Page:Ee Grasse Widdowes Zorrow.jpg

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Ee Graasse Widdowès Zorrow

Kattó Hawe an Márúne Doyle,
As thaaye wáre zellin plaases,
Thaaye zat aam deowne apá thaye greoune,
Zo praate thaare dólefule caases.

"Ó Katty, a(f)haygan, doosth thou knowe faade?
Zure, mee llagárd héa's lishtet!
Thaay've zint him aff to vight a Vrinch;
Ing druth Ich often vished it!"

"Zó, Katty, a(f)haygan, cóme gee us a dhrop,
Thou knou'esth ich aam ing zorrow;
S'póse ing mee smack 'chull há to pop,
Wough'll há a dhrop tamorrow!"


The Grass Widows Sorrow

Catherine Haye and Maryoun Doyle,
As they were selling plaices,
They loth sat down upon the ground,
So agree their doleful cases.

"O Katty, my friend, do you know what?
Sure my llagard(husband) he's listed!
They've sent him off to fight the French,
In truth I often wished it!"

So Katty, good friend, come give us a drop,
You know I am in sorrow,
Suppose in my shift I'll have to pop,
We'll have a drop tomorrow!"