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Ледзæги зар (Багъæраты)

From Wikisource
Ледзæги зар (1916)
by Багъæраты Созыр
290541Ледзæги зар1916Багъæраты Созыр


Кæсæ, дацци, дæ биццеумæ,
есге номæй ка хæтуй,
фенцон æнгъæл бонæй-бонмæ
зиндæр зинтæй ка нæтуй.
Алкæмæн дæр ниллæг дзоргæй,
зæрдæ ресгæй ка цæруй,
бастонг уогæй, дзол нæ ергæй,
æнцæди дæр ка хуæруй.
Ку не 'гъустон дæ дзурдтæмæ,
зæрди фæдбæл ку цудтæн,
бæллун нур ба дæ уиндæмæ,
нурмæ дæр дæ ку гъудтæн.
Уæууæй, мæ бон, о мæ мадæ!
Еунæг æз ма дин ку дæн.
Мæн дæр æнгъæл ку нæбал дæ,
раги ку фæдздзæгъæл дæн.

1916 анзи ноябри 25 бон

This work is in the public domain in Russia according to article 6 of Law No. 231-FZ of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006; the Implementation Act for Book IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:
  • its creator didn't fight or work for Soviet Union victory during the Great Patriotic War — so the 70-year protection term is applied;
  • and the creator died before January 1, 1954 (more than 70 years ago), and has been not posthumously rehabilitated since that date;
  • and this work was first published before January 1, 1954 (more than 70 years ago).

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1929 (more than 95 years ago).

The author died in 1928, so this work is also in the public domain in other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 95 years or less (if applicable), or the copyright term is 107 years or less since publication (if applicable).