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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/513

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1706 CONVENTION—DENMARK. Aueusr 4, 1916. ·*°€°*'* *·m°- Oonvention between the United States and Denmark for cession of the Danish West Indies. Signed at New York, August 4, 1916; ratijicatian advised by the Senate, Seglltgember 7, 1916; ratijied by Denmark, December 22 1916; ratiwied byt President, January 16, 1917; rata)- jioations exchanged at Washington, January 17, 1.917; proclaimed, January 25, 1917. Br rm Pnmmmvr or Tun UNITED Smrns or Ammuca. ‘ A PROCLAMATION.

 D“““‘h Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and

mmm. Denmark providing for the cession to the United States of all territoryasserted or claimed by Denmark in the West Indies, including the islands of St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix, together with the adyacent islands and rocks, was concluded and signed by their respective Pleuipotentiaries at the City of New York on the fourth day of Auggst, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, the original of which nvention, being in the English and Danish languages, is word for word as follows: °°"°`“°""“P°'“"‘ The United States of America Da de amerikanske Forenede and His Majesty the King of Stater og Hans Majestaet Kon- Denmark being desirous of con- gen af Danmark ensker at befaeiirming the good understanding ste det gode Forhold, der bestaar which exists between them, have imellem dem, har de i den Anto that end appointed as Plenipo- leclning udnaevnt til deres Betentiaries: fuldmaegtigede : P'°"**’°*°""“"‘°’· The President of the United Praesidenten for de F orenede States: Stater : Mr. Robert Lansing, Secretary Hr. Robert Lansing, de Forof State of the United States, enede Staters Statssekretaer, and His Majesty the King of og Hans Majestaet Kongen af Denmark: Danmark: Hr. Constantin Brun, Mr. Constantin Brun, His Hans Majestaets overordentlige Majesblgds Envov extraordinary Gesandt og befuldmaegtige e and 'nister plenipotentiary at Minister i Washington, Washington, hvilke efter gensidigt at have _ who, aving mutually exhib· fremvist deres Fuldmagt, der 1ted their full powers which were defandtes i behorig Form, er found to be in due form, have komne overens om folgende Artiagreed upon the following arti- kler: c es: Article 1. Artikel 1. C°°”l°°°' "m°°"‘ His Majesty the King of Den- Hans Majestaet Kongen af mark by this convention cedes to Danmark overdrager ved denne the States all territory, Konvention til de Forenede d0D'1111l0l`l and sovereignty, pos- Stater ethvert Territorium, Be-

d, asserted or claimed by siddelse og Hgzijhedsret, som Dan·

Denmark in the West Indies in- mark bes1dder, o retholder eller cluding the Islands of Saint ger Krav paa illfestindien, be- Thomas, Saint John and Saint staaende a Q)erne St. Thomas, Croix together with the adjacent St. Jan og St. Croix tilligemed islands and rocks. de tilliggeude Qer og Klipper.