinnepomantamooe nahohtoeu Ennomaiyeuash.



God in his ordinary Providence maketh use of means, yet is free to work without, above, and against them at his Pleasure.

God moochekit nompe asuh wekonche auwohteau oowaassine aninnumoadtuongash, qut onch tapeneok nanouweyeuoo anakausinate ne tohut aninnumoadtuongash, onkoue kah ayeuhkone owaassine neane wekontog.

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