Wikisource:The Open Mishnah Project

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Though there are several good English translations of the Mishnah, there is unfortunately no translation that is open content or in the public domain. This is not only true of English translations, but even for the Hebrew original: There is at present no open content digital text of the Mishnah and related texts in Hebrew, either.

The Wikisource project, besides storing thousands of electronic texts in various languages (which are taken from the public domain), also provides the opportunity, in a case like that of the Mishnah, to be the forum for creating collaborative electronic editions of original source texts and translations into many languages.

The Open Mishnah Project (פרויקט המשנה הפתוחה) is already in progress in Hebrew (at the Hebrew Wikisource), and in English. It will hopefully become the first example of a multilingual version of a classic source text at WikiSource, created collaboratively, and supplied with the kinds of annotations and study aids that such a text requires. The "talk" pages on each unit of text also provide the added opportunity for creating community-type study of the texts at hand.

This is the Project page. It is for the discussion of goals, methods, coordination, etc. in building a multilingual version of the mishnah with commentary and study aids.



This will be a translation and/or commentary produced, bit-by-bit, mishnah-by-mishnah, by the users themselves. It may not be taken from published editions of the Mishnah that are copyrighted.

Rather, if a few contributors each contribute a mishnah or two per week (perhaps following the "daily mishnah" schedule), we will slowly but surely be able to produce the first "free" (Open Source) edition of the Mishnah ever. Not only that, but it will be more that just a static translation with study aids: It will be a project that is never finished, and can be added to and improved upon forever!


  • Dovi 07:07, 6 Sep 2004 (UTC)
  • Aheppenh 23:25, 22 Sep 2004 (UTC)

See also:
