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by 蒋中正

歲次癸丑,吾兄錫侯與中正既安葬先考肅庵公於縣北之桃坑,時先慈王太夫人健在,諄囑吾兄與中正曰:「余百年後,不必因襲俗禮同穴,以余墓之工事,重驚爾父之靈,當為余營別壙。」每中正歸省,無不以此見責,且自置墓碑以示其意志之堅決。易簣時,又以是為遺囑於吾兄弟二人。中正既未能盡色養於生前,復何敢違先人治命,滋厥咎戾!因於辛酉歲,卜吉魚鱗嶴中壠,為先慈安窀穸。鳴呼!四明屏列,望之巍然,而母俄壼範,已可仰而不可接矣!浙瀝瀟颯,泫然泣然,令人入於耳而不忍聞者,其惟墓前潺潺之漪流;而堂上之梵聲,庭前之徽音,則邈然不可復聞矣。永懷鞠育,昊天罔極,觸景傷心,徒令孤哀增陟屺之感已。循兆域而東,有蹊介然,可達白崖西祠廟,蜿蜒陂陀,曲折如羊腸,躡足下行,可百餘武,勢忽坦夷,仰瞻塋墓,睪如也。用復闢地二畝,鳩工築墓廬三椽,吾兄錫侯董其事,姊婿式倉宋先生襄成之。癸亥冬月工竣,值先慈六秩誕辰,中 正適於是日自西歐倦游歸,展墓畢,因得升堂盡禮,以告服闋。翌日乃奉曾祖祈增公以下至季弟周傳之神主,於堂之中,標額曰慈菴,以成先慈建菴供佛未竟之志,而又配祀先考肅庵公,權合古人祔廟之義也。中正幼秉懿訓,長勞倚閭,曾幾何時,星沈露冷,從此白雲孤菴,但有悽望心惻而已。

#licence info
Public domain

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was first published outside the United States prior to January 1, 1929. Other jurisdictions have other rules. Also note that this work may not be in the public domain in the 9th Circuit if it was published after July 1, 1909, unless the author is known to have died in 1953 or earlier (more than 70 years ago).[1]

This work might not be in the public domain outside the United States and should not be transferred to a Wikisource language subdomain that excludes pre-1929 works copyrighted at home.
According to the copyright laws of the Greater China this text will be in the public domain by January 1st 2026.



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